Monday, May 13, 2013

Will of Andrew Blake, Cooper, St Breock, Cornwall - The National Archives PROB 11/413/63, probated 11 Jan 1693

Andrew Blake is the testator and this is the first of fifteen Blake wills from Cornwall. There was a Blake family at St Breock and there are a number of documents in the National Archives concerning leases held by them at St Breock. Thomas son of Thomas Blake is mentioned 26 Dec 1691 as is Henry Blake son of Peter Blake, yeoman same lease 1691. Again in 1714 there was a lease for 99 years on the life of Peter Blake son of Henry Blake and secondly on the death of Thomas Blake son of Thomas Blake, yeoman. in 1663 there is mention of Thomas Blake, son of Reginald Blake, yeoman, deceased. Mention of Thomas Blake as appointed an attorney to deliver seisin. In 1612 Peter Blake yeoman and Mary his wife with a lease for 99 years (Breage parish). In 1630, Peter Blake of Breock, clerk and this is a lease in reversion for 99 years on the life of Richard Blake who was the son of Peter Blake of Breock, clerk (Peter's wife was Mary). In 1649 there is mention of an Andrew Blake of Ewe, yeoman and he appears to be related to John son of John Blake of Marhamchurch (wife is Elizabeth). These documents are all in the Cornwall Record Office and deal with the Arundell papers.  Of interest St Ewe is just 16 miles south of St Breock.

Was Andrew part of this family? Impossible to tell at the moment.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 13 May 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/413/63
Testator:  Andrew Blake, Cooper
Place: St Breock, Cornwall, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document:  14 Dec 1691, probated 11 Jan 1693
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T[esta]m[ent]
[Margin]: Andrew
[Margin]: Blake

1    Know All Men by these
2    presents that I Andrew Blake of the parish of St Brake in
3    the County of Cornwall Cooper have and by these presents doe make
4    Ordaine and Constitute Sarah Lawford of St Olaves Southwarke
5    in the county of Surrey Spinster my true and Lawfull Attorney
6    Irrevocable for me and in my name and for my Use To aske demand
7    and Receive of and from the Right honorable the Treasurer or
8    Paymaster of theire Majesties Navie and Commissioners for
9    prize money and whome else it may Concerne As well All such
10    Wages and pay Bounty money prize money and all other summe
11    and summes of money whatsoever as now is and which hereafter
12    shall or may be due or payable unto me pursuant to their Majesties
13    Gratious declaration of the Twenty third of May One Thousand
14    Six hundred Eighty nine And alsoe all such pentions Sallaries
15    Smart Money and all other moneys and things whatsoever which
16    now and at any time hereafter is and shall be due to me for my
17    owne Service or otherwise in any of their Majesties Shipps Friggotts
18    or Vessells or any Merchants Shipp or Shipps As alsoe to demand
    [Page 2]
19    receover and receive of all other person and persons whatsoever
20    whome it doth or may Concerne All and singuler such other
21    summe and summes of money goods wares Effects wages debts dues
22    Claimes and demands whatsoever which now and hereafter is or
23    shall be due and payable unto me either by Bond Bill booke Accompt
24    or otherwise howsoever And moreover in my name and for my
25    proper use to demise and Lett by Lease in Writing or otherwise All
26    or any of my Messuages Lands or Tenements to such person or
27    persons and for such Terme of yeares Conditions and Reservations
28    as my said Attorney or her Councill shall thinke fitt and convenient
30    giveing and hereby granting unto my said Attorney my full and
31    whole power in the premisses and to Recover and receive all and
32    singular the summe and summes of money Matters and things
33    aforesaid and upon none payment thereof or any part thereof
34    All such person and persons whome it may concerne and where
35    need shall require their Executors Administrators and goods to
36    sue Arrest Attach Seize Imprison prosecute and Continue and
37    to Compound and agree and out of prison to release and discharge
38    And upon receipt of the said premisses or any part thereof Ac-
39    quittances Releases or any other discharge and upon receipt of
40    the said premisses or any part thereof Acquittances Releases or
41    any other discharges for me and in my name to make Seale and
42    deliver and our Attorney or more to substitute and att pleasure
43    to revoke And generally to Act and doe all other Acts matters
44    and things whatsoever needfull and necessary to be done in and
45    Touching the premisses as fully and effectually as I ought or could
46    doe if I were personally present Ratifyeing and Allowing for
47    firme and valid and Irrevocable all and whatsoever my said
48    Attorney shall Lawfully doe or cause to bee done in or touching
49    the premisses by virtue of these presents And I the said Andrew
50    Blake considering the Incertainety of this Transitory life doe
51    make and declare these presents to containe my last Will and
52    Testament That is to say All such wages summe and summes
53    of money Lands Tenements goods Chattells and Estate whatsoever
54    wherewith att the time of my decease I shall be possessed or
55    Invested or which shall then belong or of Right Appertaine unto
56    me I doe give devise and bequeath unto my said Loveing friend
57    Sarah Lawford And I doe hereby Nominate and Appointe
58    her my Sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament And
59    doe Revoke all former Wills and deeds of guift by me at any time
60    heretofore made and doe ordaine these presents to stand and bee
61    for and as my onely last Will and Testament In witnesse whereof
62    I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale the fourteenth day of
63    December Anno domini One thousand six hundred ninety One
64    And in the third yeare of the Reigne of King William and queen
65    Mary Andrew Blake Signed Sealed published and declared in
66    the presence of Joseph Jackeman William Newbery Scr.

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