Monday, March 11, 2013

Will of Sarah Buller, Widow, Nether Stowey, Somerset - The National Archives PROB 11/951/315, probated 2 Oct 1769

This will is that of Sarah Buller (widow of Edward). Definitely this line is not mine since Jenkins has died without any mention of children and the time frame overlaps that of my Christopher Buller. I need to do more research on the line of his brother Gregory and that of George also at Nether Stowey. But that will wait for a later date. The witnesses W. Buller and Jane Buller are interesting and I should pursue that at a later date. But again this will is in the time frame of the birth of Christopher Buller and so my process forward through the Buller wills continues and probably it would even if I find Christopher since I do have them and they will likely be interesting to someone else reading this blog. Amazing to think I created it as my "corporate" memory to be able to look back and see what I worked on and my thoughts with regard to particular family lines.

Once I have completed all of these current wills then I will start to do my calendar of names once again so that I work on each of my surnames in turn on a daily basis. I will only spend about an hour on these individual names (research plan to be prepared as part of the time). I will also look at one French Canadian surname of our son in law once a day using the same criteria.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 9 Mar 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/951/315
Testator: Sarah Buller, Widow
Place: Nether Stowey, Somerset
Date of document:  18 Jul 1769, probated 2 Oct 1769
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Sarah
[Margin]: Buller

1    This is the last Will
2    and Testament of me Sarah Buller of Nether Stowey in
3    the County of Somerset Widow
4    All and Singular my Taunton Dean Lands or Lands of
5    the Manor of Taunton Dean Messuages Tenements and
6    heredita[men]ts whatsoever whereof I have lately made Surrender
7    To the use and behoof of my Daughter Mary Buller and
8    Elizabeth Poole (Wife of Thomas Poole) of Nether Stowey
9    aforesaid County I Give and Devise unto the said Mary
10    Buller and Elizabeth Poole to hold to them their heirs and
11    Assigns forever (as Tenants in Common) according to the
12    Custom of the Manor of Taunton Dean aforesaid And I
13    do hereby Will and Direct that they the said Mary Buller and
14    Elizabeth Poole their heirs and Assigns for ever accordingly and shall stand and be Seized thereof to the proper use and benefit of them the said Mary Buller and Elizabeth Poole
15    that the said Surrender shall operate and devise to that intent and
16    purpose and for no other use Intent or purpose whatsoever
17    Provided always and my mind and Will is and I do hereby Order
18    and Direct that the part and Share of her my said Daughter
19    Elizabeth of into and out of the said Lands and heredita[men]ts shall be
20    and is hereby meant and Intended to be for her own Sole and separate
21    use and benefit (Exclusive of the said Thomas Poole her husband and
22    not Subject to his Debts or Engagements power or Council) And
23    I Do hereby entirely Exclude the said Thomas Poole from having
24    or taking any manner of Estate right Title or Interest therein
25    And do vest full power and authority in her the said Elizabeth
26    Poole to Dispose thereof from time to time (the same being
27    Agreeable to the Custom of the said Manor) in such manner as she
28    shall think proper without the concurrence or consent of her
29    said husband, All and Singular my Freehold Messuages
    [Page 2]
30    Lands Tenements and heredit[ament]s whatsoever or wheresoever whether the
31    Same be in possession reversion or remainder or by Expectancy I Give
32    and Devise unto my Son Jenkins Buller To hold to him his heirs
33    and Assigns for ever, All these my Leasehold Lands and heredit[amen]ts
34    which I lately purchased of one Robert Sivre situate lying and
35    being at Marlpit within the parish of Nether Stowey in the said
36    County And also all that my Close pond or parcel of Land formerly
37    called Cole Lands But now commonly called or known by the name
38    of Popham's Ten Acres Situate lying and being in the parish of
39    Stogursey in the said County I Give and Devise unto my said Son
40    Jenkins Buller To Hold to him his Executors Adm[inistrat]ors and Assigns
41    for all my Estate right Title and Interest of into and out of the same
42    respectively Also I Give and bequeath unto my said Son Jenkins
43    Buller the Sum of three hundred pounds in Money and my Silver
44    Guil Cap I Give and bequeath unto my said Daughter Mary the
45    Sum of Seven hundred pounds All the residue and remainder
46    of my Leasehold Lands and heredit[amen]ts Goods Chattels and personal
47    Estate of what nature or kind soever I Devise and bequeath
48    unto my said Daughters Mary and Elizabeth (equally to be divided
49    between them) their Executors Adm[inistrat]ors and Assigns as Tenants
50    in Common And I do hereby nominate and Appoint the said Mary
51    Buller and Elizabeth Poole Joint Executrixes and residuary Legatees
52    of this my last Will and Testament Provided always and my
53    Mind and will is that the said sum of Seven hundred pounds
54    Given to my daughter Mary as aforesaid shall have a
55    priority or preference to the part of share of my said daughter
56    Elizabeth of and in the said residuary Estate so by me devised as
57    aforesaid In Witness whereof to this my last Will and Testament
58    I the said Sarah Buller have hereunto set my hand and Seal the
59    Eighteenth Day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven
60    hundred and Sixty nine Sarah Buller Signed Sealed published and
61    Declared by the above named Sarah Buller as and for her last will
62    and Testament in the presence of us who have here unto subscribed
63    our names as Witnesses therein the presence and at the request
64    of the said Testatrix and in the presence of each other W. Buller
65    Jane Buller Abra: Awers
66    This Will was proved at London the Second Day of
67    October in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and
68    Sixty nine before the Right Worshipful George Hay Doctor of
69    Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the prerogative Court
70    of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oaths of Mary Buller
71    Spinster and Elizabeth Poole (Wife of Thomas Poole) the
72    Executrixes named in the said Will to whom Administration was Granted
73    of all and Singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the deceased
74    they having been first Sworn by Commission duly to Administer

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