Sunday, November 4, 2012

Will of George Blake, Citizen and Draper of London - National Archives PROB 11/341/7, probated 25 Jan 1672/73

George Blake Citizen and Draper of the City of London is testator of this will. He is married to Jane and she is his second wife and he is her third husband. George mentions his daughters Martha and Mary and his sons Thomas and John. There is perhaps another child as he mentions his grand daughter Mary Bishop.

The will of his wife Jane Blake will follow this one.

Information was obtained from Boyds Inhabitants of London and Family Search. The marriage of Edward Holden and Mary Blake was celebrated 27 Jun 1662 at All Hallows Barking. Mary was born in 1621 according to Boyds Inhabitants of London and George. The amazing item perhaps is that Mary has had seven children in ten years (and she was 41 when she married). Edward Holden is a woollen draper.

Boyd's Inhabitants of London shows the family of George Blake (All Hallows Barking) and his second wife was Jane (daughter of Noel) Matin/Maton widow of Simon (George and Jane married 14 Mar 1653 at St Augustin and St Faith). George is a citizen and draper free 1653 March 20 by redemption merchant. His children are Thomas, John, Elizabeth married 1665 to Thomas Bell, unknown daughter married to Thomas Thynne, Martha married to unknown Turner and Mary married 1662 to Edward Holding.  Will is mentioned on the facing page for George:  Will All Hallows Barking, wife Jane exix, sons Thomas and John, son in law Thomas Bell of London merchant, Thomas Thynne of London Merchant (not sure if the will is actually saying that he is a son in law), daughter Martha Turner, daughter Mary Holding, witness Susan Barnes, Perry Lloyd, John Hill SCR, 9 May 1665, Thomas Bell of Whitechapel and Elizabeth Blake of S Andrew Holborn at St Martin Orgar (perhaps this is their marriage). A note about his will 1673 PCC  and his wife's will Jane 1673 (dead 1674).

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 31 Oct 2012
Source:  The National Archives PROB 11/341/7
Name of testator: George Blake, Citizen and Draper
Place: London, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 10 Jan 1672/73, probated 25 Jan 1672/73
Read: Electronic file images
Condition: 17th century, middle English, small writing
[Margin] T[esta]m[ent] Georgij
[Margin] Blake 12

1    In the name of God Amen
2    The Tenth day of January Anno Domini 1672 And in the Foure and
3    twentieth yeare of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord Charles the Second by the
4    grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the
5    Faith etc I George Blake Citizen and Draper of London of London being at
6    this time sicke and very weake in body, but of sound and perfect mind and memory
7    for which I praise Almighty God And considering with my selfe the cer-
8    tainty of death and the great incertainty of the time houre and manner
9    thereof And being desirous as much as in me lieth to settle such worldly
10    estate as it hath or shall please Almighty God to blesse me withall so
11    as no strife or difference may be or arise touching the same after my decease
12    do therefore make publish and declare this my Last will and Testament in
13    manner and forme following that is to say First and principally I committ
14    and recommend my Soul which is immortal into the hands of Almighty
15    God my Creator hoping and stedfastly believing to receive and obtaine
16    the full and free pardon and remission of all my sins only by and through
17    the precious merits of Jesus Christ my alone Saviour and Redeemer My
18    body I committ to the earth from whence it came to be decently buried
19    according to the good discretion of my executor hereafter named And as
20    touching and concerning all such Mesuages Lands Tenements Goods Chat-
21    tels Leases Plate Jewels housholdstuff ready Money debts to me owing and
22    other my estate whatsoever as God hath of shall be pleased to bless me
23    withall at the time of my decease I give devise bequeath and dispose there-
24    of as followeth first my will and mind is that after my debts shall be
25    satisfied and paid and my funerall charges borne and des[t]rayed that my
26    estate shall be devided according to the custome of the City of London into
27    three equall parts one third part whereof I give devise and bequeath unto
28    my very loving and wel[l]beloved wife Jane Blake one other third part of my
29    personall estate I give devise and bequeath unto my loving Sons Thomas
30    Blake and John Blake equally betwixt them And as for and concerning the
31    other third part of my personall estate I will and dispose of the same in
32    manner and forme following Item I give devise and bequeath
33    unto my loving Son in Law Thomas Bell of London Merchant and my
34    very loving friend Thomas Thynne of London Merchant their Executors
35    Administrators and Assignes All That Mesuage or Tenement now or late
36    in the tenure or occupa[c]ion of one [unnamed] Palmer his Assignee or
37    Assignes And all that Mesuage or Tenement now or late in the tenure
38    or occupa[c]ion of one Thomas Lymeston his Assignee or Assignes And all
39    That Mesuage or Tenement now or late in the tenure or occupa[c]ion of
40    William Thackbolt his Assignee or Assignes And all  that Mesuage or
41    Tenement now or late in the tenure or occupa[c]ion of Thomas Crossely
42    his Assignee or Assignes All which said Mesuages or Tenements are
43    scituate upon Great Tower hill in the parish of Alhallows Barking
44    London and all my estate right title interest terme of years to come and
45    unexpired clayme and demand whatsoever of me the said George
46    Blake of in or to the same or any of them upon trust and confidence and to
47    the intent and purpose (my will and meaning being that the Rents and
48    profits shall be had and received by the said Thomas Bell and Thomas
49    Thynne their Executors Adm[inistrator]s and assignes during such time or terme I
50    have therein in trust for my daughter Martha Turner and to dispose
51    of the same as they shall at any time or times by writing under her
    [Page 2]
52    hand and seale or otherwise limit order direct and appoint for the
53    use and benefit of her self and children or any of them as she shall
54    direct and her husband not to intermeddle neither have any benefit
55    thereof Item I give devise and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Hol-
56    ding the sume of five pounds of lawfull money of England And to my
57    Son Tho Bell and Thomas Thynne Ten pounds sterling apiece mourning
58    All the Rest and residue of the said Third part of my personall estate
59    whatsoever not before by me herein bequeathed my will and meaning is
60    shall be divided into two equall parts one part whereof I give devise and
61    bequeath unto the two children of my daughter Martha Turner And the
62    other remaining parr thereof I give devise and bequeath into the seaven
63    children of my said daughter Mary Holding equally to be divided betwixt
64    them part and part alike to be paid unto them respectively at their severall
65    ages of One and Twenty years or day of marriage which shall first hap-
66    pen And I do further declare my will and m ind to be and I do order and
67    appoint that my executrix hereafter named or her assignes shall pay or
68    cause to be paid unto my said Son in Law Thomas Bell and Thomas Thynne
69    the several and respective Legacy and Legacies sume and sumes of money
70    before by me given and bequeathed to the severall and respective children
71    of my said daughters Martha Turner and Mary Holding upon trust and
72    confidence and to the intent and purpose that they the said Thomas Bell
73    and Thomas Thynne and the Survivor of them their Executors and Admini-
74    strators do and shall lay out and dispose of the same to the best advantage
75    for the educating and bringing up of my said daughters' children and in-
76    crease of their por[t]ions as they the said Thomas Bell and Thomas Thynne
77    shall thinke fit and to be paid unto them at their severall ages of One-
78    and Twenty yeare or day of marriage which shall first happen as afores[ai]d
79    And I do further declare that my will is that if any of the children of my
80    said daughters Martha Turner and Mary Holding or either of them
81    shall happen to depart this life before such child or children shall have
82    attained unto his or they age of One and Twenty yeare or day of mar-
83    riage as aforesaid that then and in such case the Legacy or part share or
84    propor[t]ion of such child or children so deceasing shall go and I give and be
85    queath the same unto my Grandchild Mary bishop and my will is that
86    the severall legacies herein by me given and bequeathed unto my said
87    Sons and daughters or their children with the severall por[t]ions I have
88    already given to them or to any other of my Sons or daughters shall be
89    to every one of them in full recompence and satisfaction of all such part
90    or share of my estate as they or any of them shall or may challenge by cus-
91    tome of the City of London or otherwise and in discharge of all claymes
92    concerning And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said
93    very loving wife Jane Blake to be the sole and alone executrix of this
94    my Last will and Testament And I do appoint the said Thomas Bell
95    and Thomas Thynne overseers of the same And I charge and comand
96    all my children upon my blessing that they carry and behave themselves
97    dutifully and respectively to their mother And that acquiesse and
98    rest content with what I have done in this my will so that no strife or
99    suite of Law do arise touching the same And Lastly I do hereby revoke
100    disannull and make void all former wills terrier executors and bequeathes
101    by me made And do appoint these presents only to stand in full force for
102    and as my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have to every
103    sheet of this my Last will and Testament containing foure sheets and one
    [Page 3]
104    half in number subscribed my name and affixed my seale at the top of
105    them all, the day, and yeare first above written Geo[rge] Blake Sealed published
106    and declared by the said Testator for and as his Last Will and Testament
107    the day and yeare first above written in the presence of Susanna Barnes Perry
108    Lloyd John Hill etc

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