Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Blake family of Suffolk

I very happily received an email  from a descendant of the Suffolk Blake family and my information thus far on the Suffolk Blake family is that they can be found in Suffolk back into the 1400s. The Blake family was not found on the Visitations of Suffolk in 1561 or later in 1664 but when you consider the number of people in any given area in England the Visitations cover only a small portion of them.

The line of Blake descent in this case is at Sibton Suffolk which is in Blything Registration District. Free BMD has 16 marriages in Blything Registration District.

I have acquired a number of Blake marriages in Hartismere Registration District of Suffolk and a number of Blake families lived in that area back into the 1400s. Is the Blake family at Sibton descendant of that family? Once I have put together all the Blake family material that I have I may have an answer to that question.

yDNA studies remain the best single method of determining deep ancestry of the Blake family.

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