Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Will of Thomas Buller, Gentleman, Staple Fitzpayne, Somerset - The National Archives PROB 11/51/16, probated 22 Jan 1568/69

An interesting will by this testator who is mentioned in the will of the Buller family in Cornwall? Thomas Buller has sons Henry and Edmund Buller and his will is dated 1568. His sons are over 21. He lives at Staple Fitzpayne which is six miles NE of North Curry and 10 miles SW of Dunkeswell where he has property. He is named on the visitation as a brother of Alexander Buller. In the will of Richard Buller blogged earlier (http://kippeeb.blogspot.ca/2013/02/will-of-richard-buller-esquire-of.html) Richard gives him one of his gowns.

On the Visitation Thomas is named as the son of John Buller and Alice Sidnam of Brampton. Although the Visitation says that Richard mentions his grandfather John Buller in his will it is difficult reading the will to know that the John he mentions is his grandfather. However, the visitation also mentions that John is named in the Inquisition postmortem and I have not yet read that document (another item for Kew!). The visitation does list Henry as his son and that he was 26 years of age at the time of the Inquisition Postmortem taken for the present testator. No further information on Henry and Edmund is not mentioned. Yet another dangling line in Somerset.

At the Somerset Record Office there is a Grant DD\PM/3/4/1-2 and under the description is listed Henry Buller of Bickenhill, gent, and Edmund Buller brother of Henry. Grant of Playcestreete messuage and 14 a in Bickenhall and Staple with one third of Bickenhall manor (120 a) in trust for Henry for life then to Edmund and dated 31 Mar 1590. Bickenhall is 2 miles west of Staple Fitzpaine. A rather interesting find so investigated parish register availability online and did find: http://www.parkhouse.org.uk/transcr/tcontent.htm

However the records only begin in the mid 1700s but investigated for Buller and I did not find any records for the Buller family there.

A record in 1595 may explain not finding Buller at Bickenhall as a Mortgage was given to Edmund Buller of Staple by Alexander and Henry Jones of Bridgwater of Plaistreet and one third of the manor of Bickenhall 25 Mar 1595. Further on 26 Mar 1598 Edmund Buller of Staple and his son and heir Henry mortgaged to George Dodington of Dodington and again the same property and included is a debt resulting from a suit between Buller and Portman in 1607. Again a mortgage between Edmund Buller of Staple and son Henry Buller from Nicholas Holway, John Pococke and Thomas Brereton of Yeard - same property (DD\PM/3/4/8). Then finally 23 Jul 1611 the release of the mortgage from Henry Buller servant to Sir George Trenchard the elder of Wolveton, Dorset to Rachel Portman of Taunton, daughter of Sir Henry Portman, deceased. It is the release of one third of bickenhall manor and lands, the inheritance of his uncle Henry Buller in Playstreet, Bickenhall and Staple. Another interesting find for the Buller family and a dangling line not traced down.

There are 55 items on the OPC Dorset website for the Buller family. Must be investigated one of these days.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 10 Mar 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/51/16
Testator: Thomas Buller, Gentleman
Place: Staple Fitzpayne, Somerset
Date of document:  14 Apr 1568, probated 22 Jan 1568/69
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 16th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Thome
[Margin]: Buller

1    In the name of god amen anno _____ Elizabeth __decimo di quattuordecim Aprilis I Thomme Buller
2    of Staple Fitzpayne in the Countie of Somerset gent being sicke of body but sonde of mynd and p[er]fect memorie thankes be unto god make this my
3    last will and testament in manner and form folowing First I bequeath my soule unto almightie god and my body to be buried in the churche of
4    Staple Item I will that wenefride my wife shall have all suche apperalles she hath now of her own or is lefte of my first wyvies saving
5    a grdle waist studde and hir best beades which were gyven unto Henry Buller my sonne by his mother and also one other girdle which
6    was gyven unto Edmund Buller my sonne by his mother, Item I will that my said wife shall  have all goods moveable and
7    unmoveable at Bowrhays in Dunckeswell passing the legacie unto varius chyldren So that she will release the xx li or ___
8    that John Smyth ___dred for and all suche other lyvinge as sholde depende to her by decent or otherwise to be paied oute of my
9    Lands or lyvinge which yf she chuse do that then my will is that Henry Buller my sonne shall have all my said goods moveable and
10    unmoveable at Bowrhays in Dunckeswell aforesaid in confidence that he _s_er her the xx li yet and the use of the legacie unto varius children
11    __paied aforesaid. Item I gyve to John my sonne Tenne pounds to be paid within a yere after my deathe Item I gyve unto Elizabeth my daughter
12    Twentie shillings Item I gyve to Alice my daughter tenne shillings Item I gyve to Thomas Clement my servant iij li vj s viij d Item I
13    gyve to the rest of my housholde servants vj s viij d a peece Item I gyve to the churche of Staple vj s viij d Item I gyve to the pore mans boxe
14    iijs iiij d Item I gyve to Henry Buller and Edmond my sonnes all the residue of my goods moveable and unmoveable not before bequethed
15    whome I make my whole executors wythin Item I have paied unto Leonard Vyccarye for his father's legacie Fortie pounds Item I have paied
16    Richard Vyccarye Forty pounds Item I have paid to Elline Viccary the wife of Thomas Compton Fortie fyve pounds Item paied to Iohan
17    Newton Thirtene pounds Item to Robert Roe three pounds My will is that the overseers to see my will performed shalbe Mr John Buller
18    of Lillisdon in the Countie of Somersett Esquier and John Smyth of Trull and George Goddard of Stapull in parte of a
19    recompense for their paynes I gyve unto the said Mr Buller my baye horse to John Smyth and George Goddard xxs a peece
20    these being witnesses John Buller Esquier John Castell with others By me Thomas Buller Robert Borrage Thomas Bassterde Thomas Poyell John Lake George Bellingger

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