Monday, May 7, 2012

Will of Lydia Blake, Spinster of Fareham, Hampshire, National Archives PROB 11/1750, Image Reference 11/11, probated 2 Jan 1829

I collected 42 wills for Hampshire to go with the 30 wills that I have purchased for Blake families in the Andover area. I have still to discover what happened to all the sons of Richard Blake and his father William Blake. For some of them I can trace them down but others disappeared from the Andover area. I am very curious where they did move to as I do not think that this family emigrated in great numbers although I do know that William Blake son of Thomas Blake at Upper Clatford had a number of descendants go to Australia and my line came to Canada along with my grandfather's brother who was here about two years before my grandparents and father came to Canada.

The name Lydia Blake caught my eye because it isn't going to be a common name and my wills at Hampshire begin with her. These wills are not in year order and eventually I will also publish the wills for the Andover Blake family from the 1500s, 1600s and 1700s as I have them already transcribed. Lydia Blake was buried 16 Dec 1828 at St Peter and St Paul in Fareham, Hampshire and was 68 years of age according to Find My Past giving her a birth year of 1760. Fareham is seven miles ESE of Portsmouth.

The first legatee is Louisa Catherine Ainge (wife of James Ainge) and looking at the LDS website I find children baptized for this couple at the parish Church of St Peter and St Paul, Fareham: Mary Elizabeth Ainge baptized 9 Apr 1815, William Edward Ainge baptized 13 Apr 1817, Juliana Pitches Ainge baptized 29 Nov 1818, Charles James Ainge baptized 30 Sep 1821, Louisa baptized 6 Jul 1823, and Charlotte Henrietta Ainge baptized 22 Aug 1826.  The marriage of James Ainge and Louisa Catharine Ridge took place at the parish Church of St Peter and St Paul, in Fareham 2 Jun 1814. Louisa Catharine is perhaps the daughter of Thomas and Mary Ridge baptized at Kilmeston, Hampshire 17 Dec 1786. Kilmeston is thirteen miles south of Fareham. There isn't a relationship stated between Lydia and Louisa Catharine. There is a marriage at Saint Marys Portsea Hampshire between Thomas Ridge and Mary Ridge 15 Apr 1767. However Lydia in her will mentions the sisters of Louisa Catherine. Using the IGI once again I found the following baptisms for children of Thomas and Mary Ridge at Kilmeston: Frances Augusta Ridge baptized 6 Nov 1775, Charles John Ridge baptized 22 Jan 1777, Henry baptized 15 Feb 1778, Jane baptized 6 Apr 1779, Edward Jervoise Ridge baptized 26 Dec 1780, Mary Stawell Ridge baptized Feb 1782, James Brook Ridge baptized 4 May 1783, Lucy Matilda Ridge baptized 11 Oct 1784, Amelia Isabella Ridge baptized 13 Oct 1785, Louisa Catharine Ridge, Henry baptized 15 Feb 1778, Edwina Ridge baptized 14 Jan 1789, George Richard Ridge baptized 5 Sep 1790, Emma Sophia Ridge baptized 13 Nov 1791, Caroline Susan Ridge baptized 3 Feb 1793. Louisa Catharine had eight sisters baptized. Still no idea on why Lydia's legatees are the sisters in the Ridge family.

The deaths of Louisa Catherine Ainge sep quarter 1840 at Fareham and James Ainge sep quarter 1850 at Fareham are recorded in Free BMD. Medical Times, Volume 22, 1850,  on Page 161, Tuesday, August 6, records the obituary for James Ainge noting that he died 28 Aug at Fareham, surgeon, aged 63 years.

Within the will, Lydia mentions Lydia Slaughter wife of William Slaughter. Lydia Blake married William Slaughter 22 Apr 1795 at Saint Faith Parish Church, Havant Hampshire. Interesting to find a second Lydia Blake and her brothers are Isaac and John. These three people receive the bulk of Lydia Blake's estate after the death of her caretaker Elizabeth Pine. I find Isaac Blake at Cheriton on the 1851 census with his wife Mary and grandson Uriah Blake. He was born in 1788 at Cheriton. Isaac died sep quarter 1857 probably in Cheriton (Winchester RD). John Blake, also at Cheriton, is married to Elizabeth and they have seven children listed on the 1841 census. John's birth is said to be in 1801. John and Elizabeth are still at Cheriton on the 1871 census and his year of birth continues to be 1801. Since their sister Lydia married in 1795 that does seem somewhat confusing. Lydia died jun quarter 1854 at Havant. I find a baptism for Lydia Blake at Kilmeston 8 Mar 1761 which would fit with the age of Lydia Slaughter on the census in 1851. However her parents are not identified. On the other hand the parents of Isaac are identified as Isaac Blake and Sarah with a transcription from the original parish register (11 May 1788). One interesting fact is that the Blake family has been in Cheriton since the baptism of Anthony Blake 5 May 1575 son of William Blake. There was also a Richard Blake baptizing children in the late 1500s.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 6 May 2012
Source:  The National Archives PROB 11/1750, Image Reference 11/11  (images by me)
Name of testator: Lydia Blake, Spinster of Fareham, Hampshire
Place: Fareham, Southampton, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 10 Dec 1828, probated 2 Jan 1829
Read: Electronic file
Condition: 19th century, clear small handwriting, somewhat light
[In margin] Lydia Blake S.

1    This is the last Will and Testament
2    of me Lydia Blake of Fareham in the County of Southampton Spinster as follows that is
    [Page 2]
3    to say First I direct that all my just debts funeral and testamentary expences shall be fully
4    paid and satisfied by my executor hereinafter named I give and bequeath the sum of
5    three hundred pounds are four per cent Bank Annuities are standing in my name in
6    that stock in the books of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England unto and
7    equally between Louisa Catherine Ainge (the wife of James Ainge of Fareham
8    aforesaid Surgeon) and as many of her sisters as shall happen to be living at the
9    time of my decease their executors administrators and assignes share and share alike
10    as tenants in common and not as joint tenants Also I give and bequeath the
11    following legacies to the several persons hereinafter named that is to say the sum of
12    ten pounds unto my Goddaughter Frances Catherine Lydia Barnett of Wickham
13    Spinster daughter of John Barnett of Bramdean Livery Stable Keeper the sum
14    of ten pounds unto William Palmer of Fareham aforesaid Lock maker my executor
15    hereinafter named the sum of five pounds unto Betsey the wife of the said William
16    Palmer and the sum of five pounds unto Mary the daughter of the said William
17    Palmer which said several legacies I direct shall be paid by my executor hereinafter
18    named to the said several persons entitled thereto within three calendar months
19    after my decease I give and bequeath the interest of the sum of two hundred pounds
20    secured to me by the bond of the said William Palmer unto Elizabeth Pine of Fareham
21    Spinster now living with me for and during the term of her natural life to be paid to her
22    half yearly by the said William Palmer and from and after the decease I give and
23    bequeath the sum of one hundred pounds (part of the said sum of two hundred pounds
24    so secured b the said bond) unto the said Mary Palmer her executors adm[inisrat]ors and
25    assignes and I give and bequeath the sum of one hundred pounds (residue and
26    remainder of the said sum of two hundred pounds so secured by the said bond) unto
27    and equally between Lydia Slaughter (the wife of William Slaughter of Havant
28    in the said County of Southampton Blacksmith) and her two brothers Isaac Blake and
29    John Blake both of Cheriton in the said County of Southampton Laborers their
30    Executors adm[instrat]ors and assigns share and share alike as tenants in common and not
31    joint tenants I give and bequeath unto the said Frances Catherine Lydia
32    Barrett one dozen of silver tea spoons and one silver table spoon I give and
33    bequeath unto the saide Elizabeth Pine all my wearing apparel of every
34    description absolutely and all the rest residue and remainder of my money securities for
35    money money in the public stocks or funds and personal estate and effects whatsoever
36    wheresoever I give and bequeath the same unto the said Elizabeth Pine for and
37    during the term of her natural life and from and immediately after her decease I give and
38    bequeath the same and every part thereof unto and equally between the said Lydia
    Slaughter Isaac Blake and John Blake their executors administrators and assigns
39    absolutely for ever share and share alike as tenants in common and not as joint tenants
40    And lastly I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint the said William Palmer
41    executor of this my last Will and Testament and hereby revoking all former and other
42    will and wills by me at anytime heretofore made do declare this only to be and contain my
43    now last Will and Testament  In Witness whereof I have to this my last Will and
44    Testament set my hand and seal this tenth day of December in the year of our Lord
45    one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight Lydia Blake (seal) Signed sealed
46    published and declared by the said Lydia Blake the testatrix as and for her last Will
47    and Testament in the presence of us who at her request in her presence and in the
48    presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses hereto - Will[ia]m
49    Spain Sol[icito]r Fareham Hants - Cha[rle]s Ninnim Servant to Mr. Spain.
50    Proved at London 2nd January 1829 before the Judge by the oath of
51    William Palmer the sole ex[ecut]or to whom adm[inistrati]on was granted having been first sworn
52    duly to administer

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