Friday, October 26, 2012

Will of William Blake of Marten - SWRO P2/1Reg/56B, dated 1545 (no probate listed)

This will fits with the will of Agnes on my blog:

Agnes lived 17 years after her husband. I had said that there was some debate as to the age of her daughters in the post on her will although I felt John might be 21 years of age and it is likely that all are of age which seems logical since no one was named as guardian in her will. This William mentions his children's children so already he is in his 40s likely at the time of the writing of the will and hence born in the latter part of the 1400s which is very interesting. The daughter Alys is perhaps the wife of (unknown) Longtree and will check that out in Family Search. Agnes had mentioned only John, Syblye and Elizabeth directly as her children but also she gave items to Agnes and Jane Style, to Edythe Hyll and to Alys Longtree.

No probate given for this will. This is another William Blake to look at in this time period and he is a contemporary with my ancestor Nicholas Blake living at Enham Hampshire. His will is dated 1545 and Nicholas' will was dated 1547. To which Blake families do all these men belong? It is a mystery. In this case it is 26 miles from Martin to Andover (or 42 kilometres depending on preference) and that is as the crow flies using the old road (which is a fascinating drive through the Wallops) is 30 miles. and both are in the case of Martin 32 miles from Calne and in the case of Andover 27 miles from Calne. One of my tasks that I have assigned myself is to draw circles at 10 miles, 20 miles etc on a map around Calne and note the Blake families living in the areas covered in the 1400s, 1500s and 1600s.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 24 Oct 2012
Source:  Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office P2/1Reg/56B
Name of testator: William Blake
Place: Martin, Wiltshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 1545
Read: Electronic file images
Condition: 16th century, middle English, smallish writing (some bleed through)
[Header} Test[a]m[entum] Willimi Blake de Marten
[Margin] Blake B

1    In dei nove Amen Anno d[o]m[ini] Millimo qui[n]gentesimo quadragesimo
2    quinto I Willyam Blake of the p[a]ryshe of Marten hoole in mynd and
3    syke in body make my testament after this forme folowyng First I bequeath
4    my sowle to Almighty god And my Body to be buryed in the churche
5    yard of Marten Also I gyve and bequeathe to our lady church of Sa[lisbur]y iiij d
6    Also y gyve and bequeath to my p[a]ryshe church of Marten a b[u]shell] of barley
7    Also I gyve and bequeath to B John my goostely father xij d Also I gyve
8    and bequeath to ev[er]y one of my chyldren ij shepe Also y gyve and
9    bequeathe to ev[er]y one of the chylders chyldren a shepe and to my godson
10    ij shepe Also I gyve and bequeathe to Alys my doughter halfe a quart[e]r
11    of barley Also I gyve to ev[er]y godchyld that y have ij d The Rest of
12    my goods not bequeathed my detts paid I gyve and bequeath to Agnes
13    my wyfe whom y make my hoole executrix thes men bareyng witnes
14    @ Sam[er]sett John Garrett John Voyle John Pryne w[i[t[h] others

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