Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Will of Thomas Blake, Citizen and Merchant Tailor of London - National Archives PROB 11/280/34, probated 13 Aug 1658

The testator Thomas Blake is a Taylor (Free Citizen of London) and has a brother John and a sister Joyce. Joyce Blayke married Henre Simons 4 May 1626 at Saint Mary At Hill, London (M03210-1 Family Search). She was baptized 30 Nov 1606 at Saint Mary at Hill London possibly (C03210-1 Family Search). Possibly Thomas Blake was baptized 5 Aug 1603 at Saint Mary at Hill, London (C03210-1 Family Search). No parents have been specified. That would make Thomas 55 years old when he died.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 1 Nov 2012
Source:  The National Archives PROB 11/280/34
Name of testator: Thomas Blake, Merchant Tailor
Place: City of London, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 29 Jun 1658, probated 13 Aug 1658
Read: Electronic file images
Condition: 17th century, middle English, small writing
[Margin] Thomas Blake

1    In the name of God Amen
2    the Twenty ninth day of June One thousand six hundred fiftie Eight
3    I Thomas Blake Citizen and Merchant Taylour of London sike in body
4    but of perfect minde and remembrance thankes be given to Almightie
5    God doe make and declare this my last Will and Testament in man-
6    ner ensueing First and principally I commend my soule into the
7    the hands of Almighty God my onlie Saviour and Redeemer hopeing
8    and assuredly believing to have free remission of all my sinnes through
9    the onlie merritts of Christ Jesus My Bodie I committ unto the Earth
10    to be decently buried att the discretion of my Executrix hereunder named
11    And for such worldly Goods which God of his unspeakable goodnes and love
12    hath bestowed on mee in this life I give and bequeath the same as ensueth
13    That is to say, First I give and bequeath unto my Brother John Blake and
14    his two children tenn pounds to be equally devided betwixt them I give
15    my Sister Joyce the Wife of Henry Symonds tenn pounds Item I give
16    unto my Lister Allen fiftie shillings I give unto Master Henchinan Minister
17    of Saint Georges Parish in Buttolph Lane to preach my Funeral sermon
18    forty shillings All the rest and residue of my Goods Chattells Leases
19    and Estate whatsoever or wheresoever I doe give and bequeath unto
20    my loveing Wife Ann Blake and I doe maker her full and sole Executrix
21    of this my Last Will and Testament And I doe hereby revoke all former
22    Wills by mee heretofore made Witness my hand and seale the day
23    and yeare first above written Thomas Blake Signed sealed published
24    and declared this Twenty ninth day of June One thousand six hun-
25    dred fiftie Eight in the presence of Fra: Gillon Francis Hinde
26    Edward Fox
27    This Will was proved att London ye
28    the thirteenth Day of the moneth of August in the yeare of our
29    Lord God One thousand six hundred fiftie and Eight before the Judge
30    for probate of Will and granting administration lawfullie au-
31    thorized by the oath of Ann Blake the Relict and sole and only
32    Executrix named in the above written Will to whome Administr-
33    ation of all and singular the goods Chattells and debts of the
34    said deceased was granted and Committed she being first legally
35    sworne truly and faythfully to administer the same

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