Monday, September 17, 2012

East Riding of Yorkshire Blake marriages

I have finished Durham and I am now working on East Riding of Yorkshire Blake marriages from 1837 on (this is somewhat misleading as I am missing some that could not be conclusive from the census). It is amazing how many I am able to put together however, The next stage will be equally long as I will extract the births and deaths probably at the same time trying to link them with the families on the census. Then begins the difficult task of moving backwards prior to civil registration and census. Like most countries though England had a fair number of parents living with children thus helping me to link back that one more generation prior to 1837.

I actually had not expected to be this far along working on the marriages but it was something that I could fit into small timeslots and work on in between gardening and construction. As winter approaches though I will start to read fiche and that will mean that the task will again be fitted into available slots of time.

I also want to begin once again on the Blake one name study webpage to make final decisions on how to put it together for the most benefit to myself and other researchers. One might wonder why I would choose to work on the English Blake family rather than the Canadian Blake family since I am Canadian. Principally because my father was born in England so that my roots are there right at the beginning except for my own birth. Plus the Blake family in Canada has a very large percentage of Irish ancestry and I have not yet dealt with the Irish Blake family except in a very limited way. Others have worked quite hard on the Blake family in the United States of America although I occasionally make a foray into that enormous family there.

The BIFHSGO Conference went very well and our Guild of one-name studies table was visited by over eighty people seeking information on one name studies. Perhaps some of the people who visited us will join us in the Guild. There are a lot of people who do one name studies although mostly to tie their families into the existing trees or information on their family name but they have collected a lot of information which could be of benefit to others researching and add to their knowledge of their family. The Guild has a real affinity for the BIFHSGO society and conference in that 90% of the members of the Guild live in the British Isles. I especially enjoy the forum where discussion is ongoing most days on interesting spots in the British Isles - interesting details on places and times.

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