Thursday, December 13, 2012

Question Family and the DigVillage Project

Life has been immeasurably busy the last week and I have not managed to sit and write my blogposts (other than my 40,000 hits) nor have I done any transcription to any degree. However a rather interesting set of emails passed between myself and the Dig Village Project which is ongoing in Dunster Somerset. The webpage below gives some details on the project:

After our skype call earlier today I must admit to being even more intrigued by my Question family who lived there during the 1500s, 1600s and 1700s and perhaps later. I have not yet gone into detail on this family other than collecting my straight line back from myself to the first mention of a Question family in the parish registers at Dunster namely William Question and his wife Susan Millet and their three children whom they baptized at the village church. I must say that I am most curious to see the house that they lived in and the Church where they worshipped and the village where they walked about. How long were they in Dunster is just one of my many questions? What did they do there? How old is the surname Question in the family line?

Was it always spelled Question as current spelling that predominates seems to be Questian as seen on World Profiler:

Although they are found remotely around the world in low numbers their frequency is predominantly in the southwest of England.

The other spelling found in the Parish Registers was Costine which is an Irish surname and Questine which strikes me as being French perhaps. I was always tending towards thinking of them as Huguenots. I am frankly most curious at what has been found out about the Question family of Dunster. I have not yet had time to pursue the Manor Books. With the extensive wool trade in this area I wonder if they were involved in that.

With all the preparations for Christmas gathering up I find that I am absent mindly returning to Dunster and my Question family. I have attempted to contact all the correspondents that I have who are descendant of the marriage of Robert Siderfin and Elizabeth Question but it is a long time since I have corresponded with most of them so will try this blog as well to contact them and mention that this group is very interested in hearing from others who are descendant of this family.

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