Saturday, June 15, 2013

Will of Reignald Blake, yeoman, Padstow, Cornwall - The National Archives 11/222/68, probated 14 May 1652

The will of Reignald Blake and he names his wife Jane and sons Renald, William, Thomas and Christopher and daughters Catterne Comely and Anstie Smith. The granddaughter has probated the will and she is named Jane Smith. Jane Blake (wife of Reignald the testator) wrote a will which was probated 5 Jul 1652 and she names her sons Reynold and William. Sons in law named by her were Richard Smith (with daughter Jane married to Anstice and Jane brought to probate her grandfather’s will) and William Comely (married to Catterne). Jane Smith was also one of her executors. Perhaps in going through papers they found the grandfather’s will which had not been probated.

He also names a John Blake of Luxilian. John’s will was blogged 29 May 2013:

Just of interest Luxulyan is 14 miles SE of Padstow.

Also at Padstow there was the will of Oliver Blake probated 26 May 1608 but he does not mention a son Reginald so do not know if there is a relationship between these families.

There is mention on the National Archives website of property held by the Arundell family of Lanherne where Thomas Blake son of Reginald Blake, yeoman deceased has surrendered the property:

This is also mentioned in the will of Andrew Blake Cooper at St Breock Cornwall also blogged:

How and if these Blake families fit together is still to be determined but having the wills at least gives in many cases a number of generations to study.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 15 Jun 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/222/68
Testator: Reignald Blake
Place: Padstow, Cornwall, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 28 Nov 1640, probated 14 May 1652
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Test: Reynald
[Margin]: Blake
[Top]: The twenty eight day of November in the
[Top]: yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred Forty

1    I Reignald Blake of Padestow in the County of Cornwall doe make
2    this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following First I doe be-
3    queath my soule to the Allmighty God my Maker and Redeemer and my bodie to the
4    holy turfe Item I doe give to my daughter Catterne Comely twenty pounds to be
5    paid her at the end of two yeares after my death Item I doe give unto my sonne Renald
6    Blake Twenty pounds to be paid three yeares after my death Nowe I doe give to him and his
7    heyres forever one house or Tenement in the new streete of Padstow which John Harbur
8    doth dwell in Item I doe give to my sonne William Blake the somme of twenty pounds
9    to bee paid Fouer yeares next after my death Item I doe give to each of my children
10    Anstie Smith Thomas Blake and Christopher Blake twelfe pense apiece All the rest of
11    my goods and chattels not given nor bestowed within the realme of England I doe freely
12    give unto my wife Jane Blake And shee I doe make my whole and sole Executrix In
13    witness whereof I have here unto sett my hands and seale in the day and yeare above
14    written In witness of these whose names are here unto written Renald Blake There is
15    one house or Tenement in the new streete which is in lane betweene Henry Stuebley and
16    Renald Blake which is my owne land Francis Grigg a salt sixe spoones of silver a masur
17    cup bounde with silver and gold vii li Dorothy Wilton one brewing panne of brasse and one
18    rower one pan viiij s John Blake of Luxilian one pan now to be paide of white brasse worth
19    iiij li Tamson Artur one pan of brasse 8 s Gregg a crock a kettle and a pan and an one pound
20    and vj s John Wilton my great crocke or his Mothers vij s Richard Thomas The signe of
21    William Millrod the signe of Jane Dive
22    The fourteenth day of May in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand sixe
23    hundred fifty two issued out a commission to Jane Smith the natural and lawfull
24    grandchild of Sara Blake late whilst shee lived Executrix of the last will and Testament
25    of Reginald Blake late of Padstowe in the County of Cornwall deceased (having goods
26    etc) To administer all and singular the goods chattels and debts of the deceased according
27    to the tenor of his will for that she says Sara Blake dyed before shee proved the sayd
28    will in this Court shee the sayde Jane being first sworne by virtue of a Commission in
29    that behalfe extracted well and truly to administer the same

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