Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Will of Ursula Blake, widow, Windsor, Berkshire - The National Archives PROB 11/1752/308, probated 24 Mar 1829

Ursula Blake, the testator, is the widow of Joseph Blake whose will was blogged the 7th of April 2013. Joseph's will has the money which he left his wife passing to his nephews eventually. This will accounts for the portion that was directed solely to his wife.

With the naming of her brothers surname Lock, the marriage of Joseph Blake and Ursula Lock 7 Mar 1791 at St George Hanover Square would seem to be appropriate. This is a good will for the Lock family as Ursula names all of her siblings and her nieces and nephews.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 9 Apr 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1752/308
Testator:  Ursula Blake, widow
Place: Windsor, Berkshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document:  6 Jun 1825, probated 24 Mar 1829
Read: Electronic copy images
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Ursula
[Margin]: Blake
[Margin]: (8)

1    This is the last Will and Testament
2    of me Ursula Blake of Windsor in the County of Berks Widow whereby
3    I humbly commend my soul to God and dispose of all my worldly effects in manner
4    following that is to say all and singular my ready money securities for money
5    money in the funds one hundred and fifty pounds being now invested in the
6    new four per cent debts due and owing unto me dividends rent household goods
7    and furniture plate linen and china and all the rest residue and remainder of
8    my personal Estate and Effects of whatever degree or description the same may
9    consist I do hereby give devise and bequeath the same unto my two nephews
10    George Sutton and William Bay Upon trust for them to convert into money as
11    soon as may be after my decease all such as may not consist in money and
12    after payment of my just debts funeral expences and the costs of proving this
13    my will and the sum of ten pounds which I do hereby give and bequeath
14    unto Richard Taylor son of my Sister Elizabeth Taylor and a similar sum to
15    Charlotte Hooper daughter of my brother Richard Lock to pay and divide
16    the remainder of my said personal Estate as follows one third to my brother
17    John Lock one other third to my brother William Lock and the remaining
18    third I do hereby give and bequeath unto and between the children of my
19    dear Sister Frances Sutton namely the said George Sutton Frances the Wife of
20    Henry Belitha Ursula Wife of the said William Bay and Martha
21    Elizabeth Titheridge to be equally divided between them share and share
22    alike and I do hereby appoint the said George Sutton and William Bay to
23    be
    [Page 2]
24    be Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Wills
25    by me made do declare this to contain and be my last Will and Testament as
26    witness my hand and seal the sixth day of June in the year of our Lord one
27    thousand eight hundred and twenty five Ursula Blake Signed
28    sealed published and declared as the last Will and Testament of the said
30    Ursula Blake the Testatrix in my presence W Harris Portsea
31    In the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
32    Appeared Personally In the Goods of Ursula Blake widow deceased
33    Thomas Gittens of Portsea in the County
34    of Southampton Builder and made oath that he knew and was well acquainted
35    with Ursula Blake late of Windsor in the County of Berks deceased for several
36    years before and to the time of her death and also with her manner and character
37    of handwriting and subscription having often seen her write and subscribe her
38    name and having now carefully viewed and inspected the paper writing now
39    hereunto annexed purporting to be and contain the last will and Testament of
40    the said deceased beginning thus "This is the last Will and Testament of me
41    Ursula Blake of Windsor in the County of Berks widow" ending thus "as witness
42    my hand and seal the sixth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand
43    eight hundred and twenty five" and being thus subscribed "Ursula Blake" he said
44    he verily and in his conscience believes the names "Ursula Blake" so as aforesaid
45    set and subscribed to the said will to be all of the proper handwriting and
46    subscription of the said Ursula Blake widow the Testatrix deceased Tho[ma]s Gittens
47    On the 20th day of March 1829 the abovenamed Thomas Gittens was duly sworn to
48    the truth of this affidavit by virtue of the annexed Commission before me
49    Wm Dusantry Commissioner
50    Proved at London 24th March 1829 before the Judge by the oaths of
51    George Sutton the nephew and William Bay the Executors to whom
52    administration was granted having been first sworn by Commission duly
53    to administer

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