Monday, April 22, 2013

Will of Thomas Burges, husbandman, North Molton, Devon - The National Archives PROB 11/66/383, probated 18 Mar 1584

The testator Thomas Burges was a husbandman at North Molton and I refer to him in my blog post:

I am curious if Thomas was a brother to my Paul Burges at North Molton. Paul left a will in 1579 which was lost in the bombing of Exeter during WWII. My trace down from Paul is as follows:

Paul Burges
Matthew Burges
John Burges
Margarett Burges
John Tapp
Elizabeth Tapp
Grace Manning
John Pincombe
Robert Pincombe
John Pincombe
William Robert Pincombe
John Routledge Pincombe (my maternal grandfather)

A total of 13 generations back from me which is an amazing spread of years. I have not yet investigated the Manor Books for North Molton to learn more about the Burges family there but that will be a future project for looking at the Burges family. Since they are so far back I do not have them listed as one of my family lines for researching so will replace the Morgan family with the Burges family.

The second will that I collected for the Burges Family is Robert Burges of Twitchen, Devon and his will was probated 20 May 1590 (PROB 11/75/335). I will transcribe his will the next Burges Research Day. I chose his will because Twitchen is very close to North Molton in Devon.

No mention of Paul Burges in this will but interestingly he names Christopher Pincombe as one of his overseers. Eventually the Burges family does marry into the Pincombe family.

Looking at the extracted Burges family records in the previous blog on the North Molton registers mentioned above I can find the children that Thomas mentions (missing are Anthony, George and Thomas who were likely baptized prior to be beginning of the parish registers):

William son of Thomas Burges baptized 12 Jan 1541
English son of Thomas Burges baptized 11 Jan 1547
Philip son of Thomas Burges baptized 6 Mar 1554
John son of Thomas Burges baptized 4 Mar 1556; buried 4 Mar 1556
William son of Thomas Burges baptized 4 Mar 1556; buried 4 Mar 1556
John son of Thomas Burges baptized 12 May 1557

The last John is probably his grandson (son of his son Thomas). Elizabeth baptized 19 Aug 1540  is likely his daughter but not mentioned (nor is there a burial for her). No answer to a relationship between Paule Burges also baptizing children at the same time in North Molton and this Thomas Burges.

The order in which Thomas mentions his sons: Phillipp, John, Anthonye, William, George, and English. This does appear to be random and not by age looking at he baptisms.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 22 Apr 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/66/383
Testator:  Thomas Burges, Husbandman
Place: North Molton, Devon, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 3 Dec 1582, probated 18 Mar 1583/84
Read: Electronic copy images
Condition: 16th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T[estament] Thome
[Margin]: Burges

1    In the name of god amen, The Thirde daye of december in the fyve and
2    Twentithe yeare of the reigne of our soveraigne Ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god of England Fraunce
3    and Irelande queene defendresse of the faithe etc I Thomas Burges of the parrishe of North-
4    molton in the Countie of Devon[shire] husbandman beinge of good and perfecte remembrance, doe make
5    and ordeyne this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge, That is to saie, First
6    I Commytt my sowle into the handes of Allmightie god my Savior and Redeamer and my bodye to be
7    buried in the Churche or Churcheyarde of Northmolton aforesaid: Also I give and bequeathe unto
8    Phillipp Burges my sonne Sixe pounds thirtene shillinges fower pence Item I give to John
9    Burges my Sonne Sixe poundes thirtene shillinges fower pence Item I give to Anthonye my
10    Sonne Sixe poundes thirtene shillinges fower pence Item I give to William my Sonne one Cowe
11    and one heyffer yearlinge Item I give to George Burges my Sonne one heyffer Item I give to
12    Inglish Burges my sonne (after the deathe of Katherine my wyfe) all my ploughe geare withe the longe wayes
13    and harrowes Also I give my sonne Englishe one Mazer Cupp and sixt sylver spoones Item I
14    gyve to Thomas my Sonne one heyfer Item I gyve to John Burges sonne of Thomas Burges one
15    hyfer calfe Item I give to William Burges sonne of Thomas Burges one sheepe Item I gyve to
16    John Thorne one sheepe Item I gyve to Susan Burges one sheepe Item I give to Johane Spocott
17    my Servaunt one ewe sheepe Item I gyve to Cicely my Servaunt one ewe sheepe Item I give
18    to Johane Denfford my servaunt one ewe sheepe Item I give to Richarde Rudge one sheepe Item I
19    gyve to Alexander Latedy one sheepe Item I give to Margarett Mules one sheepe Item I give
20    to the poore people of Northmolton thirtene shillinges fower pence Item I give towardes the
21    maytenance of the Churche of Northmolton twelve pence. Item I give to every of my god-
22    children fower pence Item I give and bequeathe to Catherine my wyfe the use and occupation of
23    all my parte parte and portion of all those messuages Landes and Tenementes with thappurtenancs
24    commonly called Vorlacke and Worttrudge duringe her life (yf my saide terme and interest therein
25    doe so longe contynue) And after her deathe the residue of my said estate tytle and terme of yeares
26    then to comme and not expired of and in the said messuages Landes and tenementes with the
27    appurtenancs I give and bequeath to Phillippe Burges and John Burges and to the Survivors
28    of theme Item my will and intente is that yf my wiffe (after my deathe) doe happen to marrye
29    againe, that then my Sonnes Phillipp, John and Anthonye and everye of theme to have within
    [Page 2]
30    one moneth next after her marriage Sixe poundes thirtene shillinges fower pence over and besides the
31    sixe poundes thirtene shillinges fower pence heretofore given unto them: The Residue of all my goods
32    moveable and unmoveable (my debtes paide and Legacies performed) I give and bequeathe to Katherine
33    my wief whome by this my present last will and Testament I make and ordeyne my whole and onely
34    Executrix trustinge in Allmightie god that she will use her selfe with the same as maie be to the glory
35    of god: And to thintent that this my last Will and Testament maie be the better p[er]formed I make my Rulers
36    and Overseers William Chappell Phillipp Stevens and John Thorne of Lamescombe Theise
37    beinge wittness Christopher Pinckombe and William Chappell with others

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