Friday, October 26, 2012

Will of William Blake of Chilhampton, South Newton - SWRO P2/8Reg/125B, probated 1 Jun 1610

The last will of this series from the Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office.

The will of William Blake of Chilhampton South Newton names his sons John and Charles Blake and his daughters Edith, Dorathie, Anconett, Agnis, and Margaret. As I work on this will I realize I have not yet posted the will of Maud Blake although I did post it yesterday. They are in the same hand writing not that that is particularly significant but it is interesting. Maud is not the wife of William because she doesn't have any daughters and has sons Henry, Severan (sp), John and Robert. She does mention Charles as one of her overseers and perhaps he is this Charles who is a son of this William.

There was another image for a probate for a William Blake in 1616 again in the same handwriting as the will of this William and Maud. The probate doesn't offer much information other than that the William Blake lived at Ambrosbury and that is widow is Joanne Blake. Ambresbury/Ambrosbury was an earlier name for Amesbury which is 7 miles north of Salisbury so again the same general area and 7 miles north east of South Newton.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 24 Oct 2012
Source:  Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office P2/8Reg/125B
Name of testator: William Blake
Place: Chilhampton, South Newton, Wiltshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 24 Nov 1609, probated 1 Jun 1610
Read: Electronic file images
Condition: early 17th century, middle English, bold script writing (some bleed through)
 [Margin] Blake 125B

1    In the name of God Amen The
2    fower and twenteth day of November Anno d[o]m[ini] one thousand
3    six hundred and Nine. I William Blake of Chilhampton
4    w[i]thin the p[ar]ish of Southnewton, beinge weake in body but
5    p[er]fect in memory (thanked be god for it) doe here make my
6    last will and testament in manner followinge First I comett
7    my sowle into the hands of almightie god my savior and redeemer
8    and my body to be buried in the Churchyarde of Southnewton
9    Item I give unto the Church of Southnewton twelve pence
10    Item I give to the poore of the p[ar]ish of Southnewton three
11    shillings and fower pence
    [Page 2]
12    Item I give unto my sonne John Blake twoo bushells of wheate
13    and fower bushells of barley Item I give unto my sonne William
14    Blake twoo akers of wheate of tenentry land and twoo akers of
15    barley of tenentry land Item I give unto my daughter Edith
16    Blake twentie pounds in lawfull money my best cov[er]lett also
17    Item I give to my daughter Dorathie Blake twentie pounds
18    in lawfull money. Item I give all my lynnen unto my twoo
19    daughters Edith and Dorathie equally to be devided betwene them
20    at the discretion of my sonne Charles Blake. Item I give unto
21    my daughter Anconett Burges three shillings and fower pence
22    Item I give unto my daughter Agnis Henstitch three shillings
23    and fower pence. Item I give unto my daughter Margarett
24    Hayter three shillings and fower pence. Item I give unto William
25    Hayter my daughter's childe a sheepe worthe five shillinges
26    Item I give unto my sonne John his childe a sheepe worthe five
27    shillinges. Item I give unto William Burges my daughters
28    childe a sheepe worthe five shillings.  All the rest of my
29    goods unbequeathed I give unto my sonne Charles Blake
30    whome I make sole Executor of this my last will and testament
31    Also I appoynt Henry Blake my neighbour of Chilhampton
32    to be ov[er]seer of this my last will and testament to whome I
33    give twelve pence Item I give unto Thomas Good our Vicar
34    twelve pence Lastly I doe appoynt all those legacies to
35    be payd within one halfe yeare after my decease In Witnes
36    whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and
37    yeare first above written. Witnesses at then sealinge
38    Thomas Good vicar of Southnewton John Adlam his
39    marke Witnes George Symes, John Champion his marke
40    William Blake his marke

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