Sunday, July 7, 2013

Back to work after a short hiatus

I am back to "work" after a week off. Doing things for my family does tend to come first and the past week has been a busy one. I have one will which I will post later today for yet another George Blake from Devon. This one I do not have any ideas on yet.

I need to work on the group presentation for BIGHSGO in the Fall as that got put aside last week and the meeting for that is tomorrow. My the time has passed quickly since that was set up! I have a partial presentation but need to flavour it for this particular presentation.

The weather here has been absolutely marvelous for gardening but perhaps less appealing for the beach as quite a bit of rain. Our grass is so green for July; that is a pleasant picture.

My process continues to be working on the wills for the Blake families in Devon and then moving on to Dorset where I have eleven wills to transcribe for that county.

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