Friday, May 31, 2013

Will of Mary Blake, Spinster, St Breock, Cornwall - The National Archives PROB 11/1609/25, Probated 2 Oct 1818

Mary Blake the testatrix is probably elderly in that she has great grand nephews/nieces. There is a very large Blake family at St Breock found on the 1851 census possibly descendants of this Blake family with similar names.

Nieces named in the will:

Rebecca Waram (widow)
Mary Henwood
Alice Roskilley
Anne Mallet
Susanna Warne

Nephews named in the will:

James Blake (married to Mary, Children: Peter, Anne, Henry (children of Henry – Henry, Jonathan))
Peter Blake (Child: Charles and Elizabeth is the daughter of Charles)
Richard Guy Blake (Children: John, Peter, Richard, Elizabeth)

Marriages at St Breock mentioned in the will:

Rebecca Blake married William Waram 29 May 1775
Mary Blake married William Henwood 18 Aug 1787
Alice Blake married James Roskelly 24 Nov 1795
Anne Blake married William Mallet 27 Dec 1795

I did find a Mallett Family History online:

There is a comment attached to Anne saying that they married later in life and giving a possible date of birth for Anne of 1752, she died 3 May 1822. Since she married in 1795 she would have been 43 when she married. No children are listed for this couple.

I did blog a will for Andrew Blake cooper at St Breock probated 1693 and he mentions similar names Henry Blake and Peter Blake.

Rootsweb posting was rather interesting:

“John & Alice Blake children: Rebecca baptized 10/00/1748
James baptized 2/22/1749 - both baptized Parish of St. Breock, Cornwall.

James Blake married Mary Roskilly 01/09/1783 Parish of St. Veep, Cornwall - only child I know about is henry baptized 07/27/1783 Parish of St. Veep, Cornwall.

Henry Blake married Ann Werry 09/24/1811, Parish of Pelynt, Cornwall, children are: Henry baptized 11/07/1813; Johnathan baptized 02/11/1816; James baptized 07/14/1818; Mary baptized 03/12/1821; Thomas baptized 01/04/1823; Ann Werry Dawn baptized 08/11/1827 - all baptized Parish of St. Breock, cornwall.”

Rather an interesting post and does fit in with the details in the will somewhat.  It does appear to indicate that Mary had a brother John married to Alice unknown. John and Alice had two children: James and Rebecca. This would appear to be incomplete as Mary in her will goes on to name four more daughters and two more sons for this couple all of whom would be her nieces and nephews as indicated by her.

Henry (son of James) does have the two sons mentioned (Henry 1813 and Jonathan 1816) and Mary in her will indicates that they are under 21 and that this couple is likely to have more children (which it does appear they did do).

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 30 May 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1609/25
Testator: Mary Blake, Spinster
Place: St Breock, Cornwall, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 17 Feb 1817 , probated 2 Oct 1818
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Mary
[Margin]: Blake
[Margin]: 13

1    This is the last will and testament of me Mary Blake
2    of the parish of Saint Breock in the county of Cornwall spinster being of a sound
3    and disposing mind memory and understanding first I commend my soul into
4    the hands of almighty god who gave it and my body I commit to the earth to be
5    decently buried at the discretion of my executor hereinafter named and as to my
6    worldly estate whatsoever and wheresoever wherewith it hath pleased god to bless me
7    I give and dispose thereof after payment of my funeral expences the expences
8    of proving this my will and all my just debts as hereinafter is mentioned I give
9    and bequeath unto my niece Rebecca Waram widow and her assigns for and during
10    the term of her natural life one annuity of clear yearly sum of five pounds
11    and twelve shillings and I do hereby direct the same to be paid to her by my
12    executor hereinafter named by weekly payments in every years after the rate of two
13    shillings for every week also I give unto my nephew James Blake and his assigns
14    for and during the term of his natural life one annuity clear yearly sum of
15    three hundred pounds and unto Mary the wife of the said James Blake and her
16    assigns in case she shall survive and outlive her said husband one annuity of
17    clear yearly sum of two hundred pounds for and during the term of her
18    natural life and unto my niece Alice Roskilley and her assigns for and during
19    the term of her natural life one annuity or clear yearly sum of three pounds
20    and unto my niece Anne Mallett and her assigns for and during the term of her
21    natural life the like annuity or clear yearly sum of three pounds all which
22    said several annuities I do will and direct shall be paid to the said several annuits
23    respectively either quarterly half yearly or yearly at the Option of my
24    Executor hereinafter named Except the Annuity hereinbefore given to my
25    Niece Rebecca Waram which is to be paid weekly after the rate and in the
26    manner hereinbefore directed I give and bequeath unto my Nephew Peter
27    Blake Twenty pounds to my Great Nephews John Blake and Peter Blake Sons of my late Nephew
28    Richard Guy Blake deceased the like sum of Twenty pounds apiece to my Great
29    Nephews Richard Blake another Son of my said Nephew Richard Guy Blake the Sum
31    of Five pounds to my Niece Elizabeth Blake the Daughter of my said late Nephew Richard
32    Guy Blake the Sum of Ten pounds to my Niece Mary Henwood the Sum of Five
33    pounds and to my Niece Susanna Warne the like Sum of Five pounds all which said
34    several Legacies I do hereby direct shall be paid by my Executor hereinafter named at the
35    end of one year next after my decease Also I give and bequeath unto Charles Blake
36    the Son of my said Nephew Peter Blake the Sum of Five pounds to Elizabeth the
37    Daughter of my said Nephew Charles Blake the Sum of Ten pounds to Peter Blake the
38    Son of my Nephew James Blake the sum of Ten pounds and unto Ann Blake the
39    Daughter of my said Nephew James Blake the like Sum of Ten pounds the said several
40    last mentioned Legacies to be respectively paid to the said Charles Blake the son of my
41    said Nephew Peter Blake Elizabeth Blake the Daughter of my said Nephew Charles
42    Blake Peter Blake the son of my said Nephew James Blake and Ann Blake as and
43    when they shall respectively attain their respective ages of Twenty one years Also I
44    give unto the Revd John Molesworth Clerk two Guinea to Mrs Hendon Molesworth
45    one Guinea to Mr St Aubyn Molesworth One Guinea and to Miss Barbara Molesworth
46    and Miss Mary Ann Molesworth the like Sum of One Guinea each and to Mary Har__
47    now living with Mrs Molesworth One Guinea also I give and bequeath unto my Niece
48    Rebecca Waram Alice Roskilley Mary Henwood Susanna Warne and Alice Mallett one
49    half of my wearing apparel equally to be divided between them share and share alike and the other
50    half of my said wearing apparel I give unto the daughters of my Nephews and Nieces
51    equally to be divided between them share alike Lastly all the rest residue and remainder
52    of all my Goods Chattels Monies and Securities for Money Estate and Effects whatsoever
53    and wheresoever and of whatever nature king of quality soever whereof I shall die
54    possessed
    [Page 2]
55    possessed or entitled subject nevertheless to the payment of my Debts Legacies Annuities Funeral
56    expences and expences of proving this my Will I give and bequeath unto my Great
57    Nephew Henry Blake the Son of my Nephew James Blake for and during his life
58    upon this special Trust and confidence nevertheless that the said Henry Blake
59    shall apply the Interest and Surpluses only of the same to and for his own use and benefit
60    during his life it being my Will and desire that the principal should remain untouched
61    and indivisible and from and immediately after the decease of the said Henry Blake
62    I give and bequeath the said residue of my Estate and Effects unto Henry Blake and
63    Jonathan Blake the Sons of my said Great Nephew Henry Blake equally to be
64    divided between them share and share alike provided nevertheless that in the event of the
65    said Henry Blake and Jonathan Blake the Sons of my said Great Nephew Henry
66    Blake or either of them dying under the age of Twenty One years and there being
67    then any other child or children of my said Great Nephew Henry Blake Then my
68    will is and I do hereby give and bequeath the share or shares of them the said Henry Blake
69    and Jonathan Blake the Sons or of either of them so dying under the age of twenty
70    one years as aforesaid unto all and every such other child or children of my said Great
71    Nephew Henry Blake as shall be living at the time of the decease of the said Great Nephew
72    Henry Blake and Jonathan Blake the Sons or either of them equally to be divided
73    between the same Children share and share alike and I do hereby nominate constitute and
74    appoint my said Great Nephew Henry Blake Sole Executor of this my last Will and
75    Testament hereby revoking all former Wills by me at any time heretofore made
76    in Witness whereof I the said Mary Blake the Testatrix have to this my last Will
77    and Testament contained in three sheets of paper set my hand at the bottom of the
78    two first sheets and my hand and Seal to this third and last Sheet this Seventeenth
79    day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventeen
80    Mary Blake Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Testatrix Mary
81    Blake as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at her request in her
82    presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our Names as witnesses hereto
83    Simon Roskilly  James Kempthoore
84    Proved at London 2 nd October 1818 before the Judge by the Oath of Henry
85    Blake the Great Nephew the sole Executor to whom Admon was granted being first sworn
86    duly to administer

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