Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Will of Mary Blake, widow of Portsmouth Hampshire, - The National Archives, PROB 11/1922/252, probated 22 Feb 1840

Mary Blake is the second wife of William Blake whose will I transcribed earlier in the year (and it is always good to be able to link some of these wills together):


William died in 1821 and his will names all the children of his second wife. Elizabeth Batchelor has either died or been omitted in her mother's will. William Cunningham Batchelor is also not mentioned so he has either died or been omitted as have his children. Ann daughter of William Blake has died as mentioned in the will. Arthur has already inherited under his father's will but I can not find him yet in the census but will continue to pursue that.

Mary Cunningham Batchelor Blake was married to Richard Batchelor 24 Jul 1787 at Saint Marys Portsea Hampshire (Family Search M06261-2). She was married to William Blake 14 Apr 1802 at St Marys Portsea Hampshire. She is perhaps the daughter of William and Mary Cunningham baptized 1 Jan 1754 at St Thomas Portsmouth. Her brother William (mentioned in both wills) is perhaps baptized 22 Feb 1746 also at St Thomas Portsmouth.

There is some clarification on the earlier post with the transcription of William's will and Ann is the daughter of his first wife but must have been an infant when he married Mary Batchelor as they were married in 1802 and his will was written in 1820. Arthur was already estranged from his father in 1821 so was perhaps already into his 20s by then and also perhaps a young child at the time of his father's second marriage. Arthur's will also transcribed by me was written in 1838


and he is named as a writing clerk. He has not married and does not mention his step siblings. Perhaps there is a sad story attached to all of this which has disappeared in the ages. Mary in her will is providing for her unmarried daughters who are likely into their late 30s or early 40s  at this time. I have not yet located this family on the census and may not do so since their connection to the Blake family is only by marriage.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 25 September 2012
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/1922/252
Name of testator: Mary Blake, widow
Place: Portsmouth, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated:, 13 May 1833, probated 22 Feb 1840
Read: Electronic file images
Condition: bold copy, cramped writing, 19th century
[In margin] Mary
[In margin] Blake

1    This is the last Will and Testament
2    of me Mary Blake of Portsmouth in the county of Southampton widow whereby I give and
3    bequeath as follows that is to say I give and bequeath unto my three
4    children hereafter named Richard Batchelor Sarah Batchelor and
5    Mary Batchelor after payment of all my just debts funeral expences and
6    the rest and charges of proving this my will all that principal sum of
7    five hundred pounds now secured to me on mortgage together with all
8    interest now due and hereafter to grow due on the said principal sum to be
9    equally divided between them share and share alike and I do hereafter
10    give and bequeath all and singular my household goods and furniture
11    plate linen and china unto my two daughters that is to say Sarah
12    Batchelor and Mary Batchelor to be equally divided unto share and
13    share alike and in case of either one of my said daughters should die then
14    I give and bequeath the whole of my household goods and furniture plate
15    linen and china to the survivor for her own proper use benefit and behoof for
16    ever I also give and bequeath unto my aforesaid three children that is to
17    say Richard Batchelor Sarah Batchelor and Mary Batchelor all other
18    of my personal Estate or right titles intestate I am become entitled to a
19    distributive part or share in the principal sum of one thousand two
20    hundred pounds to which principal sum the said Anne Blake was
21    entitled under my marriage settlement she having before her decease
22    attained the age of twenty one years together with all and every other sum
23    and sums of money to which I am or may be entitled by the decease of
24    the said Anne Blake intestate as aforesaid under the will of my said late
25    husband William Blake the will of my late Brother William
26    Cunningham Gentleman or either of them or any otherwise howsoever
27    to be equally divided between them share and share alike for their own proper
28    use and benefit for ever I also give and bequeath the gold watch to my
    [Page 2]
29    late husbands son Arthur Blake that was worn by his Father for his own
30    proper use and benefit for ever And I do hereby nominate constitute and
31    appoint the said Sarah and Mary Batchelor Executrixes of this my
32    Will and hereby revoking and making void all former and other will and
33    Wills by me at any time heretofore made I publish and declare this
34    present will is duly to be and remain my last will and Testament In witness
35    thereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this thirteenth day of May
36    in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty three
37    containing two sheets of paper marked one and two Mary Blake [signed]
38    Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Mary Blake the
39    Testatrix as and for her last Will and Testament on the day of the date in
40    the presence of us who at her request in her presence and in the presence of
41    each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesss,
42    Ann Robson [signed] Rebecca Hicks [signed]
43    Proved at London 22nd February 1840 before the Judge by the
44    Oaths of Sarah Batchelor and Mary Batchelor Spinsters the daughters
45    the Executrixes to whom Admon[istration] was granted having been first sworn by
46    Commission duly to Administer.

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