Monday, May 7, 2012

The Border Papers, Volume I, 1560 - 1594, edited by Joseph Bain

 The Border Papers: Calendar of Letters and Papers relating to the affairs of the Borders of England and Scotland preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office London, edited by Joseph Bain, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland and Foreign Corresponding Member of the Society of Antiquaries of Normandy. Volume I. A.D. 1560 - 1594. Published by the Authority of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, under the direction of the Deputy Clerk Register of Scotland.

London, February 1894.

This particular volume includes the Muster rolls for Eskdale Ward in Cumberland and I will post them over the next few days. Unfortunately Bewcastle, Eske, Leven and Kirklinton did not answer the Muster call. These records can be found on pages 37 to 41, Section 90. Musters of Eskdale Ward, Cumberland. The Muster Rolls were taken on 9 Feb 1580/81 and for me provide a nice census of the Townships as my Routledge, Tweddle, Robson and Bushby families are found in some of these parishes.

Townships listed: Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby, Cumwhitton Parishinge, Cumrewe Parishinge, Castlecarrocke Parishinge, Haton Parishinge, Brampton Parishinge, Tawtinge, Farlam Parishinge, Nedder Denton Parishinge, Over Denton Parishinge, Treddermaine Lordshippe, Asherton Lordshippe, Lannercoste, Watton Parishinge, Irthinton Parishinge, Skailbye, Croslye Barrone, Terribye, and Houghton.

I will publish them two per day except the longest ones. Today 1. Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby and 2. Cumwhitton Parishinge.

Township    Surname    Forename    Suffix
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Salkelde    John   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Salkelde    Rowland   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Elwoulde    William   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Wanope    Christofer   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Mulcastre    Thomas   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Neveson    Richard   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Haull    Edmound   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Haull    George   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Browne    Rowlande   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Ranoldson    John   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Haull    William   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Cockson    William   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Thomson    John   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Elwoulde    Thomas   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Younge    Thomas   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Fisher    John   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Fyssher    Robert   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Neveson    Richard   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Bell    Mathewe   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Watson    John   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Perthe    William   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Fisher    Thomas   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Miller    John   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Mulcaster    John   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Sharperowe    Richard   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Thomson    Edward   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Browne    Gawane   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Howe    Henry   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Mundall    William   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Haton    George   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Blaicklocke    John   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Wrighte    Richard   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Mason    John   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Fissher    Martin   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Atkinson    Richard   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Grame    Ralffe   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Fyssher    Richard   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Howe    Hew   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Mason    Richard   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Perethe    Sander   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Raylton    Rowlande   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Watson    William   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Ivinson    William   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Storeye    Edward   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Sharperowe    George   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Haull    Richard   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Heade    William   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Scollocke    Thomas   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Halle    Anthoneye   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Willekinge    Hewghe   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Haulle    John   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Wanope    Peter   
Middle Crosby with the Bridgend and Little Crosby    Thomson    Sande   

Cumwhitton Parishinge    Skaiffe    James   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Burde    Humfraye   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Hawlle    George   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Skarrowe    Anthoneye   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Hewatson    John   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Nicolson    Heughte   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Burde    Adam   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Hewatson    John   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Eerle    Christofer   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Langrige    Thomas   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Earle    John   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Haule    William   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Halle    Henrye   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Atkinson    William   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Atkinson    John   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Earle    Robert   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Nixson    Michaell   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Hewatson    Adam   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Earle    John   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Graye    Cuthbert   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Earle    Nicolas   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Watson    Gregorie   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Robson    William   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Ivinson    Thomas   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Simson    Steven   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Nicolson    John   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Hewatson    John   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Burton    Thomas   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Carye    Anthoneye   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Haulle    Nicolas   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Halle    Thomas   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Milbourne    Bartille   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Wilson    Henrye   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Thompson    Clement   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Burton    Thomas   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Earle    John   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Cragille    Richarde   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Mathewe    Robert   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Langridge    Umfraye   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Skarowe    Anthoneye   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Watson    John   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Hewatson    Robert   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Atkinson    John   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Raylton    John   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Warwicke    Lancelote   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Ivenson    Robert   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Hethreton    John   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Cowtarde    John   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Miller    John   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Thompson    William   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Woode    John   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Atkinson    John   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Burton    John   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Grame    Anthoneye   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Lamleye    Richarde   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Dowson    Sander   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Harison    Thomas   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Grame    Robert   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Atkinson    Richard   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Atkinson    John   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Skarowe    Thomas   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Hethreington    Rowlande   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Haulle    Robert   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Nicolson    Cuthbert   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Skarowe    Edward   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Burton    John   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Atkinson    Thomas   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Atkinson    John   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    skarowe    John   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Letshe    Sander   
Cumwhitton Parishinge    Letshe    Thomas   

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