Monday, November 5, 2012

Will of Jane Blake widow of All Harrows Barking, London - National Archives PROB 11/343/27, probated 23 Oct 1673

The testator Jane Blake has been married three times with George Blake being her last husband. Her first marriage was to Steven Tickner 25 Jan 1624 at Saint Benet Pauls Wharf, London, England (M00136-1 Family Search). Possibly the baptism of their second son Stephen Tickner was 23 Sep 1627 at Saint Matthew Friday Street, London, England (P00150-1 Family Search). Thomas was the oldest possibly but did not find a baptism for Thomas Tickner

A page from Boyd's Inhabitants of London for Simon Maton of St Matthew Friday St and he was married 21 May 1637 at Stepney Midd to Jane Tickner widow of Stephen of St Matthew Friday St (Simon was a girdler). Simon's will was dated 1651. Simon and Jane had one daughter Jane baptized 18 Jul 1638. In the will it appears that Jane married Thomas Bell although the record on George's page in Boyd's Inhabitants of London indicated that Elizabeth married Thomas Bell. The IGI does indicate that Thomas Bell married Elizabeth Blake 9 May 1665 at Saint Martin Orgar and Saint Clement Eastcheap, London (M00139-1 Family Search). I must admit that I wonder if the marriage for Thomas Bell is correct. They have five children by 1673 although certainly not impossible but George doesn't mention these children. I wonder if Jane/Elizabeth is Jane Maton daughter of Simon Maton and Jane (Noell) (Ticknor) Maton and finally Blake.

It is interesting to have two wills that fit together although we do not learn very much about the Blake family in London from this will. Edward Noell is likely a brother to Jane as her maiden name was Noell.

There is an entry in British History Online mentioning an Edward Noell:

On 13 February 1681/2 the Old Artillery Ground was granted in perpetuity to George Bradbury and Edward Noell for £5,700, with licence to build new houses on the same. It was described as the Old Artillery Ground or Old Artillery Garden in or near the parish of St. Botolph's, Bishopsgate, and on the west side of fields or places commonly called Spitalfields, containing five acres and one rood, now encompassed with a brick wall; the buildings are described much as in l681. A rent of 6s. 8d. was reserved. (ref. 62) In subsequent deeds George Bradbury is described as of the Middle Temple, esquire, and Edward Noell as of the Inner Temple, gentleman. They were probably associated with Barbon in this grant, as the subsequent building leases were usually made by Bradbury and Noell together with Barbon and John Parsons. (fn. i)

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 31 Oct 2012
Source:  The National Archives PROB 11/343/27
Name of testator: Jane Blake, widow
Place: All Hallows Barking, City of London, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 12 Mar 1672/73, probated 23 Oct 1673
Read: Electronic file images
Condition: 17th century, middle English, small writing
[Margin] T[esta]m[ent] Jana
[Margin] Blake 12

1    In the name of God Amen
2    the Twelfth day of March In the yeare of our Lord 1672 And
3    in the five and Twentieth yeare of the Raigne our Sove-
4    raigne lord Charles the Second by the grace of God King
5    of England Scotland France and Ireland and defender of the Faith etc
6    I Jane Blake of London widdow Executrix of the last will and
7    Testament of George Blake Esquier late of the Parish of
8    Alhallowes
    [Page 2]
9    Alhallowes Barking London deceased being stricken in yeares but of
10    perfect mind and memory (Blessed be God therefore) And call to mind
11    the uncertaine estate of this transitory life And being willing to settle such
12    worldly Estate as God shall blesse me withall Soe as noe Strife arise touching
13    the same after my decease Doe therefore make this my last will and Testament in
14    manner and forme following First I humbly give and comitt my soule
15    unto Almighty God my Saviour and Redeemer in whom and by the meritts
16    of Jesus Christ I trust and believe assuredly to be saved and rise again to a
17    Glorious Resurrection att the last day And my body I comitt to the earth to
18    be buried in such decent manner as to my Executor hereafter named shall
19    seeme meete And as to all my worldly goods and Estate (whatsoever as God shall
20    blesse me withall att the tyme of my decease (after the debts by me oweing
21    shal[l ]be fully paid and satisfied and my Funerall Charges defrayed) I
22    give and bequeath the same as followeth (That is to say) Imprimis I
23    give and bequeath unto my loveing sonne Thomas Ticknor the summe of
24    one hundred pounds Item To my sonne Stephen Tichnor I give the Inter-
25    est money of Three hundred pounds (To witt) Eighteene pounds a yeare
26    to be paid him halfe yearly during his naturall life The same to Com[m]ence
27    from the day of my death And after the death of the said Stephen Tick-
28    nor I dispose of the said Three hundred pounds as followeth (That is
29    to say I give and bequeath Two hundred pounds thereof unto my
30    loveing daughter Jane Bell And one hundred pounds the Remainder
31    thereof I give devise and bequeath unto my loveing Grandaughter
32    Jane Raymond Item I give devise and bequeath unto my said Grand-
33    daughter Jane Raymond the summe of five hundred pounds more of
34    lawfull money of England To be paid unto her in such manner as
35    hereafter is men[t]ioned (That is to say) Three hundred pounds thereof
36    to be paid her att the age of one and twenty yeares or day of marriage
37    which shall First happen one hundred pounds more thereof to be paid
38    unto her within twelve moneths then next following And one hundred
39    pounds the remainder thereof To be paid unto her with twelve mo-
40    neths then next ensueing Item I give devise and bequesth unto my
41    loveing sonne in law Thomas Bell of London merchant and Edward Noell
42    of Clements Junior gentleman their Executors administrators and assignes
43    All my part share right title Interest Terme of yeares to come Clayme
44    and demands whatsoever in the Coal Farme and Lease hold from my
45    Lord Townsend and which I hold as Relict of my late husband Upon
46    Spechall Trust and Confidence That they the said Thomas Bell and Edward
47    Noell their Executors and Assignes doe despose and pay the Rents Issues and
48    Proffitts thereof or which shall come  or arise thereby to such persons or
49    persons and in such manner as hereafter men[t]ioned (That is to say)
50    That they the said Thomas Bell and Edward Noell their Executors Admi-
51    nistrators and Assignes shall out of the Rents and proffitts of the said
52    lands farmes pay unto my said sonne Thomas Ticknor the summe of Five
53    pounds of lawfull money of England a yeare halfe yearly during the
54    continuance of the said lease or any interest in the said Coale Farme
55    if my said sonne Thomas Ticknor shall soe long live And Fyrst her
56    That the said Thomas Bell and Edward Noell their Executors and
57    Assignes shall out of the Rents and profitts of the said Coale Farme pay
58    unto my sonne Stephen Ticknor the like summe of Five pounds a yeare
59    halfe yearly during the Continuance of the said Lease or any Interest on
    [Page 3]
60    In the said Coale Farme if my said Sonne Stephen Ticknor shall soe
61    long live And my will is That if either of my said sonnes Thomas
62    Ticknor or Stephen Ticknor shall happen to depart this life before the
63    expiration of the said lease granted from my Lord Townsend as aforesaid
64    That then and in such case the survivor of my said Two sonnes shall
65    have receive and enjoy besides the said Five pounds a yeare to him given
66    the said Five pounds a yeare payable to the deceased in his life tyme and
67    that dureing soe long tyme as shalbe to come in the said lease of Coales
68    If the Survivor of my Two Sonnes shall soe long live And I doe further
69    declare my will and mind is That if both my said sonnes shall happen to
70    depart this life before the Expiration of the said Lease That then and in
71    such Case from and after the decease of both my said sonnes the said
72    Tenn pounds a yeare payable unto them shall goe to And I give the same
73    unto my Grandchilde Clement Bell Simon Bell Susanna Bell Thomas
74    Bell and John Bell the sonnes and daughters of my daughter Jane Bell
75    equally to be devided betwixt them part and part alike And upon
76    further trust and confidence my will and mind is That the said Thomas
77    Bell and Edward Noell their Executors and Administrators or Assignes shall
78    pay unto my said Granddaughter Jane Raymond one third part of
79    all such Rents Issues and proffitts as shalbe made of my Interest in the
80    said Coale Farme or as they shall receive And that dureing the Conti-
81    nuence of the said lease If my said Granddaughter Jane Raymond
82    shall soe long live The First payment to be made her when she
83    when she shall have attained to the age of one and Twenty years
84    or day of Marriage which shall First happen And if it shall happen
85    my said Granddaughter Jane Raymond shall happen to depart this
86    life before the Expiration of the said Lease haveing issue of her body
87    lawfully begotten or to be begotten That then the same Third of the Rents
88    Issues and Proffitts of the said Coale Farme Then to be retained for Child
89    I doe give the same unto such issue of my said Granddaughter equally
90    betwixt them And upon further Trust and Confidence my Will
91    and mind being that my said Granddaughter Jane Raymond shall
92    happen to depart this life before the expiration of the said Lease leave[
93    ing noe issue of hir body That then the said Thomas Bell and Edward
94    Noell their executors Administrators and Assignes shall pay And I doe
95    give the Third part of my Interest in the Rents and proffitts in the
96    Coale Farme unto my said Five Grandchildren Clement Bell Sy
97    mon Bell Susanna Bell Thomas Bell and John Bell equally betwixt
98    them part and part alike And upon this Further Trust and Confi-
99    dence My will and mind being That the said Thomas Bell and
100    Edward Noell their executors Administrators or Assignes shall pay
101    And I doe give devise and bequeath All the Remainder of the Rents
102    issues and proffitts of my share in the Coale Farme unto my said
103    five Grand children Clement Symon Susanna Thomas and John
104    Bell Equally betwixt them part and part alike The first payment
105    to be paid to my GrandSonnes att their severall and respective ages
106    of one and Twenty yeares And to my Granddaughter Susanna Bell
107    att the age of one and Twenty yeares or day of Marriage which shall
108    First happen And my will and mind is That if any of the said
109    Five Children of my said daughter Bell shall happen to depart this
110    life before any legacies to him or her given shall become due That
111    then and in such case the Legacie or Legacies of the pers[o]ns soe deceasing
112    shall
    [Page 4]
113    shall goe and I doe give the same amongst the Survivor of them part
114    and part alike Item I give devise and bequeath unto my sister Eliza-
115    beth Atherton the Interest money of Two hundred Thirty and foure
116    pounds (to witt) Fourteene pounds a yeare to be paid quarterly during
117    her naturall life The same to Commence from the day of my death And
118    after the death of my said sister Elizabeth Atherton I give and bequeath
119    the said Two hundred Thirty and fouer pounds unto my said Loveing
120    daughter Jane Bell Item I doe give and bequeath unto the said Edward
121    Noell the summe of Tenn pounds Sterling to buy him mourning All
122    the Rest and Residue of my goods Chattles ready money debts to me
123    oweing And other my Estate whatsoever not herein before bequeathed
124    I give and bequeath unto my Loveing Sonne in Law Thomas Bell
125    And I doe hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said Loving
126    Sonne in Law Thomas Bell to be the sole and alone Executor of this my
127    Last Will and Testament And Lastly I doe hereby revoake disa-
128    null and call backe All former wills Legacies and Executors by me
129    made And doe appoint the presents onely to stand in Full force for
130    and as my Last Will and Testament In witnes whereof I have to
131    every sheete of this my last Will and Testament contayneing Five
132    in number subscribed my name and affixed my seale on the Topp of
133    them the day and yeare first above written Jane Blake Sealed
134    Published and declared by the said Testatrix the day and yeare above
135    written In the presence of Perry Lloyd John Hill SCU

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