Thursday, September 13, 2012

Pincombe-Pinkham yDNA study

When I inherited the one  name study from the earlier researchers (in a round about way as I acquired their archived material from the Society of Genealogists via my cousin in England), the two researchers were definitely of the opinion that Pincombe and Pinkham were the same founding name and had simply acquired different spelling from the original Pencombe in the 1400s. The Pinkham name can be found as early as the late 1500s so has been around quite a long time and can be found in single families where some have spelled their name Pincombe and others Pinkham (or does it?). I am in the process of looking at the census and will have a better idea on that thought later.

A second Pinkham has done his yDNA study in the Pincombe Guild study at FT DNA. He does not match the earlier tester and he does not match the result that I found on ysearch which is said to be that of my fifth cousin. One other individual is part of the yDNA study and he has a surname change from Pincombe to Coad. He has a perfect 37 marker match with another Coad/Pincombe. I can find this family in the Barnstaple/Bideford area where they appear to have been for several hundred years although later moved to Cornwall. Family lore takes the Barnstaple/Bideford family back to the South Molton branch of the Pincombe family. The Pencombe family was first at North Molton in 1485.

I expected the two Pinkham testers to match to be honest or at least one to match my fifth cousin. As it turns out the match between my cousin and the Coad/Pincombe family is:

13    24    14    11   11,14     12    12    12    13    13    29    18    9,10    11    11    25    14    19    29     14,15,16,17

13    24    14    11   11,14     12    12    12    13    13    29    17    9,10    11    11    25    14    19    29     14,15,15,16

The differences between them are in the fast moving markers DYS 458 and DYS 464.

Given that the known most recent common ancestor for these two lived in the latter part of the 1400s and the early part of the 1500s the differences are quite acceptable. However, I have only the ysearch values for this cousin. I hope one of these days to have another Pincombe test for this line. Unfortunately my uncle was the last one in my close family and he died before I thought about genealogy. The results above are very interesting because they support the family lore that the Barnstaple family and the South Molton family are related with the Barnstaple family being descendant of the South Molton family. But further testers are needed before any conclusions can be drawn.

I do not know what to make of the results for the Pinkham family. When I check the 12 markers for haplogroup prediction I get I2a and I2b1. I will await further clarification from FT DNA though on the haplogroup. The differences are substantial enough though that these two testers are not related in thousands of years. Nor are they related to the other testor in thousands of years. Is the Pinkham family descendant of unknown Pencombe who arrived with Lord de la Zouch at North Molton in 1485? It is certainly a mystery I didn't expect to have happen in this study. The earlier researchers spent about thirty years collecting information on the various family lines and for the most part the charts are supported by parish registers although my own line was incorrect but I have corrected that now.

My thoughts on all of this are that I need to have more people test for the Pincombe/Pinkham family lines. I hope to be able to persuade some of the family members in England to test as well. The Pinkham family came early to the United States and there is always the possibility of children being left orphan and being adopted into families which can get lost over time. If they took on the surname of their adoptive family that may not appear in early records which could result in different haplogroups than expected.

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