Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Open Office and Microsoft Office

I have mostly used Microsoft Office throughout my time on the computer this past thirty years but I have also used Open Office. At the moment I am using Open Office and it has changed the look of my transcriptions slightly. I may return to Microsoft Office in the near future because I like the extra features that it offers. I just haven't gotten around to doing that yet.

I rather like Windows 8 for the dual screen - one for working and one for leisure although one might say that all my time is leisure in that I am retired! The apps screen I have set up to let me look at various items at a quick glance without having to go through various screens to reach the desired website.

I shall gradually get up to speed and back to my normal pace with transcriptions and reading. I have a number of items that I have received for the Blake family.

I am also doing the MOOC for Ireland research. That begins this week and will be handy for looking at the Blake family in Ireland. 

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