Monday, March 4, 2013

Will of Sarah Buller, Widow, Saint George Hanover Square, Middlesex - The National Archives PROB 11/829/178, probated 19 Apr 1757

This is the will of Sarah Buller (née Stert) the widow of William Watson Buller. This family is well represented in the wills of London and Middlesex for the Buller family. There is more mention of the eldest son James and I must admit to being curious about James and the possibility mentioned by his mother that he might marry. His father wrote him out of his will for the most part. The mother has left enough money to give him a small yearly pension. Charlotte has received another two thousand pounds from her mother giving her a total of four thousand from both of her parents. This was a sizeable amount at the time to then give to her husband in the earlier will of Charlotte Roddam formerly Buller.

Noble Wallwyn Pytts has been one of the witnesses of this will and he is the son of Elizabeth Noble and William Pytts. Elizabeth being the eldest daughter of John Noble and Margaret Walwyn and this family of Hertfordshire, England. Interesting the witnesses of wills on occasion. Noble was baptized 29 Apr 1722 at Kenderchurch, Hereford and thus is 35 years of age at the signing of this will. On The National Archives site under the archives of the Wallwyn family of Much Marcle, Herefordshire I did learn that John Noble was a mercer of London. This material is from the papers of Noble Wallwyn Pytts and found in the Herefordshire Record Office.

Elizabeth Watson Buller married Eman Walton 6 Apr 1758 at York, Yorkshire (according to the Kings Court, Holy Trinity database created by the LDS Film Number 1068426).

Another online resource is a set of Baptisms in Lisbon Portugal
which lists Sarah 1726, Lucy Caroline 1728, James 1731, Richard 1732, Elizabeth Watson 1734 and Sarah 1736.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 22 Feb 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/829/178
Testator: Sarah Buller, Widow
Place: Saint George Hanover Square, Middlesex, England
Date of document:  28 Mar 1757, probated 19 Apr 1757
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Sarah Buller

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Sarah Buller of the parish of Saint George Hanover
3    Square in the County of Middlesex Widow do make
4    this my last Will and Testament as follows Item I give
5    and devise unto my youngest daughter Charlott Buller
6    the Sum of two thousand pounds which I do in
7    consideration that her Father left her only two thousand
8    pounds and left her sisters three thousand pounds each
9    Item I give and bequeath unto my Eldest son James
10    Buller the sum of five hundred pounds Item I give
11    and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Buller one
12    thousand pounds Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter
13    Elizabeth Watson Buller one thousand pounds
    [Page 2]
14    Item I give and bequeath unto my Son Richard Buller one
15    thousand pounds. Item I give and bequeath unto my
16    Brother Arthur Stert and Rebecca Lambert the sum of one
17    thousand and five hundred pounds In Trust to pay the Interest
18    thereof to my Eldest son James Buller during the Term of his
19    natural Life and in case the said Arthur Stert and Rebecca
20    Lambert shall be inclineable to let him leave the said
21    principal Sum of one thousand five hundred pounds or any
22    part thereof, my will is that they shall have liberty so to do
23    But in case the said Arthur Stert and Rebecca Lambert shall
24    not be inclineable to let him leave the said principal Sum of
25    one thousand five hundred pounds during his Life, then my
26    will is that if my said son James Buller shall Marry and
27    leave Children at his death, the said principal Sum of one
28    thousand five hundred pounds or so much thereof as shall
29    not have been paid to my said Son in  his Lifetime shall be
30    equally divided amongst his children after his decease But if
31    he shall leave no Children then my will is that the same
32    shall be equally divided amongst my daughters Anna Maria
33    Leaves, Elizabeth Watson Buller, Sarah Buller and
34    Charlott Buller. Item I give and bequeath unto the said
35    Arthur Stert and Rebecca Lambert the sum of one thousand
36    pounds In Trust to put the same out at Interest upon
37    Government or Real Securitys and to pay the Interest and
38    dividends thereof to my daughter Anna Maria Leaves to
39    her own separate use nothwithstanding her coverture during
40    her natural Life and after her decease to pay the same Sum
41    of one thousand pounds to such person or persons as She
42    shall by any Writing under her hand direct or appoint and
43    after payment of the said Legacies of Sums amounting
44    together to eight thousand pounds being what my late
45    husband left me the Interest of for my Life and desired I
46    would divide and dispose of amongst my Children, I give
47    and bequeath out of the Remainder or other part of my
48    Estate unto my Sister Rebecca Lambert the sum of five
49    hundred pounds. Item I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth
50    Sibly the sum of ten pounds ten shillings. Item I give all my
51    household Goods Linnen and plate unto my three unmarried
52    daughters and to such of them as shall remain unmarried for
53    their use until they are all married or mutually consent to
54    divide the same, and after they are all Married to be equally
55    divided between and amongst them and I desire that every
56    thing may remain in my house as it now is for Six Months
57    after my decease and that my three unmarried daughters
58    would live together and keep the House as it now is for that
59    time And subject to the payment of my debts Legacies and
60    Funeral Expences I give and bequeath unto the said Arthur
61    Stert and Rebecca Lambert all the rest residue and remainder
62    of my Money and Estate whatsoever wheresoever and
63    howsoever Employed Upon Trust to retain and keep the
64    same in their hands until my three unmarried daughters or
    [Page 3]
65    the Survivor or Survivors of them shall be Married or they
66    shall mutually consent to divide the same between them and
67    their Eldest sister Anna Maria Leaves and until such
68    division Upon Trust to pay the Interest and proceed thereof
69    equally amongst my said three unmarried daughters and
70    such of them as shall continue unmarried and after they or
71    the survivor or Survivors of them are all Married Upon
72    Trust to divide the same principal and Interest equally
73    amongst my four daughters and I do hereby nominate
74    constitute and appoint my said Brother Arthur Stert and
75    my said Sister Rebecca Lambert joint Executor and Executrix
76    of this my last Will and Testament and hereby revoke all former
77    and other wills by me at any time or times heretofore made
78    In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the
79    twenty Eighth day of March in the year of our Lord one
80    thousand seven hundred and fifty seven. S Buller
81    Signed sealed published and declared by the said Testatrix
82    Sarah Buller as and for her last Will and Testament in the
83    presence of us who in her presence and in the presence of
84    each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses hereunto
85    Mary Ludewig Noble Wallwyn Pytts
86    This Will was proved at London the nineteenth
87    day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven
88    hundred and fifty seven before the Worshipfull George
89    Harris Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Right Honourable
90    Sir George Lee Knight also Doctor of Laws Master Keeper
91    or Commissary of the prerogative Court of Canterbury
92    lawfully constituted by the Oaths of Arthur Stert Esquire and
93    Rebecca Lambert Widow the Executors named in the said
94    Will to whom Administration was granted of all and singular
95    the Goods Chattels and Credits of the deceased having been
96    first sworn duly to administer.

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