Sunday, September 30, 2012

Will of Elizabeth Blake - National Archives PROB 11/794/239, probated 12 May 1752

This will is written by the second wife of William Blake Mercer of Christchurch whose will was probated 8 Mar 1745. I have transcribed his will earlier in the year:

Primarily this will is about the second family of William Blake married to Elizabeth Hook. Elizabeth Blake identifies her father as William Hook deceased and that he owned a property called Little Kingston, Isle of Wight. Elizabeth has a sister Margaret Williams widow of Christchurch. She has the two daughters mentioned in William's will Hook (baptized 8 Dec 1727 at Christchurch (C14658-1 Family Search) (married to Francis Hackman (24 May 1750 at Christchurch (M14658-1 Family Search)) and Sarah (unmarried).

The executors of this will are Edward Hooper and James Worsley. David Worsley was one of the Executors of William's will but no relationship is known between these two men. However, one of Elizabeth's sisters is married to (unknown) Worsley (and James Worsley is said to be her cousin). Another sister was Grissel Hook mentioned in the will.

Also mentioned is the daughter of William Blake from his first marriage Elizabeth Dorothy Blake (right heir if Sarah and Hook die without heirs) and she is married to her first cousin John Garret Blake. Elizabeth's brother William Hook is also mentioned. Not a lot of new information on this Blake line (but new information on the Hook family for anyone interested) which is known to include siblings for William (husband of Elizabeth Blake testator) of Stephen (children: Stephen, Richard, Mary, Sarah, Dorathe, and perhaps grandchildren: Katherin and Stephen), John (father of John Garrett Blake) and his sister Dorathey married to Nicholas Slade.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 28 Sep 2012
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/794/239
Name of testator: Elizabeth Blake, Widow
Place: Christchurch Twyneham, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated:, 16 Aug 1750, probated 12 May 1752
Read: Electronic file images
Condition: modern English writing, 18th century
[In margin] Elizabeth
[In margin] Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Elizabeth Blake of the Borough of Christchurch Twyneham in the
3    County of Southampton Widow being in good health of Body, and of
4    sound and perfect mind memory and understanding (blessed be God
5    therefore do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in
6    manner and form following (that is to say) Whereas by virtue of the last
7    Will and Testament of my late Father William Hook deceased and
8    otherwise I am Intitled to the principal sum of one hundred and fifty
9    pounds payable out of a certain Estate called Little Kingston in the Isle
10    of Wight and County aforesaid when the same shall be sold and
11    till then to the Interest thereof at the rate of four pounds per
12    centum per annum I do hereby give and bequeath unto my
13    loving Sister Margaret Williams of Christchurch aforesaid Widow
14    the Yearly Sum of five pounds clear of all deductions for taxes
15    or otherwise for and during her natural Life if she shall so
16    long continue for and during her natural Life if she shall so
17    long continue her present Widowhood to be paid her yearly out
18    of the Interest and produce of the said sum of one hundred and
19    fifty pounds by my Executrixes herein after named the first
20    payment thereof to begin and be made three months after my
21    decease and I do hereby charge the said Sum of one hundred and
22    fifty pounds and the Interest and produce thereof with the payment
23    of the said yearly sum of five pounds unto my said Sister Margaret Williams accordingly
    [Page 2]
24    And from and immediately after the decease or determination of the
25    present widowhood of my said sister Margaret Williams I give and
26    bequeath the said sum of one hundred and fifty pounds and the then
27    growing Interest and produce thereof and also the overplus of the Interest
28    and produce there in the mean time as it becomes due unto my
29    two daughters Hook the wife of Francis Hackman gentleman and
30   Sarah Blake and to their Executors and administrators for ever
31    equally share and share alike and I do give and bequeath unto my loving
32    friend Edward Hooper of Hurn Court in the parish of Christchurch
33   aforesaid Esquire and to my loving Cousin James Worsley of the Isle of
34    Wight aforesaid Esquire (my Trustees) the sum of four hundred
35    pounds of lawful money of Great Britain Upon this special Trust and
36    confidence in them reposed and to the end intent and purpose that they
37    the said Edward Hooper and James Worsley and the survivor of them
38    and the Executors and Administrators of such Survivors and shall
39    as soon as conveniently may be after my decease from time to time
40    put out and continue the same at Interest in their own Names
41    or Name upon such Securitys or Security as can be gotten for
42    the same and the Interest and produce thereof as the same from
43    time to time becomes due and payable pay unto my said
44    daughter Sarah Blake into her own hands to be for her sole and
45    separate use and benefit during the term of her natural life whose
46    Receipts alone (whether covert or sole) shall be sufficient discharges
47    for the same and from and after the death of my said daughter
48    Sarah Blake then upon further Trust that they the said Edward Hooper
49    and James Worsley and the Survivor of them and the Executors and
50    Administrators of such Survivors shall pay the said Sum of four hundred
51    pounds and the Interest and produce whereof unto such of the children
52    (if more than one) of the Body of my said daughter Sarah Blake
53    lawfully to be begotten equally share and share alike as shall live
54    to attain the age of twenty one years or be married at
55    their respective ages of twenty one years or days of marriage and
56    if but one such child then to such only child at his or her
57    age of twenty one years or day of marriage and
58    if it shall happen that there shall be no such child or
59    children living at the time of the death of my said daughter
60    Sarah Blake or such child or children shall happen to die
61    unmarried and under the age of twenty one years then upon further
62    trust that they the said Edward Hooper and James Worsley and the
63    Survivor of them his Executors and Administrators shall pay the
64    Interest and produce of the said sum of four hundred pounds as
65    the same shall from time to time become due and payable unto
66    my said daughter Hook (if then living) into her own hands to be
67    for her sole and separate use and benefit exclusive of her husband
68    during the term of her natural life whose receipts alone (not withstanding
69    her coverture) shall from time to time and at all times during the
70    continuance thereof be sufficient discharges for the same  And from
71    and after the decease of my said daughter Hook then Upon further trust
72    that they the said Edward Hooper and James Worsley and the survivor
73    of them his Executors and Administrators shall pay the said sum of
74    four hundred pounds and the Interest and produce thereof unto such of the
75    children (if more than one) of the body of my said daughter Hook lawfully
    [Page 3]
76    begotten or to be begotten equally share and share alike as shall
77    live to attain the age of the twenty one years or be
78    married at their respective ages of twenty one years or days of
79    marriage and if but one such child then to such only child
80    at his or her age of twenty one years or day of marriage
81    And if it shall happen that there shall be no such child or
82    children living at the time of the death of my said daughter
83    Hook or such child and children shall happen to die
84    unmarried and under the age of twenty one years then upon
85    further Trust that they the said Edward Hooper and James Worsley
86    and the Survivor of them his Executors and Administrators shall pay
87    the said sum of four hundred pounds and the Interest and produce
88    thereof unto Dorothy Blake (the daughter of John Garrett Blake) or to
89    her Executors or Administrators to be and remain unto the for her and
90    their own proper use and benefit forever And my will is and I
91    do hereby order and direct the said Edward Hooper and James Worsley
92    their Executors and Administrators to reimburse themselves out of the
93    said sum of four hundred pounds and the growing Interest and
94    produce thereof all such Costs charges and expences as they or either of
95    them shall be as or put unto bear or sustain in or about the
96    execution of all or any of the Trusts aforesaid or for any
97    matter of thing touching concerning or relating to the same and
98    that they shall not be chargeable or answerable for any of the Trust
99    money that shall happen to be lost in lending the same And
100    I do desire the said Edward Hooper and James Worsley to take
101    upon themselves the Trust herein in them reposed and to see
102    that the same be duly and truly performed according to my true Intent
103    and meaning and for their trouble and pains therein I give to
104    each of them (so acting therein) the sum of five pounds of
105    like lawful money I also give and bequeath unto Sarah the Wife
106    of John Waterman of Christchurch aforesaid Butcher the sum of five
107    pounds a year during the term of five years (if she shall so
108    long live) to be paid on the Feast of Saint Michael the
109    Arch Angel yearly by my Executrixes therein after named into her own
110    hands to be for her own proper disposal and for her personal
111    and separate use and benefit (exclusive of her husband) whose Receipts
112    alone notwithstanding her coverture shall be sufficient discharges for the
113    same the first of which payments to begin and be made on the Feast of
114    Saint Michael the Arch Angel next after my decease I also give
115    and bequeath unto the poor widows of the Town of Christchurch aforesaid
116    who shall not receive Alms of the Parish the sum of five
117    pounds of like money to be paid and distributed amongst them
118    by and at the discretion of my Executrixes herein after named one
119    month after my decease I also give to my sister Mary
120    Worsley and her six daughters to my Sister Grissel Hook To my
121    Daughter in Law Elizabeth Dorothy Blake and to my Brother William
122    Hook and to each and every of them a Mourning Ring All the
123    rest residue and remainder of my Goods Chattels Household Stuff Utensils
124    Ready Money Money due upon Book Bills Bonds Judgments Executions
125    Mortgages Plate Rings Jewels and all other my Estate whatsoever and
126    wheresoever (after that my debts charges in sickness funeral expences and
127    the Legacys herein before given and bequeathed shall be fully paid and
    [Page 4]
128    I give and bequeath unto my said daughters Hook the wife of
129    the said Francis Hackman and Sarah Blake equall to be divided
130    between them share and share alike and I do hereby nominate constitute
131    and appoint them my said daughters Hook and Sarah joint Executrixes
132    of this my last Will and Testament And I do hereby revoke and make
133    void all former Wills and Testaments by me heretofore made and do
134    publish and declare this only to be my last Will and Testament
135    And Lastly I desire to be buried at Christchurch aforesaid by my dear
136    husband and as to the order and manner of my Funeral I desire
137    it may be done decently after Night as was my dear Husbands In
138    Witness whereof I have to this my last Will and Testament (being
139    contained in five sheets of paper) set my hand and Seal the sixteenth
140    day of August in the year of our Lord one Thousand seven hundred
141    and fifty Eliza: Blake. Signed sealed published and declared by the said
142    Elizabeth Blake the Testatrix as and for her last Will and Testament
143    in the presence of us who subscribed our Names hereto at her
144    request in her presence and in the presence of each other James
145    Newsam [signed] Ar: Blanchard [signed] Jno Oakes [signed]
146    This Will was proved at London on the twelfth
147    day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven
148    hundred and fifty two before the Right Honourable Sir
149    George Lee Knight Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or
150    Commisary of the prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully
151    constituted by the Oaths of Hooke Hackman (wife of Francis Hackman)
152    and Sarah Blake Spinster the daughters of the deceased and
153    the Executrixes named in the said Will to whom Administration
154    was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of
155    the said deceased being first sworn by Commission duly to
156    administer

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