Thursday, October 25, 2012

Will of William Blake of Warminster - SWRO P2/1Reg/1B, probated 8 Mar 1539 (old style)

A second Blake will at Warmister in this group of wills. In total there are ten wills/admon for Blake members at Warminster with this particular one being the oldest and it is for William Blake probated in 1539. The next will there is for Henry Blake in 1571, followed by the will of Thomas Blake in 1584. Then a jump to 1626 with a will for Henry Blake and 1639 a will for John Blake (yeoman). Then a will for a William Blake circa 1688 and followed by a will for William Blake Grocer 1702 (and another for a William Blake in 1701).  I only hold these two wills from the Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office.

This is the oldest will in this group of wills from the Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office. I acquired them a number of years ago but have not transcribed them or actually even read them in all this time. I had hoped that they would reveal more about the early Blake family in Wiltshire and in some ways they have done so. Linking some of them together has been a bonus.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 24 Oct 2012
Source:  Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office P2/1Reg/1B
Name of testator: William Blake
Place: Warminster, Wiltshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 19 Aug 1539, 8 Mar 1539 (old style)
Read: Electronic file images
Condition: 16th century, middle English, smallish writing (some bleed through)
[Margin] Blake C

1    In the name of god Amen In the yere of our Lord god a[nno] M CCCCC
2    xxxix ti the xix daye of August I Wyllam Blake of
3    warmister hole in mynd and of good memery never the lasse wyeke
4    in body make my laste testament and my laste wyll in that man[ner]
5    and forme folowynge Fyrste I bequeth my sowle to
6    allmyghty god and my body to be buryed in the church of warminster
7    Allso I give unto Wyssley my wyffe all my fre land whiche
8    I have purchesye durynge the terme of her lyfe and after
9    the decesse of her lyfe and after the decsse of her lyfe The same
10    lande to remayne to remayne to remayne to harry my sone and to
11    his heires male and after the decesse of he heres male and
12    for lackynge of them that is to saye of the sayd harry the same
13    land to remayne to his nexte brother in ayg and to his hayrys
14    male so yt the same land to remayne styll to remayne in the
15    name of the Blake so longe as ther be heres male to in
16    herytt yt and for fanot of heires male the same land shall
17    come to heires female that ys to the eyre generall the nexte of
18    the blood Allso I geve to my wyfe all suche goods as be in my
19    howse moveable and unmoveable unmoveable except iij longe table
20    bords w[i]t[h] fowrnigs and trestells partenynge thereto which shall remayne
21    styll in the howse and y geve to here all the wool in my barton and the
22    wool in the porte way And viii lods of wool lynge w[i]t[h] ewes
23    my yeat and all my olde whete and on  may of barley and ij kyne and wone
24    mare Allso I give to Stephyn my sonne my purchasse called
25    Putleres and my oxene w[i]t[h] all man[ner] of harnesse p[er]teynynge there to
26    suffycyent for vi oxen Allso I geve to Thomas my sone the
27    purchesse of the tenement whiche Olyvere Taner dewelethe in
28    Into his use and proffet Allso I geve and bequethe to my iij
29    yongest sonnys Thomas Nycholas and John all my crope croppe of
30    corne and haye excepte yt above named to my wyffe Allso I
31    geve to them a xi herssys and x oxen ij stere bullocks iij
32    weynynge callves and xvij shepe and all the wool wyth owte my yeat
33    except viij lods geven to my wyffe above namyd And all
34    my dettes which be dewe to me to be payed Allso I give to my
35    ij dowghters Elizabeth and Angnes xiij L vi s iiij d to be taken out
36    of the por[t]ion of the goods which I have given to my iij yongest
37    sonnys above named and to be equaly devyded by twyxt them
38    by the dyfision of John Rawlyns and George Rawlyins and my
39    sone harry blake whiche I make my overseers to se that my last
40    wyll instlye and truly fullfylled and I gave ye said John Rawlynes
41    and George eche of them for ther paynye xxvi s viij d It[e]m I give
42    to reparynge and mendynge of the second bell in warmister thereof  x s
   [Page 2]
43    Allso I geve to B Everatt Robarts iij s iiij d all the reste of my goodyes and cattall
44    and un moveabyll I geve and bequethe to my iij yongeste sonnys a bove
45    namely Thomas John and Nycholas and I make theme my full executors
46    to ex[p]ence for the dyscharge of my sowle by the ov[er]syetht and consayle of
47    my overseeres above named Allso yf any of my chylderene above named
48    dep[ar]te owte of this world before they be of lawfull age to have the use of
49    my goods a bove wryten I wyll there p[ar]te and porcyon shall remayne to
50    the other as well my dowters as my sonnys Allso I wyll that my
51    ov[er]seere above named John George and harry shall have the full over
52    syght and governance of my sonnys above named Thomas Nycholas and
53    John and of ther goods tyll they be of aege and dysiziyon to have the
54    use of them Those men beynge wytnesse Syr Everatt Robarts
55    pryst Richard Robarts Fysbere Thomas Rogers John Swage w[i]t[h] many mo[re]

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