Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Will of Robert Baynard gentleman of Lacock - The National Archiv es PROB 11/78/488, probated 9 Nov 1638

Robert Baynard (the testator) is a cousin to Benjamin Baynard and Edward Baynard and mentioned in the will of his cousin as Benjamin has two chests and a desk that belong to him. This Robert is not known to me and his will provides only the clue that his mother was Elinor but not his father's name. His mother was possibly Irish as he mentions property in Cork.

Since it trails away from the Blake family I decided that I would not pursue further information on this Robert.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 10 Jan 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/78/488
Testator: Robert Baynard, gent
Place: Lacock, Wiltshire, England
Date of document: 28 Sep 1638, probated 9 Nov 1638
Relationship: nephew of Robert Baynard and Anna Blake possibly
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T[estament] Roberti
[Margin]: Baynard

1    In the name of God Amen This
2    eight and twentieth day of September Anno domini, 1638, And in the fourteenth
3    yeare of the raigne of our Sov[er]aigne Lord Charles by the grace of god Kinge of England
4    Scotland France and Ireland defender of the faith etc I Robert Baynard of Lacock
5    in the Countie of Wiltes[hire] gent beinge sick and weake of body but of good and p[er]fect memory
6    I give god the praise, doe make and declare this my last will and testam[en]t in manner and
7    forme followinge hereby revokinge and or dishallatinge all former and other wills by
8    me heretofore made First and principally I commend my soule unto the hands of my
9    most gracious god with full confidence and assurance of the p[ar]don and forgivenes of all
10    my synnes in and through the merritts and media[t]ion of my all sufficient and aloane
11    Saviour Jesus Christ, and my body I committ to the earth to be interred in Christian buriall
12    Item I give to the p[ar]ishe Church of Lacock aforesaid six shillings and eight pence and to the poore people of the same p[ar]ish I give six shillings and eight pence / Item
13    I give and bequeath, unto my dear and wel[l ]beloved Mother Mrs Elinor Baynard
14    seaven pounds currant English mony to buy her ringe, Item I give to Brian Obrian
15    my Father's servant tenn shillings Item I give unto my godsonne Baynard
16    Bengeman seaven poundes current English money to be paid to his Father for his use
17    within the space of three yeares nexte after my decease, Item I give and bequeath unto
18    Mrs Elizabeth Baynard of Hilmarton one and twenty shillings to buy her a ring Item
19    I give unto Anne the wife of John Band of the p[ar]ish of Lacock forty shillings in mony
20    Item I give unto my cosen Mr. Edward Baynard of Hilmarton Fortie shillings in money
21    Item I give unto Robert Domes tenn shillings, Item I give unto John Chappell of the
22    Citty of bath five shillings and unto Margery wife of the said John Chappell I give
23    twenty shillings in mony, Item I give devise will and bequeath unto William Thornes
24    of Lacock aforesaid yeoman one Annuitie or yearely rent charge of Fifteene pounds p[er] ann[um]
25    issuinge or payable unto me out of certaine ploughland called Coralie Pomerie in
26    the Baronie of Jnchey Queene Loraly in the County of Cork and Realme of Ireland
27    to hould unto him the said William Thorner his executors and assignes duringe all such
28    tearmes and time as I the said Robert Baynard my executors or assignes might or
29    ought to have receave and enioy the same Annuitie or yearely rent charge Item I give
30    devise and bequeath unto my sister Bridgett Parsons widdowe and to the heries males
31    of her body lawfully begotten and to be begotten All and singular my lands tenements
32    and hereditam[en]ts whatsoever with their and every of their appurten[an]cs scituate lying
33    and beinge within the said Barony of Jnchey Queene Lorally and for want or in
34    default of such heire male then I give devise will and bequeath unto the said William
35    Thorner and to his heires and assignes forever, All and singuler any said lands tenem[en]ts
36    and hereditaments whatsoever with theire and every of their appurten[an]cs lyinge and
37    beinge within the said Barony of Jnchey Queene Loraly To have and to hould unto
38    him the said William Thorner his heires and assignes forever, Item I give and bequeath unto
39    the said William Thorner one Annuty or yearely rent charge of tenn pounds p[er] ann[um]
40    issuinge and payable unto me out of a certaine Mill with th[e ]appurtenn[an]cs commonly called
    [Page 2]
41    or knowne by the name of Mr Beniamyn Baynards mill scituate and beinge w[i]thin
42    the foresaid parishe of Lacock, To hould receive and take the same Annuity or rent charge
43    of tenn poundes p[er] ann[um] unto the said William Thorner his executors and assignes dureinge all
44    my estate tearme for yeeares and clayme therein, The rest and residue of all and singuler my
45    goodes cattel, chattells, moneyes, specialties and creditts not hereby before given willed
46    or bequeathed, I give and bequeath unto the said William Thorner whome I make the
47    whole and sole executor of this my last will and testam[en]t, In Witnes that this is my
48    last will I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written /
49    Robert Bainard, Read, Sealed Signed and  published in the presence of John Chamlen his mark
50    Thomas Brode Robert Rendall

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