Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Will of Richard Blake, Gentleman, St Earney, Cornwall - The National Archives PROB 11/982/21 Nov 1772

Richard Blake of St Earney Cornwall Gentleman is the testator of this will. He is the Mr Richard Blake who married Mrs Elizabeth Blake 28 Sep 1732 which is mentioned in the book which I refer to in the next paragraph. I blogged the will of Philip Blake, gentleman of Landrake and wondered if he was a son of this couple but he does not appear to be although he is named in the will as Executor. That leaves John Blake and Thomazin as possible parents although in the will Richard does not say what relationship Philip Blake is to him. He is older than both Elizabeth and Grace. I must admit I am still prone to thinking that Philip is the son of this testator and has already received land and property. It is surprising though not to see him mentioned as a relative to Richard.

Interesting information from Miscellanea Genealogica Et Heraldica, edited by Joseph Jackson Howard, LLD, FSA, Volume II, second series and published at London: 1888 by Mitchell and Hughes, 140 Wardour Street W. The following from page 240:

"On the 5th May 1764 “Rokeby Scott of parish of St. Andrew’s, Plymouth, Lieutenant in ye 68th Company of Marines,” was married at Landrake, co. Cornwall, by licence, to “Grace Dade, widow.” She was widow of John Dade, Esq., and daughter of Richard Blake of Trelogan alias Treluggan, Co. Cornwall, Esq., to whom she is also stated to have been coheir. In the Registers of St. Erney’s, which adjoins Landrake, the baptism of “Grace da. Of Mr Richard Blake and Elizabeth his wife privately May 22, Received publick baptism July 15, 1739,” and the same Registers record the marriage of “Mr Richard Blake and Mrs Elizabeth Blake,” 28 Sept 1732 and the burials of “Richard Blake of Trelogan, Esquire,” 3 Jan 1770, “Elizabeth Blake, widow,” 2 June 1772, and “Mary Dade daughter of Grace Scott,” 25 Apr 1767; also the baptisms of “Philip,” “Elizabeth,” and “Richard,” children of “Mr Richard Blake and Elizabeth his wife.”

Trelogan, or Treluggan, is in the parish of Landrake, but near the church of St. Erney’s parish. In the latter church is a hatchment on which is the date 1770 and the arms of Blake, viz.: Argent, a chevron between three garbs Sable, impaling “Azure, a saltire Argent between four martlets (or birds of some sort) Or:” Crest, “On a chapeau Or a martlet Argent.” Local tradition assigns this hatchment to the memory of Mr. Richard Blake of Trelogan, and as the date on it is that of the year of his burial there seems no reason to doubt it. Can any correspondent identify the arms impaled with Blake? If Elizabeth Blake, whom Mr. Richard Blake married, as above, in 1732, was his only wife, this coat must be intended for hers, and in that case she must, though his namesake, have been of a totally different family of Blake. Burke’s ‘Armory’ gives no coat like it to Blake.

To anyone who can give me any information about the family of Blake of Trelogan, or identify the “John Dade, Esq.,” who married Miss Grace Blake, as her first husband, I shall be very grateful. I may add that Lysons, in his “History of Cornwall,” states that “Dogherty inherits Trelogan from Blake, his wife having been Blake heiress.” Family tradition in her descendants makes Grace Blake a coheir to her father. "

This will bears out the information that Grace (and her sister Elizabeth) were coheirs of their father Richard Blake. Interesting that this Blake family carries the ancient arms of the Blake family namely Argent, a chevron between three garbs Sable.

If Philip who left his will in 1808 isn’t the son of this Richard and Elizabeth what happened to their son Philip? Is my one thought. Plus there was also a son Richard who is not mentioned either.

Another interesting tidbit from Notes and Queries: A medium of intercommunication for Literary Men, General Readers, Etc. Sixth Series, Volume Third, January-June 1881. London (by William White and query from Reginald Stewart Boddington) and found on Google Books on page 89 of this text:

"… Rev Rokeby Scott, Rector of Arthingworth, Northants (he was there buried 3 Oct 1767) and had issue, Rokeby Scott, Lieut. Of Marines (died 28 Oct 1773) having married at St Erney, co Cornwall), May, 1674, Grace daughter of Richard Blake of Trelogan, co Cornwall (relict of John Dade), and had a daughter Emma Anne who married at Holy Trinity, Chester, the Rev. Thomas Maddock, M.A., Prebendary of Chester and who was buried in Chester Cathedral, 19 Feb 1825, leaving issue."

Still the Blake families in Cornwall remain a nystery. Are they all related and do they descend from the Blake family at Comb, Devon?

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 16 Jun 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/982/317
Testator: Richard Blake, Gentleman
Place: St Earney, Cornwall, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 26 Oct 1769, probated 21 Nov 1772
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Richard
[Margin]: Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Richard Blake of the parish of St Earney in the County
3    of Cornwall Gentleman being of sound and disposing
4    Mind Memory and Understanding hereby revoking all former
5    and other Wills by me at any time heretofore made do make
6    and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner
7    and form following First I commit my Soul into the hands
8    of Almighty God hoping thro’ the Merits and Mediation
9    of my blessed Saviour Jesus Christ to obtain remission of
10    all my Sins and Everlastinge Life after Death and as for
11    that Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased Almighty
12    God to bless me I give and dispose of the same as
13    follows Imprimis I give and bequeath to my loving Wife
14    Elizabeth Blake all my Right and Interest in my
15    Copyhold Estate of Thornhill and also of my Copyhold
16    Estate of Trelogan both lying in the parish of St Earney
17    wherein I now live for and during her natural Life
18    also I give to my said Wife during her life the use of
19    all my Plate household Stuff Implements of husbandry
20    Lumber Etc[etr]a of what nature kind of quality soever Now
21    in my Dwelling house or on the premises of Trelogan
22    aforesaid and after my said Wife’s decease I give and
23    bequeath the same plate household Stuff Implements of
24    husbandry Lumber etc as aforesaid to my daughter Elizabeth
25    Blake as her sole property for ever Also I give and
26    bequeath unto my said daughter Elizabeth Blake the
27    Sum of Five hundred pounds to be raised and paid her
28    by my Executors hereinafter named out of my Lands in
29    the parish of Landrake and County of Cornwall in the
30    space of One year next after my Death Item I give to
31    the poor of the parishes of Landrake and St Earney
32    Forty Shillings each to be distributed at the discretion of my
33    Executors within one year after my decease Item I give
34    to Elizabeth Blake and Grace Blake daughters of Philip
35    Blake of Landrake Five pounds each to be paid them
36    in one year after my death Item all my Messuages
37    Lands and Tenements with their Appurtenances lying
38    within the parish of Lawanick and County of Cornwall
39    I give devise and bequeath unto Joseph Freeman of the
40    Borough of Plymouth in the County of Devon Gentleman
41    and unto Philip Blake of the parish of Landrake in
    [Page 2]
42    the County of Cornwall Yeoman and to their heirs and
43    to the Survivor of them and his heirs In trust and
44    to and for the end and intent that they may with all
45    convenient speed after my decease sell and dispose of
46    the said Lands and premises and of the Fee Simple land
47    inheritance thereof for the best price that they shall be
48    able to get for the same and the Money arising by such
49    sale to apply in aid of my personal Estate for and
50    towards the payment of my just Debts All the rest
51    of my Messuages Lands and Tenements which I am
52    possessed of in Fee Simple in the parishes of Landrake
53    and St Earney in the County of Cornwall or in any other
54    part of the Kingdom of Great Britain I give devise
55    and bequeath unto them the said Joseph Freeman and
56    Philip Blake To hold to them the said Joseph Freeman and Philip Blake and the Survivor of them and the heirs
57    of such Survivor from the day of my death for ever
58    but in Trust Nevertheless and to and for the uses intents
59    and purposes hereinafter mentioned and to and for no
60    other Use Trust intent or purpose whatsoever that is to
61    say that they the said Joseph Freeman and Philip Blake
62    do permit and suffer my said daughter Elizabeth Blake
63    and her heirs and assigns to receive and take One
64    Moiety or half part of the Rents Issues and profits
65    of my said Lands to and for the sole use of her my said
66    daughter Elizabeth her heirs and assigns for ever and
67    as to the other Moiety of the Rents Issues and profits
68    of the said Lands In Trust that they my said Trustees
69    do permit and suffer my daughter Grace Scott the Wife
70    of Rokeby Scott to receive and take the said other
71    Moiety of the Rents Issues and profits of my said Lands
72    for and during her natural Life and after her decease
73    that they my said Trustees or the Survivor of them or the
74    heirs of such Survivor do during the Minority of such
75    child or children as my said daughter Grace Scott
76    shall leave behind her receive the Rents Issues and
77    profits of this last mentioned Moiety of my said Lands
78    and lay out the same to the best advantage they or the
79    Survivor of them or the heirs of such Survivor can
80    and from and after or as soon as my said Grand
81    Child or Grand Children arrive at the Age of Twenty
82    one Years That then I direct that my said Trustees or
83    the Survivor of them or the heirs of such Survivor
84    shall permit and suffer my said Grandchild or Grand
85    Children to receive and take the Rents Issues and profits
86    of this last mentioned Moiety of my said Lands to him
87    her or them him her or their heirs or assigns forever
88    as Tenants in common and not as joint Tenants I also
89    give devise and bequeath all my Messuages Lands and
90    Tenements which I hold by Lease or for a Term or
91    Terms of Years in the parishes of Landrake and St
92    Earney or in any other part of the County of Cornwall
93    unto the said Joseph Freeman and Philip Blake To hold
    [Page 3]
94    to them or the Survivor of them or the Executors or
95    Administrators of such Survivor from the day of my Death
96    for and during the remainder of the Terms that shall be
97    then therein to come and unexpired But in Trust
98    Nevertheless that they my said Trustees do permit and suffer
99    my said daughter Elizabeth Blake her Executors Administrators
100    or assigns to receive and take the Moiety or half of the
101    Rents Issues and profits of my said last mentioned premises
102    for and during the Remainder of the said Terms And as to
103    the other Moiety of my said Estates which I hold by
104    Lease or for a Term or Terms of Years I do hereby
105    order and direct that they my said Trustees do permit
106    And suffer my daughter Grace Scott Wife of Rokeby Scott
107    aforesaid to receive and take the said other Moiety of
108    the Rents Issues and profits of my said Estates which
109    I holds by Lease or for a Term or Terms of Years for
110    and during her natural Life and after her Death that
111    they my said Trustees or the Survivor of them or the
112    heirs of such Survivor do during the Minority of such
113    Child or Children as my said daughter Grace Scott shall
114    leave behind her receive the Rents Issues and profits of
115    these last mentioned premises and lay out the same to
116    the best advantage and from and after or as soon as
117    my said Grand child or Grand children arrive at the age
118    of Twenty one Years that then I do hereby order and
119    direct that my said Trustees or the Survivor of them or
120    the heirs of such Survivor shall permit and suffer my
121    said Grandchild or Children to have hold and enjoy the
122    said last mentioned premises and to receive and take the
123    Rents Issues and profits thereof to him her or them him
124    her or their Executors Administrators or assigns for and
125    during the remainder of the several Terms which I
126    have therein as Tenants in common and not as joint
127    Tenants All the rest and residue of my Goods and
128    Chattels Rights and Credits of what nature kind or
129    quality the same are and wheresoever situate lying and
130    being and not hereinbefore given and bequeathed I give
131    devise and bequeath unto the said Joseph Freeman
132    and Philip Blake To hold to them the said Joseph
133    Freeman and Philip Blake and the Survivor of them
134    and Executors and Administrators of such Survivor for
135    ever But in Trust that they in the first place pay
136    off my just Debts Legacys and Funeral Charges and after
137    payment and satisfaction thereof that they my said
138    Trustees or the Survivor of them or the Executors or
139    Administrators of such Survivor do divide the same in
140    manner following (that is to say) that they give One
141    Moiety or half to my said daughter Elizabeth Blake
142    And the other Moiety to my daughter Grace Scott and
143    they the said Joseph Freeman and Philip Blake my
144    said Trustees I do hereby make and ordain and appoint
145    whole and sole Executors of this my last Will and
    [Page 4]
146    Testament In Trust as aforesaid and to and for the
147    uses intents and purposes aforesaid and to and for
148    no other use intent or purpose whatsoever
149    In Witness whereof I the said Richard Blake
150    have to the first Sheet of this my last Will and
151    Testament containing two Sheets of paper set my hand
152    and to the last Sheet thereof my hand and Seal this
153    Twenty sixth day of October in the Year of our Lord
154    One Thousand seven hundred and sixty nine Rich[ar]d Blake
155    Signed sealed published and declared by the said
156    Richard Blake as and for his last Will and Testament
157    in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our
158    Names as Witnesses thereto in the presence of the said
159    Testator and in presence of each other J Wollcock Clk
160    John Kelse  John Lamerton
161    This Will was proved at London the Twenty first
162    day of November in the Year of our Lord One Thousand
163    seven hundred and seventy two before the Right Worshipful
164    George Hay Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary
165    of the prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted
166    by the Oaths of Joseph Freeman and Philip Blake the
167    Executors named in the said Will to whom Administration was
168    granted of all and singular the Goods Chattles and Credits
169    of the said deceased they having been first sworn by Commission
170    duly to administer.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Francis O’Dogherty & Elizabeth Blake were my sixth gt grandparents. I can’t ascertain where Francis was born in 1738 but know he was a 1st Lieutenant in the Royal Navy & fought in the Revolutionary War in the 1760s just before his marriage.
