Friday, December 7, 2012

40,000 page views

I have now had 40,000 page views of my 896 blog pages. I started this blog as my living memory of my thoughts on any particular day with regard to genealogy. I never dreamed that so many people would actually look at, read and be able to make use of my blog. I have also been the recipient of emails from people searching similar surnames where I have obtained a few documents that have straightened my genealogical trail back.

It is possible to backup your blog posts and I have done that as a substantial number of them will be attached to my Blake and Pincombe archived material when the day arrives that I decide to step down from being the manager of the Guild of one name study on those two particular surnames.

Working on the Hampshire marriages from 1837 to the mid 1900s and using my various fiche from the parishes of Andover, Upper Clatford, Abbotts Ann, Goodworth Clatford, Penton Mewsey and Knights Enham to see if I can match as many marriages in this registration district as possible. I am missing a few but I do not have the fiche for 14 of the parishes plus some marriages were in the Registry Office so do not show up in the Parish fiche records.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on reaching that milestone. May you see many more.
