Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sproxton Family of Great Driffield and the Parish Registers of Great Driffield - Baptisms 1556 - 1582

I have written at length about my Sproxton family of Great Driffield and I have managed to trace them as far back as it is possible in the Parish Registers at Hutton Cranswick - at least I think I have. I need to transcribe the years before the mid to early 1600s to have a better look for my Sproxton family. Richard Sproxton married to Ann Harland was the first of the Sproxton family to live at Great Driffield and prior to that the Sproxton family was at Hutton Cranswick.

Since I collected hundreds of images of the parish registers of Great Driffield I mentioned two years ago that I would transcribe them as I was able and that would be the use of my Sproxton Research day. I also have hundreds of images of the parish registers of Hutton Cranswick. The debate is on in my mind which would be the most valuable to me for these families. I have uncovered all the Great Driffield records for the Sproxton family. However, the Harland family were at Great Driffield back into the mid 1600s and I have not yet pulled all their records. Consequently, although drawn to doing Hutton Cranswick first I have pulled all the information from Hutton Cranswick back into the mid to earlier 1600s I will continue with Great Driffield repeating the beginning because my ability to transcribe has improved and I left off with Baptisms to begin with the year 1570. 

Great Driffield


John T__________n
Margaret S______sarbly
Steven Pal_____
John May___esse
Agnes Storcke
Alice Runton   Nov
Willyam Perkyn  Jan
Willyam Thorley  Jan
John Gyles  Feb 1
John Gardiner  Feb 4
Elizabeth B_ade   Feb 23
Willyam __alles   Mar 4
George Johnson   Mar 18
Peter Gardiner    Mar 20
Joanne Robinson    Mar 22

Thomas Bonnocke 3 Apr
Susann Taylor 3 Apr

Robert Skudleake __
Leonard Gardiner __
Gilberte Sonley Apr 26
Isabell Vounton May 7
John Mutson May 23
Joanne Hobkinson May 27

Alice Gardner 4 Jun
Willyam Runton 18 Jun

John Ducke 10 Oct
Mabell D_ile 10 Oct
Willyam Hobson 13 Oct
Elizabeth Hobkinson 25 Oct
Thomas Ducke __ Nov
Sharon Perkin __ Nov

Margret Hewson ____
Richard Clarke __
Richard Gyles  __
Agnes ______ __
Willyam ____ __
Elizabeth _______  ____
Andrew ________ton ___
Agnes Si ______ow  _____
Jo: _________ge ___
John _____ooxe _____
John Puttyson Jan __
Robert Manson Feb __
Isabell Benne Feb __
Francis Spence Feb __
Susseliy Gardiner Feb __

John Appleby 12 Oct
Thomas Smyth 20 Oct
Agnes Browne 30 Oct
William Taller 12 Nov
Robert Bugge 3 Dec
John Ducke 23 Dec
Isabell More 9 Jan
Leonard Bonwicke 26 Jan

John Baridge 20 Nov
Elisbeth Byrde  6 Dec

Isabell Etherington __ Mar
George Etherington __ Apr
Richard Nicholson __ Apr
Elisabeth Gardner __ May
Bridget Etherington _ May
Ellin Mayson  _ Jul
John Mary_rpresse  __ Jul
John Bossel__Dec
_____ Starcke  __ Dec
_____ Smythe  __  Dec
______ Etherington

_______Clark  __ May
_______  ____ile


Joanne Etherington ____
Agnes Toolier ____
George Thorley _____
Marmaducke Etherington ______
Agnes Wiathrill ________


Ellice Welbourne  __ Apr
Ellin Forrest __  Apr
Ellice Bur___ __ May
Dorithie _____ __ May
Thomas ___ __ Oct
George ____  __ Oct
Richard W____t __  Nov
Thomas Oh _____an __ Nov
Thomas Clarke  __  Nov
Margaret Gardiner  __ Feb
Catherine Smyth __ Feb
Catherine Sendon __ Mar
Catherine Haytome  __ June
Ellice Sha_ke __ Jun
Catherine Perkin __ Jun
Thomas Maryeson   __ Jun
Isabell Edwarde  __ Sep-
Catherine Etherington __ Sep
John Smale  __ Sep
Anne Welson 18 Oct
George Corcker 12 Jan
Catherine Symson 18 Jan


Christopher Young __ Apr
Willyam Barcker __ Apr
Andrew Bonbie  __ Apr
John Thorley 12 May
Dionis Haylome 13 Jul
Catherine Chrispin 4 Aug
George Hunter  12 Aug
John Milner  3 Sep
Willyam Essey  14 Sep
Richard Bonwicke 24 Sep
Dionis Hopkinson  26 Sep


John Rounton  17 Apr
Randall Alkinson 18 Apr
John Byrde  __ Apr
Dorithie Gardiner  __ Apr
Anne Walker __ May
Catherine Goodwine  __
John Byrde  __
Willyam Weeke  ___


Bartholomew ______art ______


____ct H__y_e  ______
Ellice Slor__t__ ____
 Hughe Russle _____
Joanne Goodwill  ____
Franncis Etherington  _____
Willyam Sharpe ____
Thomas Barcker  __ Jun
Richard Milner ___
Margaret Bonwick  __ Dec
Richard S___yle  __ Dec
Catherine Barcker __ Mar


Henrye Bryde __ Apr
Richard Bonbey __ May
Margaret Hodgson __ May
Alise Barter __ Jun
Richard Idle  __ Aug
Willyam Haylome __ Sep
John Welbourne __ Nov
Robert Etherington __ Dec
John Newton __ Dec
Richard Sharpe __ Dec
Michaell Younge __ Feb
___abell Newton __ Feb


Richard Pressey __ Mar
Elizabeth Gardiner __ Mar


______ Willbart __
John Simson __ Dec
Hugh Roper __ Feb
Thomas Racke __
Dorithie Barker __ Feb


Alse Etherington  __ Jun
John Wilson __ Jul


Thomas Laytome __ Sep
John Tomson __ Sep
Thomas Hessey __ Mar
Michaell Idle __ Mar
Willyam M_____ __ Mar
Catherine _____ __ Mar


Agnis _______ _____
Barbara ________ _____
Willyam _______ ______
Elizabeth _______ ______
Richard _______le  _______
Thomas ______e  _____


Roger Elson ______
Joanne Hol_____
Elizabeth Hanter __ Nov
Elizabeth Barcker __ Nov
George Simson  __ Dec
John Haborne __ Dec
Willyam __nowke  __ Jan
Catherine Bonwick 12 Mar]


George Hayenell 11 Oct
 Bridget Newton __ Oct
Alse Storcke 6 Nov
Richard Walker 25 Nov
Elizabeth Wilberte __ Mar

Willyam Matthewe 21 May
Hughe Forest __ Jul
John Newson __ Jul
Elizabeth Wilbert __ Jul
Hughe Dayle __ Jul
 Agnes Watson __ Jul
Elizabeth Weatherill   __ Jul
Barbara Gylls  __ Aug
John Hatchinson __ Aug
Robert Pryer __ Aug
Bryan Morris __ Sep
Willyam Sleckton __ Sep
Richard Watson __  Oct
Agnes Bonwicke __ Oct
Barbara Bysset __ Oct
Catherne Sa__e_t __ Oct
Thomas Dlyotte __ Oct
Bridget Wright  __ Dec
Margery Byrde  __ Feb
Thomas Pratte  __ Feb


Bridget Gardiner __ Mar
Lawrence Foston 13 Jun
Elizabeth Winson 3 Nov
Thomas Daylot  6 Nov
Margret Storcke  11 Nov
Elizabeth Sk_were __ Nov
Isacke Symson __ Nov
Charles Jewitson _ Dec
Gylbert Haxewell __ Feb


Margret Messewece __ Mar
Ellin Newton __ Mar
Willyam Ingland  __ May
Willyam Bryde __ May
John Barcker _____
___son Gardiner ______
James Poye ______

Image 5638 to continue on the next Sproxton Research Day.

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