Monday, April 22, 2013

Will of Eleanor Lavinia Blake, singlewoman, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire - The National Archives PROB 11/1770/446, probated 14 May 1830

The next set of Blake wills is from Buckinghamshire. Eleanor Lavinia Blake is a singlewoman of Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire. She has brothers Richard and William Blake. Her sister is Cornelia Blake. Her mother Sarah has remarried to Joshua Grimmet 17 Jun 1817 at Beaconsfield, Buckingham (M04168-1, Family Search) .

Eleanor Lavinia Blake was born 10 Nov 1807 and baptized 3 Jan 1808 at Beaconsfield Buckingham England the daughter of Henry Blake and Sarah Hare (C04168-1, Family Search).

Children of Henry Blake and Sarah Hare baptized at Beaconsfield, Buckingham (red highlighted children not named in will)

Joseph baptized 10 Apr 1797
Mary baptized 12 Feb 1798; buried 11 Mar 1813

Richard baptized 21 Jul 1799
Benjamin baptized 1 Feb 1801
William baptized 12 Apr 1802
Cornelia baptized 25 May 1804
Simeon James baptized 6 Jul 1806 (born 20 May 1806)
Eleanor Lavinia baptized 3 Jan 1808 (born 10 Nov 1807)
Emma Louisa baptized 28 Mar 1810 (born 24 Feb 1810)
Elizabeth Anne baptized 1 Dec 1811 (born 12 Sep 1811)

Perhaps Henry Blake managed/owned an Inn as Sarah Blake of Swan Inn, wife of Henry Blake at Easter in 1811 was a witness to an individual who supposedly used counterfeit shillings.

On the 1851 Census at Beaconsfield, District 2a, page 14, Simeon James Blake 42 with his wife Susanna 44 and children: Richard Benjamin 19, Elisa Sarah 16, Mary 16, Emma 12, Lavinia 11 and Joseph 8. Simeon is a Butcher and all are born in Beaconsfield. He is the only one of the sons listed at Beaconsfield.

On the 1861 Census at Beaconsfield, District 7, Page 10, Simeon J Blake 53 with his wife Susannah 56, Eliza S Lever 26, Mary Blake 24, Emma 22, Lavinia 20 and Simeon is still a Butcher and all are born in Beaconsfield. Both sons are missing.

The next eight wills are for Buckinghamshire. There isn't one for Henry unfortunately. The earliest one is for Priscilla Blake 1656, then Thomas Blake 1711, John Blake 1761, William Blake 1796, James Blake 1799, Sarah Blake 1807, Joseph Blake 1810 and John Blake 1815.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 22 Apr 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1770/446
Testator:  Eleanor Lavinia Blake commonly called Levina Blake, singlewoman
Place: Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 8 Dec 1829, probated 14 May 1830
Read: Electronic copy images
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Eleanor
[Margin]: Lavinia
[Margin]: Blake
[Margin]: S

1    This is the last Will and Testament of me
2    Eleanor Lavinia Blake commonly called Levina Blake of Beaconsfield in the
3    County of Bucks Singlewoman though weak in body being of sound and disposing
4    mind memory and understanding praised be God for the same First I give and
5    bequeath unto my Sisters in Law Sarah the Wife of my Brother Richard
6    Blake and Mary the wife of my Brother William Blake all such Clothes and
7    wearing apparel in the nature of Mourning which I possess also I give and
8    bequeath unto my dear Sister Cornelia Blake all the rest of my clothes and
9    wearing apparel and all such Books and small Trinkets which I may possess at
10    my decease also I give and bequeath all the rest residue and remainder of my
11    Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever the same being all personally unto
12    my brother the said Richard Blake uncle John Hare of Beaconsfield aforesaid Farmer and my friend James
13    Williams of Beaconsfield aforesaid Coal Merchant their Executors adm[inistrat]ors and
14    assigns upon Trust after payment of my just debts Funeral and Testamentary
15    Expences to continue placed out at Interest in the public Funds of this Kingdom
16    such part of my said personal estate as is now placed out in the said public
17    funds and with the consent of my dear mother Sarah the Wife of Joshua
18    Grimmet to change and transpose such Funds for other Funds or Stock or with
19    such consent place such my said residuary personal Estate out at Interest on
20    good real Security nevertheless upon Trust also to pay the Interest and dividends
21    of such my said residuary personal Estate into the proper hands of my said
22    Mother Sarah Grimmet during the term of her natural life for her own
23    peculiar use and benefit free from the control debts or engagements of her present
24    or any future husband whose receipt alone notwithstanding her coverture
25    shall be a good discharge for the same from time to time and from and after
26    the decease of my said Mother then upon Trust to pay and divide the principal
27    money so constituting my said Residuary personal Estate unto and equally
28    between my dear Brothers and Sister the said Richard Blake William Blake
29    Cornelia Blake and Simeon James Blake which I give and bequeath unto
30    them their Executors administrators and assigns accordingly as Tenants in
31    common and not as joint Tenants and I do nominate constitute and appoint
32    the said Richard Blake John Hare and James Williams Executors of this my Will hereby
33    revoking all other Wills by me heretofore made and declaring these presents
34    only to be and contain my last Will and Testament and I do declare that my
35    said Executors shall be answerable only for such money as shall come to
36    their respective hands and not for each other nor for any involuntary loss by
37    the Government Securities being paid of or otherwise and that they my said
38    Executors shall deduct and retain all reasonable expences that they may
    [Page 2]
39    sustain or be put unto in or about the execution of this my Will In Witness whereof I
40    have hereunto set my hand and seal this eighth day of December in the year of our
41    Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine Eleanor Lavinia Blake Signed
42    sealed published and declared by the said Testatrix as and for her last Will and
43    Testament in the presence of us who at her request in her presence and in the presence
44    of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses the name Cornelia
45    between the sixth and seventh lines being first substituted for that of Carlonine and
46    the words "John Hare of Beaconsfield aforesaid farmer" having been first substituted between
47    the tenth and eleventh lines and the name Richard Blake between the twenty ninth and
48    thirtieth lines having been also first substituted for that of John Hare William Child
49    Beaconsfield Builder Jno Charoley of the same place Solicitor
50    Proved at London 14th May 1830 before the Worshipful William Caverley Curteis
51    doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the Oath of Richard Blake the Brother one of the
52    Executors to whom administration was granted having been first sworn duly to
53    administer power reserved of making the like Grant to James Williams the other
54    Executor when he shall apply for the same

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