Tuesday, April 2, 2013

King family of Upper Clatford and area and the Will of John Blake, malster at Upper Clatford

We collected a number of King family wills whilst we were at Kew. One set of my 4x great grandparents was Joseph Blake and Joanna King. Joanna's father was Thomas King. Although I do have his will it hasn't let me separate his King line from the other King lines at Upper Clatford and area.

In my study day on the King family I will work on these particular wills. I know that Joanna and Joseph were first cousins with their mothers being Ann Carter and Mary Carter daughters of Richard Carter and Elizabeth Musprett who were married 4 Aug 1701 at Andover, Hampshire, England. Mary was baptized 27 Feb 1710 at Andover and buried 13 Apr 1744 at Upper Clatford (she was married to Thomas King 10 Jan 1727 at Upper Clatford). Ann was baptized 18 Nov 1713 at Andover and buried 20 Dec 1734 at Penton Mewsey (she was married to Thomas Blake 8 Dec 1728 at Penton Mewsey).

Another Blake family becomes involved with this grouping in that Thomas and Mary King had three daughters Mary King who married John Blake 15 Dec 1753 at Upper Clatford, Elizabeth King who died as an infant and Joanna King who married Joseph Blake 8 Jun 1757 at Upper Clatford (my 4x great grandparents). John Blake left a will at Abbots Ann where he was a maltster and it is published on my webpage and inserted below to bring my mind back again to these family lines that I want to work on with regard to my King family line and the Blake line that John is descended from as that was unknown to me but I have written in the past on my blog that I believe he is the son of Robert Blake and Elizabeth Russell:


My week has flown by too quickly as I had planned on transcribing one of the King wills yesterday on my blog but instead I will summarize my research plan for my next King research day. The will of John Blake, malster at Abbots Ann is below. The will refers to my ancestor Thomas Blake at Upper Clatford. John does not mention that he is his nephew. The Ann Blake who is mentioned is Thomas' sister and has been looking after her uncle. Ann returned to Upper Clatford after the death of Thomas' wife in childbirth in 1815. Thomas Blake's mother had remarried in 1781 (her husband died in 1767) and the farm of her father/husband and that of Thomas Collins her second husband were combined. The older brother of Thomas was in Andover at the time of writing the will and I am still working on this section of my family. I believe that the father of Joseph Blake married a second time but still looking for records to substantiate that. William has perhaps returned to Andover to take over the shop that his grandfather Thomas had not sure about that. Thomas was born posthumously five months after the death of his father Joseph. To the best of my knowledge Thomas and his second wife Hester Stephens (married 9 Feb 1751 at Andover) did not have any children. Thomas (grandfather) was buried 13 Jan 1767.

Recorded: 12th February 2008
Source: Hampshire County Council, Hampshire Record Office, Sussex Street, Winchester, # 1797A/008
Testator: John Blake, malster
Place: Abbotts Ann, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 27 Apr 1792, probated 18 Jan 1797
Read: Paper copy
Condition: photocopy, smudges, modern English writing very good, contrast good

In the name of God Amen, I John Blake of Abbotts Ann
in the County of Southampton formerly Malster calling to mind the Mortality of my
Body and that it is appointed for all Men once to die do make and ordaine this my last
Will and Testament in manner and forme following that is to say principally
and first of all I give and bequeath my Soul into the hands of God that gave it hoping
for the pardon of all my Sins for the alone Merritts sake of my blessed Redeemer Christ
Jesus and for my Body I commend it to the Earth to be Burried in a decent manner
at the Discretion of my Executor hereafter named nothing doubting but I shall receive the as
same again by the mighty power of God at the General Resurrection of the Dead and as
touching such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with in this Life
I give desire and bequeath of the same in the following Manner Imprimis I give
and bequeath unto my Kindsman William Marshman the sum of Ten pounds of good
and Lawful Money of Great Britain to be paid by my Executor here after named Item
I give and bequeath unto my Kindswoman Mary Gilbert the sum of Ten pounds of
good and Lawful Money of Great Britain to be paid by my Executor hereafter named
Item I give and bequeath unto my Sister Elizabeth Russel the sum of five pounds of
good and Lawful money of Great Britain to be paid by my Executor here after named I
also give unto my Sister Elizabeth Russel the sum of five pounds yearly during her Life
to be paid unto her half yearly if Demanded and to be paid by my Executor here after
named Item I give and bequeath unto Joseph Russel the Elder the sum of Ten pounds
of good and Lawful Money of Great Britain to be paid by my Executor here after named Item
I give and bequeath unto Joseph Russel the younger the sum of Ten pounds of good and
Lawful Money of Great Britain to be paid by my Executor here after named Item I give
and bequeath unto Thomas Russel the sum of Ten pounds of good and Lawful Money of Great
Britain to be paid by my Executor hereafter named Item I give and bequeath unto
Luke Russel the sum of Ten pounds of good and Lawful Money of Great Britain to be paid
by my Executor here after named Item I give and bequeath unto Sarah Russel Daughter
of Joseph and Elizabeth Russel the sum of Ten pounds of good and Lawful Money of Great
Britain to be paid by my Executor here after named Item I give and bequeath unto Mary
Russel Daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Russel the sum of Ten pounds of good and Lawful
Money of Great Britain to be paid by my Executor here after named Item I give and bequeath
unto Elizabeth Russel Daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Russel the sum of Ten pounds
of good and Lawful Money of Great Britain to be paid by my Executor here after named
Item I give and bequeath unto my Kindsman George Marshman all my household
Goods and Furniture except the Bed and Furniture in the parlor Chamber Item I give and
bequeath unto Elizabeth Marshman the sum of Ten pounds of good and Lawful Money of Great
Britain Item I give and bequeath unto Robert Marshman the sum of Ten pounds of good
and Lawful money of Great Britain Item I give and bequeath unto Mary Marshman
the sum of Ten pounds of good and Lawful Money of Great Britain Item I give and bequeath
[Page 2]

Ann Marshman the sum of Ten pounds of good and Lawful Money of Great Britain Item
I give and bequeath unto George Marshman the younger the sum of Ten pounds of good and lawful Money
of Great Britain Item I give and bequeath unto Charles Blake the Elder the sum of Ten
pounds of good and Lawful Money of Great Britain to be paid by my Executor here after named
Item I give and bequeath unto James Blake the sum of five pounds of good and Lawful Money
of Great Britain to be paid by my Executor here after named Item I give and bequeath unto
Robert Blake the sum of five pounds of good and Lawful Money of Great Britain to be paid [by] my
Executor here after named Item I give and bequeath unto Charles Blake the younger the
sum of five pounds of good and Lawful Money of Great Britain to be paid by my Executor here
after named Item I give and bequeath unto Chivrel [Sacheverall] Blake the sum of five pounds of good
and Lawful Money of Great Britain to be paid by my Executor here after named Item
I give and bequeath unto John Blake the sum of Ten pounds of good and Lawful Money of Great
Britain to be paid by my Executor here after named Item I give and bequeath unto William Blake
of Andover the sum of five pounds of good and Lawful Money of Great Britain to be paid by my
Executor here after named Item I give and bequeath unto Thomas Blake of Up[per] Clatford
the sum of five pounds of good and Lawful Money of Great Britain to be paid by my Executor
here after named Item I give and bequeath unto Ann Blake the sum of five pounds of good and
Lawful Money of Great Britain to be paid by my Executor here after named I also give unto Ann Blake
the Bed and Furniture belonging to the same in the Chamber over the Parlour and a Sute of Mourning
Item I give and bequeath unto Ann Blake the sum of five pounds yearly to be paid unto her
during the Lease of Lives that has in the Living that I Bought and no Longer to be paid unto her half
yearly if demanded to be paid unto her so long as she keeps herself unmarried  Item I give
and bequeath unto Thomas Holmes the sum of five pounds of good and Lawful Money of Great Britain
to be paid by my Executor here after named Item I give and bequeath unto the poor Inhabitants
of the parish of Abbotts Ann the sum of Ten pounds to be given amongst them the first old
Christmass Day after my Decease to be paid unto them by my Executor here after named Item I give
and bequeath unto the poor Inhabitants of the parish of Up[per] Clatford the sum of five pounds
to be given amongst them the first old Christmass Day after my Decease to be paid unto them
by my Executor here after named Item I give and bequeath unto F__ Beavers the sum of three
guineas to be Divided between them Share and Share alike Item I give and bequeath unto
Charles Blake and his Three Elder Sons all my Wearing Apparel both Woollen and Linnen
to be equally Divided between them Share and Share alike my Will this that my Legacies has
to be paid unto my Legatees in Six Months after my Decease to all them that has arrived
to Eighteen years of age, my Legatees that has  not arrived to Eighteen years of age yearly
Interest has to be paid unto them at the rate of five p[e]r Cent And I do hereby constitute make
and ordaine my Kindsman George Marshman my only and Sole Executor of this
my last Will and Testament And I do hereby revoke and disanull every forme Will
before this time by me made ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my Last Will
and Testament In Witness whereof I have here unto sett my hand and Seal
this Twenty Seventh Day of April in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven
Hundred and Ninety – two

Signed Sealed published and Declared by the above
Named John Blake for and as his last Will                                                    John Blake [signed]
And Testament and in the presence of us
The Witnesses Tho[mas] Overton [signed] – John Prince [signed]

[Page 3]

A Codicil or Schedule to a Will, made after a Will is Sealed

Be it known unto all Men by these presents. That I John
Blake of Abbotts Ann, in the County of Southampton formerly
Malster have made and declared that my last Will and Testament
in writing bearing date, the Twenty Seventh day of April, in the
Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-two,
I the said John Blake, do by these presents, contained in this
Codicil, confirm and ratify my said last Will and I do give and
bequeath unto Ann Blake, the Chamber over the Parlor to sleep
in, and part of the House wherein I now dwell to live in, during the
time shee keeps herself unmarried, and during the Life of
Jno Matons Wife, of Abbotts Ann, her Life being in the Living
and in the said Dwelling House, and my Will and Meaning is that this
Codicil, or Schedule be colcomed and adjudged to be part and parcel
of my Will and Testament and that all things herein contained
and mentioned, be faithfully performed in as full and ample
Manner, in every Respect, as if the same were declared and
set down in my said Will, In Witness whereof I the said
John Blake, have hereunto set my hand and Seal this Twenty
Sixth day of July, in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven
Hundred and Ninety-two
Signed, Sealed published, and Declared                    John Blake [signed]
By the above named John Blake aforesaid as
His Codicil or Schedule and in the
Presence of us
Witnesses        John Maton [signed]
                        John Prince [signed]

12 lines after Will and before
meaning and interlined

[Page 4]

On the 18th Day of January 1797 George Marshman
The Executor within named in the Will hereunto appoint was duly Sworn well
and faithfully to administer and at the same
Time made Oath that the Goods Chattels personal
Estate and Effects of the Deceased did not amount
To one Thousand Pounds at the Time of his Decease
As he verily believes

Before me

John Woodburn, Clerk

[On the side]
A Codicil or Schedule
To Mr John Blake’s Will

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