Monday, March 4, 2013

Will of Elizabeth Buller, Widow, Holles Street, Clare Market, Middlesex - The National Archives PROB 11/1787/229

Elizabeth Buller is the Testator. Perhaps her marriage is to George Buller 1794 at Stoke Newington, Middlesex (Society of Genealogists, Find My Past). Interesting to have a George Buller as this is quite a common forename in the Somerset Buller family.

Her sister Mary married John Douglas 14 Jun 1795 at All Saints Church, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire. They baptized three children at Gainsborough: Thomas Douglas 9 Jul 1796 and 1 Dec 1797 and Eliza Douglas 12 Sep 1818.

Her sister Sarah married Isaac Mundy 17 Aug 1806 at All Saints Church, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire. They baptized four children at Gainsborough: Thomas Munday 10 Feb 1810, Margaret Munday 24 Dec 1814 at Gainsborough, Elizabeth and Ann Munday 29 Jan 1820 at Gainsborough.

Her sister Ann married Abraham Evans 9 Feb 1800 at St James, Piccadilly, Middlesex. This was Marriage #39 and they were both of the parish and married by banns and they both signed the Parish Register and witnesses were Samuel Evans and Faney Evans.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 24 Feb 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1787/229
Testator: Elizabeth Buller, Widow
Place: Holles Street, Clare Market, Middlesex, England
Date of document:  17 Dec 1830, probated 28 Jul 1831
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Elizabeth
[Margin]: Buller

1    This is the last Will and Testament
2    of me Elizabeth Buller of Holes Street Clare Market in the County of Middlesex
3    widow I direct all my just debts funeral and testamentary expences to be fully paid
4    and satisfied as soon as conveniently may be after my decease I give to my dear
5    Sister Mary Douglas Wife of John Douglass of Gainsborough in the County of
6    Lincoln the sum of One hundred pounds for her separate use independently of
7    her husband I also give the like sum of One hundred pounds unto my dear
8    Sister Sarah Monday Wife of Isaac Monday of Gainsborough aforesaid Tailor for her
9    separate use independently of her husband and in case of the decease of either of my
10    said Sisters in my life time I direct that the said Legacies shall not lapse but shall
11    be paid to their respective personal representative and I direct that the said
12    Legacies shall be paid within six months after my decease I give all my Linen
13    wearing Apparel Trinkets and Ornaments of the person whatsoever unto my Sister
14    in Law Elizabeth Robinson Wife of my Brother Thomas Robinson of Holles Street
15    aforesaid hair dresser and as to all the Rest Residue and Remainder
16    of my personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever I direct my Executor hereinafter
17    named to convert into money such parts thereof as may not consist of money and I give
18    one moiety thereof unto my said Brother Thomas Robinson for his absolute use and
19    benefit and in case he shall depart this life in my life time I give the same moiety
20    to Elizabeth Robinson his wife for her absolute use and benefit and as to the other
21    moiety thereof I give the same unto my said Brother Thomas Robinson and to
22    Samuel Pett of Upper Clapton in the said County of Middlesex Esquire who has
23    consented to act as my trustee for the purposes hereinafter mentioned Upon trust
24    the interest and dividends thereof unto my Sister Ann Evans Wife of Abraham
25    Evans of Park Street Islington in the County of Middlesex Gentleman for the term
26    of her natural life for her separate use independently of her husband and not to be subject
27    to his debts controul or engagements and for which her receipt alone shall be a sufficient
28    discharge to my said Trustees and after the decease of my said Sister Ann Evans I give the
29    said moiety of my residuary personal Estate unto my said Sisters Mary Douglass and
30    Sarah Monday in equal proportions share and share alike for their separate use and
31    benefit independently of their respective husbands and in case of the death of either of
32    them the said Mary Douglass and Sarah Monday in my life time or during the life of my
33    said Sister Ann Evans then I direct that the share of her so dying shall be equally
34    divided between her children and I hereby declare that my Executor and Trustees or
35    either of them shall not be answerable or accountable the one for the other of them or for the
36    acts of the other but each only for the money that shall actually come to his hands and the acts
37    they shall not be answerable for any loss which may happen by placing any part of
38    such money in any Bank of Bankers hands for safe custody or otherwise without his or
39    their wilful neglect or default and I declare it to be my wish to be Buried in the
40    Burying Ground of the New Grave Pit Meeting House at Hackney and I hereby appoint
41    my said Brother Thomas Robinson Executor of this my Will and revoking all other Wills
42    by me made I declare this to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said
43    Elizabeth Buller the Testatrix have to this my last Will and Testament set my hand and
    [Page 2]
44    seal this twenty eighth day of December one thousand eight hundred and thirty Elizabeth
45    Buller Signed sealed published and declared by the said Elizabeth Buller the
46    testatrix as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in her presence at
47    her request and in the presence of each other attest the same as Witnesses the words "Mary"
48    and "Sarah" in the preceding page being first written on Erasures Fras: Pett Hitchin
49    Thomas Emery
50    Proved at London the 28th July 1831 before the Worshipful Jesse Addams Doctor of Laws
51    and Surrogate by the Oath of Thomas Robinson the Brother the sole Executor to whom Adm[inistrati]on
52    was granted having been first sworn duly to administer


  1. I am absolutely intrigued by this post, which I have stumbled across by complete chance. I am researching the Douglas and Robinson families of Gainsborough and my great grandfather Thomas Robinson Williams (1829-1902) was brought up by the Thomas Robinson who was executor of the Buller will. Indeed, he became his sole heir. It is not clear how, if at all, you are related to these families, although I can see that it is probably the Buller connection that drew you to them. Can you enlighten me? I can add quite a lot, if it is of interest - to begin with, John and Mary Douglas had several more children, one of whom (Mary, 1807-1832) was my great great grandmother. Nicholas Williams

  2. Thank you for your comment. However, my reason for doing the Buller wills that I have published and there are over 70 of them in total, was to see if I could discover any information on my Christopher Buller family. I wonder if George Buller, her husband, was descendant of the Somerset Buller family and curious of course if George was related to my Christopher since they are in Middlesex at the right time to be related.

  3. I tried to post a reply to your last one straight away but am obviously too incompetent. I'm sorry my knowledge of the Robinsons won't be any help to you - as a matter of interest, where have you published all the Buller wills? And how did you glean that information about the Douglases, the Mundays and Ann Robinson?

  4. Usually I mention if it was from Family Search and see that I failed to do so in this case. The London marriage I would have found on Ancestry. The Buller wills are published on my blog. Not a problem though it is always interesting to hear comments on my blogs.
