Monday, September 24, 2012

Will of William Blake of Overton Hampshire formerly Reading Berkshire - The National Archives PROB 11/2117/222, probated 13 Aug 1850

Continuing on with the Hampshire Wills and this one written by William Blake of Overton states that he was formerly of Reading, Berkshire and a Blacksmith. It is perhaps a most interesting will as he bequeathes 1270 pounds sterling to his wife and children. Is he descendant of the Berkshire Blake family that I transcribed wills for earlier in the spring?

In the will William mentioned his wife Martha, son John Adams Blake, daughters Mary Ann Spicer, Diana wife of Samuel Higgott and Jane Blake. His solicitor is Henry Chase the younger of Reading.

His daughter Diana Blake married Samuel Higgott 6 Aug 1839 at St Mary Parish Church, Reading, Berkshire. There is a marriage for a William Blake to Martha Adams listed on the IGI but only by the year 1809 at Thatcham Berkshire but it is from the extracted marriage records (M15779-3). There is a baptism for a John Blake 13 May 1810 at Thatcham and son of William and Martha Blake (I02261-2 Family Search).

On the 1841 census at Windlesham, Surrey (District 9 HO107/1080/5) Samuel Higgott is listed as a Publican not born in Surrey with his wife Diana (both 30 years rounded up), Ann Higgott aged 50 years none born in Surrey and living with them at the Fighting Cocks was Jane Blake 20 years of age not born in Surrey. The 1851 census has the Samuel and Diana Higgott family continuing at the Fighting Cocks Public House and Jane is no longer with them. He is 39 and she is 38. He was born in Rugely Staffordshire and she was born in Ludgershall Wiltshire which is good information. Her father must have moved around somewhat and a timeline would be interesting to establish for this family which may answer some questions. The 1861 census has Samuel Hygott and Diana his wife living at Windlesham but now District 8 and they have a house and he is listed as a Fundholder (same places of birth). On the 1871 Census they are living at Saint Mary, Reading, Berkshire in a house and they are 59 and 58 years of age his birthplace has changed to Beaudesert Staffordshire (quite close to Rugeley) whilst hers remains the same. They are Retired Inn Keepers. There were only three Jane Blake marriages in Surrey between 1841 and 1851 - Farnham and two at Newington. I was not able to place her in any of the possible marriages. Mary Ann Spicer I did not find nor did I find John Adams Blake in any census.

One of the earlier wills that I transcribed for the Blake family in Berkshire was

the will of Mary Blake widow of Robert Blake (Mayor of Reading in 1710 and 1720) which was probated 2 Jul 1734 and she mentions daughters only so not a direct ancestor of  this William Blake. Going back to the will of William Blake written in 1552 (Yeoman of Speen)

he does mention his son Anthony and brothers John and Richard Blake as well as other children whom he does not name. The name of the freehold where this William lives was Benham and this is an estate which is mentioned as belonging to a descendant of the Blake family at Calne. Gradually as more and more Blake descendants test their yDNA we will have a clearer picture of this rather interesting family.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 24 September 2012
Source:  The National Archives PROB 11/2117/222
Name of testator: William Blake (out of business blacksmith)
Place: Overton, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated:, 3 Oct 1849, probated 13Aug 1850
Read: Electronic file images
Condition: bold copy, cramped writing, 19th century
[In margin] William
[In margin] Blake

1    This is the last Will and Testament
2    of me William Blake late of Reading in the County of Berks but now of
3    Overton in the County of Southampton formerly a Blacksmith but now out
4    of business I bequeath to my dear wife Martha two hundred and fifty pounds
5    sterling to be paid to her by my Executors hereinafter named as soon as conveni
6    ently may be after my decease. I also bequeath to my said wife one half of my
7    household goods and furniture. I bequeath to my son John adams Blake one
8    hundred pounds sterling and also all my wearing apparel I bequeath to
9    my daughter Mary Ann Spicer three hundred pounds sterling I bequeath
10    to my Grandson William Spicer my watch and seals thereto belonging I
11    bequeath to my daughter Diana the wife of Samuel Higgott the sum of
12    one hundred and twenty pounds sterling and I give and devise the freehold
13    messuage or dwelling house in which I now reside with the garden and
14    premises thereto belonging situate at Overton in the County of Southamp
15    ton and which I lately purchased from the Trustees of the late Mr Edmund
16    Beale with the appurtenances etc own uses for such estates and generally in
17    such manner as my daughter Diana Higgott by any deed or deeds or by her
18    last will shall whether covert or sole appoint and in default of such appoint
19    ment I devise the same unto my said daughter Diana Higgott her heirs
20    and assigns for ever to and for her sole and separate use I bequeath to my
21    daughter Jane Blake five hundred pounds sterling I also bequeath to my
22    said daughter Jane Blake the other half of my household goods and furniture
23    for her sole and separate use I direct the legacies of such of the pecuniary
24    Legatees as at the time of the actual payment thereof  respectively shall be
25    married women to be paid into their respective proper hands in order that
26    the same may be enjoyed and disposed of as their respective property free from
27    marital control and for which Legacies their respective receipts shall be dischar
28    ged I bequeath to Henry Chase the younger of Reading in the County of
29    Berks Gentleman the sum of nineteen pounds and nineteen shillings as an
30    acknowledgement for the trouble he will have in the execution of the tenets of
31    this my will And as to the Residue of my Personal Estate after pay
32    ment of all my just debts and funeral and testamentary expences and the
33    Legacies hereto before bequeathed I bequeath the same unto and equally
34    amongst such of my children hereinafter named as shall be living at the
35    time of my decease namely the said John Adams Blake Mary Ann Spicer
36    Diana Higgott and Jane Blake I direct my Executor to deliver the specific
37    legacies aforesaid within one calendar month after my decease  and to pay
38    the money legacies aforesaid within six calendar months after my decease or sooner
39    if they shall think fit and I appoint the said Henry Chase the younger and
40    Samuel Higgott to be Executors of this my will and I revoke all former
41    and other wills In witness whereof I have hereunder set my hand this
42    third day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
43    forty nine William Blake [signed] Signed by the said Testator as his
    [Page 2]
44    last Will and Testament in the presence of us present at the same time
45    who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have
46    subscribed our names as witnesses Henry J N Chase Sol. Reading [signed]
47    Thomas Fife Clerk to witness Chase E Chase Reading [signed]
48    Proved at London 13 Aug 1850 before the Worshipful Thomas
49    Spinks Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the oaths of Henry Chase the younger
50    and Samuel Higgott the Executors to whom Admon was granted having
51    been first sworn duly to administer.

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