Saturday, September 29, 2012

Will of Jone Blake, Hampshire Record Office -1528B-06, probated 1528

This will is not my transcription. It was transcribed by Charlou Dolan a Blake researcher who has been doing genealogy for over thirty years. One of my projects is to purchase this will and others from the Hampshire Record Office. Hopefully next winter will see me do that as I would like to transcribe it myself although Charlou does an excellent  job of transcription.

Jone Blake was the widow of (unknown) Blake although some researchers have given him the forename William and placed him as a son of Robert Blake and Avice Wallop. The Pedigree Chart for the Blake family held at the Swindon Wiltshire Registry Office does not list William as a son of Robert Blake and Avice Wallop. Rather they list a William Blake married to Avis Ripley as a son of Roger Blake and Mary Baynard with the father of Roger Blake being Robert Blake married to Margaret Inglefield. This Robert was a son of Robert Blake and Avice Wallop.  The Visitation for the Blake family at Calne (namely Robert Blake and Avice Wallop). The 1623 Visitation of Wiltshire which has a Visitation for the Blake family does not list a son William for Robert Blake and Avis Wallop: children listed for this couple include Elizabeth, Alice, Joane, John, Gilbert, Alexander and Robert.  It is somewhat of a mystery why the Pedigree Chart which is built from the Visitations does add in a son William which I hope to solve one day.

The Will itself which is found below states that Jone Blake is a widow of Enham and remembers her three children Elizabeth (married to Mr. Mylne), Nicholas and Robert. The Overseer Thomas Jefra (sp) of Foxcott is rather interesting to me.  I wonder how he fits into this family grouping/friend grouping. Other than that there isn't a lot of information in the will that helps one to place Jone into a birth family.  The purpose of publishing this will is to establish that Nicholas was the son of (unknown) Blake and Jone Blake widow. That she died in 1527/1528 by which time her daughter was married so that she is likely over 40 years of age. She does not mention if her sons are married but we do know that both are married because of the wills of Nicholas and Robert. There are grandchildren because Nicholas mentions that his son William has children in his will in 1547 so William is likely born before 1527.

Having laid down the timeline for this Andover family Jone Blake widow to Nicholas Blake to William Blake I will now move on to the next will in order in Hampshire. I will likely transcribe with a few thoughts on each will as I remember it linking to another if it does and with lookups in the parish registers if I have them or the IGI. Once I have transcribed all of the Blake wills in my possession and there are quite a few left then I will return to a more thorough look at them.I have replaced all of the "Ampersand" with "and" because blogger adds in additional information when ampersand is used.

A-****  LDS FHL Film 186,682 will #163
Jone Blake, widow, Enham; will dated 23 Mar 1527 [old style?]
Sir Rychard Mersser, curate
Sir John Whyte, friar
daughter Elsabet Mylne
son Nicholas Blake, executor
son Robert Blake, executor
overseer: Thoms. Jefra of Fosket [Foxcott?]
witnesses:  Sir Richard Mersser  Sir John Batte  Nycolas Blake  Robert Blake

Consistory Court of Winchester, Register D, folio 118:
     In dei no'ie Amen  The yere of o'r lorde gode ml vc xxvii the xxviii day of m'che I Johane Blake, wydow w't a hole mynde and a gudde memory make my last wyll and testament in this man'
     First I com'end my soule to all myghty gode, o'r lady seynt mary and to all the seynts in hevyn and my body to be buryed in the Churche or in the churche litten of seynt Michaell of Enahm[sic]
     It'm I gyve and bequeth unto the mother churche of seynt Swyth' xiid
     It'm I gyve and bequeth to the churche of Enah'm vis viiid
     It'm I guve and bequeth xxvis viiid to be distribute unto pore people in peny dole
     It' I gyve and bequeth to my Curate S Ryc Mersser xxd
     It' I gyve and bequeth to S John Batte xxd
     It'm I gyve and bequeth to the maynteyning of the morow masse prest in Andov' xxd
     It'm I gyve and bequeth to the mayntenyng of Jhus masse in the churche of Andov' xxd
     It'm I gyve and bequeth to the p'ror of Freers Augustines in Wync' xxd
     It'm I gyve and bequeth to s John' whight freer xxd
     It'm I gyve and bequeth to ev'y freer of the seid augustines that ys a prest iiiid and to ev'r noves iid of theseid place
     It'm I gyve and bequeth to my douzter Elsabeth mylne xxli shepe beside those she hath All'redy and one cow th't I bouzt of her and xiiis iiid of money and my gretyst panne and foure platters
     It'm I give and bequeath unto my son Nycholas Blake the tabull in the hall and one clothe called the hallyng and ii Iron rakks
     It'm I gyve and bequeath unto my son Rob't Blake one Iron broche and xviii shepe the wheiche shepe he hath in his kepying
     It'm I gyve and bequeth to Thoms Iesra off foskett one Iron broche
     The residue of my goos moveable & unmoveable above not legate I gyve and bequeth unto my children Nycholas Blake Robt Blake and to Thoms Iesra of Foskett and theseid goods to be devyded amongs them equally evy of them lyke moche
     It'm I make my sones Nycholas Blake and Robt Blake my trewe executors and Thomas Iesa of Foskett my supviso'r that he se my last wyll and testament Implete & fulfilled & theseid execut to dispose for the heithe of my soule as the shall se most expedyent
These witnesse S Ryc Mersser
S John Batte
Nycholas Blake
Robt Blake w't

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