Monday, March 11, 2013

Will of Mary Buller, Spinster, Nether Stowey, Somerset - The National Archives PROB 11/1152/355, probated 31 May 1787

This will is for Mary the eldest daughter of Edward and Sarah Buller and sister to Jenkins Buller. She names her sister Elizabeth Poole as Executrix. Legacies were given to her niece Sarah Poole and her nephews Thomas Poole and Richard Jenkins Poole. She has an annuity for her brother Jenkins Buller. The tone of the will is interesting and leaves one to only guess at the life style of Jenkins Buller having already transcribed his will and noted his debts. Interesting that the sum of money that must be paid for his lands by Sarah Poole matches the legacy given her by her Aunt Mary Buller.

I find it very interesting the way that land has been given to every child of Edward Buller and Sarah Jenkins. Presumably Richard Buller (their son) has died young as he is not mentioned in any will. The next will is that of Sarah Buller (widow of Edward). Definitely this line is not mine since Jenkins has died without any mention of children and the time frame overlaps that of my Christopher Buller.

There remains 14 more wills for the Buller family. Two more following that of Sarah above in Somerset, four in Surrey, one in Sussex and six in Warwickshire. There are another eight or nine miscellaneous wills that pertain or are for the Buller family and then my foray into the Buller family records will be complete for the moment. I hope to finish in the next two weeks.

Then back to Blake and the newsletter to be produced for 1 April 2013. It will deal with my time at Who Do You Think You Are Conference in London and my look at the Calendar of Patent Rolls. I was able to look at several of the original documents that made up this set of rolls.

Following that I will return once again to the wills that I collected earlier for other lines of my family (120 still to do). I wish to complete them before beginning on the new material that we imaged at Kew this time. Mind you the desire to return to the Blake material may be so strong that it derails my thought!

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 8 Mar 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1152/355
Testator: Mary Buller, Spinster
Place: Nether Stowey, Somerset
Date of document:  29 Sep 1779, probated 31 May 1787
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Mary
[Margin]: Buller

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Mary Buller of Nether Stowey in the County of Somerset
3    Spinster being of sound and disposing mind Memory and
4    understanding (praised be God for the same) do hereby revoke
    [Page 2]
5    all former and other will and wills by me at any
6    time herebefore made and do make and publish this
7    last Will and Testament in manner and form following
8    (that is to say) whereas I have by a certain writing
9    called a document Surrender surrendered all my Messuages
10    Cottages Lands and Tenements within the Customary
11    manor of Colyton Deane in the said County unto the
12    hands of the Lord of the Manor to the use and behoof
13    of my sister Elizabeth Poole (wife of Thomas Poole
14    of Nether Stowey aforesaid Tanner her heirs and Assigns
15    for ever according to the Custom of the said Manor
16    Also in Trust to perform my last Will and Testament Now
17    I do hereby give and devise all and every my said
18    Messuages Lands and Tenements whatsoever situate
19    within and parcels of the said Manor of Taunton deane
20    with their respective appurtenances unto my said Sister
21    Elizabeth Poole her heirs and Assigns for ever subject and
22    charged nevertheless with the payment of the yearly
23    Sum of twenty pounds to such person and for so long
24    time as is hereinafter mentioned Also I give and
25    bequeath unto my Brother Jenkins Buller of the City of
26    London Gentleman One Annuity or yearly Sum of twenty
27    pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain clear of
28    Land Tax and all other deductions whatsoever to be
29    paid unto him by my said Sister Elizabeth Poole her
30    heirs or assigns or such other person or persons as shall
31    be in the possession of the said Taunton Dean Lands
32    by four even Quarterly payments in every year and
33    to continue payable during the natural life of him
34    the said Jenkins Buller the first of such payments
35    to begin and be made at the end of three Calendar
36    Months next after my decease and I do hereby
37    Subject and charge all and every my said Taunton
38    Deane Lands with and for the payment of the said
39    Annuity Also I do hereby give and bequeath unto
40    my said Brother Jenkins Buller the sum of ten pounds
41    of lawful Money of Great Britain to buy himself
42    Mourning Also I give and bequeath unto my Niece
43    Sarah Poole daughter of the said Thomas Poole the
44    Sum of Seven hundred pound of lawful Money of
45    Great Britain to be paid unto her by my Executrix
46    hereinafter named when she the said Sarah Poole
47    shall attain her age of twenty one years or be married
48    which shall first happen provided such Marriage be
49    with the consent of her parents or Guardians and not
50    otherwise Also I give to my said Niece Sarah Poole my
51    Silver Tankard to be delivered to her by my Executrix
52    hereafter named which she shall receive at the said age of
53    twenty one years or be married Also I give and bequeath
54    unto my Nephew Thomas Poole (Son of the aforesaid
55    Thomas Poole) the Sum of Fifty pounds of like lawful
56    Money to be paid unto him when he shall attain his
    [Page 3]
57    age of twenty one years by my Executrix hereinafter named
58    Also I give and bequeath unto my Nephew Richard
59    Jenkins Poole (another Son of the aforesaid Thomas
60    Poole) the Sum of Fifty pounds of like lawful British
61    Money and my Silver Cup and Tumbler the said Legacy
62    to be paid and the said Cup and Tumbler delivered to
63    him by my Executrix hereinafter named when he the
64    said Richard Jenkins Poole shall attain his Age of twenty
65    one years All my Messuages Land and Tenements Freeholds
66    and Leasehold not hereinbefore given bequeathed or
67    devised I give devise and bequeath the same unto
68    my said Sister Elizabeth Poole her heirs Executors
69    Administrators and Assigns Also all the rest and residue
70    of my Monies Mortgages Bonds Bills Notes Securities
71    for Money Goods Chattles Personal and Testamentary
72    Estate whatsoever not hereinbefore given or bequeathed
73    (after payment of all and every the Legacies herein
74    before mentioned and all my just debts and Funeral Expences
75    I do hereby give and bequeath the same unto my said
76    Sister the said Elizabeth Poole whom I do make
77    constitute and appoint whole and Sole Executrix and
78    Residuary Legatee of this my last Will and Testament
79    In Witness whereof the said Mary Buller has to this my last Will and Testament
80    which is contained in three sheets of paper set my hand
81    to the two first Sheets hereof and my hand and Seal to this
82    third and last Sheet The twenty ninth day of September
83    in the year of Our Lord one thousand Seven hundred
84    and seventy nine Mary Buller Signed Sealed Published and
85    declared by the said Mary Buller the Testator as and for
86    her last Will and Testament in the presence of us who
87    have subscribed our names as witnesses hereunto in her
88    presence and at her request and in the presence of each
89    other of us Prokter Thomas Cha[rle]s Cole Emmanuel
90    Philpott
91    This Will was proved at London on the thirty first
92    day of May in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven
93    hundred and Eighty seven before the Right Worshipful
94    Peter Calvert Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary
95    of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted
96    by the Oath of Elizabeth Poole (wife of Thomas Poole
97    the Sister of the deceased and Sole Executrix named in
98    the said Will to whom Administration was granted All
99    and Singular the Goods Chattles and Credits of the said
100    deceased having been first Sworn by Commission duly
101    to Administer

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