Saturday, May 11, 2013

Will of John Blake of Ely, Cambridgeshire - The National Archives PROB 11/66/319, probated 8 Feb 1583/1584

John Blake lives at Ely, Cambridgeshire and has brothers Thomas, Francis and Jasper and his mother has remarried and is named Beatrice Killingworth. His Uncle is named Thomas Badgcroft.

Beatrice Killingworth is the wife of Richard Killingworthe and they married 18 Jan 1571 at Wimbotsham, Norfolk. Beatrix Badgcroft married Peter Blake of Wimbotsham, Norfolk. They had four children as mentioned in the will. John the testator, then Thomas followed by Francis and then Jasper. Francis was baptized 19 Dec 1564 at Wimbotsham.

The Visitation of Norfolk 1563, 1589, and 1613 does not list the sons in this order. Jasper is named as the eldest son then John, Thomas and Frances. Given that the least amount of money was given to Jasper and the same to Thomas and Frances the possibility is that Jasper has already inherited and Thomas gives him a token sum whilst reserving his funds for his two brothers who have not inherited as eldest son. The linchpin is the mother of John in that Beatrice Killingworth is known to have been the widow of Peter Blake of Wimbotsham.

In Norfolk Archaeology, Volume 2 on page 142 (Google Books with search term will of peter blake wimbotsham) the Manor of Wimbotsham courts:

Peter Blake, gentleman, held his first court 9 Edward 4 (1469/1470)

Jasper Blake held his first court 17 Hen VIII  (1525/1526)

Beatrice, widow of Peter Blake (son of Jasper), held her first court 14 Elizabeth (1571/72)

Hence Peter Blake (husband of Beatrice) must have died by 1571. There isn't a date for a court held by Peter Blake the husband of Beatrice but his father Jasper held court first in 1525.

The will of Peter Blake was dated 16 Oct 1570 according to an online website. The will was probated in the Archdeaconry of Norfolk. Peter was the executor of his father Jasper's will of 17 Jul 1547. The will of Jasper mentioned daughter sAlys, Ele Blyke, sons Harry, Thomas, Peter and John and wife Ann (formerly married to John Bastard). His executors were son Peter Blake and Richard Bachecroft with supervisor Osbert Moundeford. The will of Peter mentioned his sons John, Thomas, Francis and Jasper, wife Beatrice and brother in law Christopher Bachecroft with executors his wife Beatrice and brother in law Thomas Bachecroft with supervisor Francis Gaudy. The will of Jasper apparently allowed for aging of Peter in that he was a minor as of 17 Jul 1547 but would be 21 years of age on Holy Thursday (1 Apr 1548) hence he was born 1 Apr 1527.

Does this help with determining that the Jasper Blake who was the immigrant to Hampton New Hampshire in 1640 was of this line? It at least verifies that there was a Jasper born prior to 1570 at Wimbotsham and that he survived at least until 1583 when his brother John (testator below) wrote his will 12th December.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 10 May 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/66/319
Testator:  John Blake
Place: Ely, Cambridgeshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document:  12 Dec 1583, probated 8 Feb 1583/1584
Condition: 16th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T[estament] Johins
[Margin]: Blake

1    In the name of god Amen, The xij th daie of December in the fyve
2    and twentithe yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne Ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god of England
3    Fraunce and Ireland queene defender of the faithe etc: I John Blake of Elye being of p[er]fecte
4    mynde (thankes be to god) doe make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following
5    First I bequeathe my sowle unto Allmightie god my maker and Redeemer and my bodye to bee
6    buried in the Churche Yarde of the holy Trinitie in Ely Item I give unto my brother thomas
7    Blake Fourtye poundes of good and lawfull English money Item I give unto Frauncis Blake
8    my brother Fourty poundes of lawfull Englishe money: Item I give unto my brother Jasper
9    Tenne poundes: Item I give unto Beatrice Killingsworth my mother Tenne poundes: Item I
10    gyve unto the poore of Trinitie p[ar]ishe tenne shillinges Item I give unto the poore of Saint Marye
11    parrish twentie shillinges Item I give unto Mathew Prynie my servaunt Three poundes and double
12    apparell Item I give unto William Adams Fortie shillinges Item I make my brother Thomas and my
13    brother Fraunces my Executors And my Uncle Thomas Badgcrofte my Supervisor and I give unto
14    him Fyve poundes for his paines Item all my goods unbequeathed I gyve unto my executors to paye
15    my debtes: In witnes whereof I have putte my hand in the presence of Lawrence Raymond Robt
16    Johnson and William Adams Jun[io]r By me John Blake

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