Thursday, January 17, 2013

Will of Edward Baynard of Hillmarton, gentleman - The National Archives PROB 11/183/668, probated 15 Aug 1640

Having searched diligently through all of the Baynard wills for any reference to the Blake family there is finally a reference to Henry Blake gent in this will. He is named as an overseer but no reference to any relationship. Perhaps this is Henry Blake son of Roger Blake and Wraxed Gastrill (Blake line at Pinhills). Henry would be a great grandson to Robert Blake and Mary Baynard. The spelling of the name Blaake is perhaps significant as it is the only time that this spelling is seen is with the Wiltshire Blake family. However, he does not mention that they are related.

The testator Edward Baynard would be a grandson of Robert Baynard and Anna Blake or possibly a great grandson). This would make Edward and Henry possible third cousins. Edward Baynard (testator) is a first cousin to Sir Robert Baynard. He too makes reference to the death of his cousin Edward Baynard, younger brother of Sir Robert Baynard and he names the son of this Edward as his executor (Edward now living in the City of London and he is perhaps the Citizen and Fishmonger whose will is probated in 1642). From Frederick Brown's abstracts of Somerset wills: "Edward Baynard, Citizen and Fishmonger of London. Will dated Jan. 31, 1642, proved Apr 1, 1642 by Mary Baynard the relict. To be buried in Turnwheel Ch., Dowgate. My wife Mary. My sister Elizabeth. My children, Edward, Benjamin and Elizabeth. William Johnson of Bowden Wilts, gent, an Overseer." There is a William Johnsonne of Wiltshire as an Overseer in the present will as well which is rather interesting plus the mention of a sister to Edward.

The reference to Gilles Baynard who lives in Ireland is interesting. The reference to Giles in Ireland is also found in the blog about Lackham House found in Wiltshire Notes and Queries:

Although it is tempting to dwell somewhat more on the Baynard family, I need to complete all of these wills which I imaged at the National Archives so will now move to the Beard family of Southwark. I have transcribed a number of the wills already but one or two remain and they will be my next transcription.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 16 Jan 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/183/668
Testator: Edward Baynard, gentleman
Place: Hillmarton, Wiltshire, England
Date of document: 16 Mar 1635, probated 15 August 1640
Relationship: son of Edward Baynard and Elizabeth Warnford
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T[estament] Edwardi Baynard

1    In the name of God Amen The second day of
2    November Anno d[o]m[ini] 1638 the fourteenth year of the raigne of our
3    Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland France
4    and Ireland King defender of the faith etc I Edward Baynard of Hellmarton
5    in the County of Wiltes gent being sicke and weake of body but of sound and p[er]fect
6    mynd and memorie (thanks be unto God therefore) And desiring in this my p[er]fect
7    memorie soe to settle and dispose of such worldly estate as it hath pleased God of his
8    goodnes to bestowe upon mee that it bee not a trouble and perplexitie unto mee when
9    it shall please God to call mee out of this troublesome world to th[e ]end is quieting
10    of my Soule and conscience which I labour to prepare for Gods blessed visita[t]ion
11    And for the quietinge of my estate that noe conten[t]ion or strife may after my
12    decease arise or growe concerninge the same doe therefore make and declare
13    my last will and Testament b y these p[re]sents And first I bequeath my soule
14    into the hands of Allmighty God the creator and giver thereof hopeinge
    [Page 2]
15    and constantly believing through the alone meritts of his onely Sonne myn
16    mercifull Redeemer Jesus Christ to receive remission and forgivenes of all my synnes
17    And to be made a partaker of his heavenly kingdome after this life ended As for my
18    body I commend the same to the earth from whence it came to be decently buryed
19    accordinge to my degree and qualitie at the discre[t]ion of my Executor hereafter named
20    Item I give and bequeath unto the parishe Church of Helmarton Fortie shillings to
21    be bestowed at the discre[t]ion of the Overseers hereafter named Item I give unto the
22    poore of the parish of Helmarton as followeth viz[ a vi]t To beny Bewin five shillings
23    And to Elizabeth Rilye five shillings Item to Goodwife Bathoter five shillings
24    Item to Cimely five shillings Item to Audry Holloway five shillings Item to Robert
25    Richens tenne sonnes five shillings Item I give and bequeath unto my loveing wife
26    Elizabeth Baynard One hundred pounds of lawfull English money and all these
27    goods which shee brought with her to mee at o[u]r marriage Item I give and bequeath
28    unto my sayd wife one brasse crock one greate brasse browning kettle one paire of
29    Andirons and one bracke Item my Will is that my said wife shall have the
30    keepinge of my brother William and the mannageing of that estate which I have
31    provided for him for his mayntenance and reliefe And if in case it shall hereafter arise
32    to my Overseers That my said brothers mayntenance which I have now provided for
33    him be not sufficient for to mayntayne him That then my Executors shall allowe and
34    pay him yearely soe much more as shal[l ]be needful towards the same Item I give and
35    bequeath unto my cosen Giles Baynard of Ireland one hundred pounds Item I give
36    and bequeath unto the said Giles Baynard daughter Twenty pounds Item I
37    give and bequeath unto Edward Baynards sister the daughter of Edward Baynard
38    gent deceased now lyveing in Ireland Tenn pounds Item I give and bequeath unto my
39    Godsonne Adiell Baynard Fiftie pounds Item I give and bequeath unto William Heath
40    of Hellmarton aforesaid Twenty pounds Item I give and bequeath unto Edward
41    Heath my Godsonne sonne of the aforenamed William Heath the some of Tenn
42    pounds Item I give and bequeath unto my Goddaughter Marie Heath (daughter of
43    the said William the some of Fortie pounds. Item I give and bequeath unto my
44    servant Robert King Fouer pounds Item Igive and bequeath unto my mayd servant
45    Mary King Fiftie shillings Item I give and bequeath unto an old servant of myne
46    one John Newnton five pounds Item I give and bequeath unto my servant William
47    Davis fortie shillings Item I give and bequeath unto my brother William Barnard
48    aforenamed one featherbed withall his furniture and appurtenances and All the rest of
49    my goods, cattles chattles and creditts whatsoever moveable and unmoveable I give
50    and bequeath unto Edward Baynard my cosen of the Cittie of London sonne of
51    Edward Baynard gent deceased whome I doe ordayne constitute and make sole
52    Executor of this my last will and Testament Provided all wayes and my full will
53    intent and meaninge is That the said Edward Baynard my Executor before hee
54    possesse my goods shall give good and sufficient security unto my Overseers hereafter
55    named for the due performance of this my last will and Testament And I doe earnestly
56    entreate and desire Mr Henry Blaake gent and William Johnsonne gent to bee the
57    the Overseers of this my last will and Testament not doubtinge but they will to the
58    uttermost of their powers see the same in all respects performed In accomplishing
59    whereof I nothinge doubte but that the Lord will requite them dureing their lives
60    and send them carefull overseers after their deathes And in takeing the goodwill
61    I beare them I give unto the sayd Henry Blaake gent Tenn poundes of lawfull
62    English money And to the said William Johnsonne gent five pounds of lawfull
63    English money In wittness where I the said Edward Baynard to this my true
64    last will and Testament have sett my hand and seale geaven the day and yeare first
65    above written Edward Baynard Signed sealed and published in the presence of
66    Barnabie Hersington William Heath Robert King his marke

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