Thursday, June 27, 2013

Will of George Blake, Gentleman, Plymouth - The National Archives, PROB 11/326/267, probated 19 Feb 1667/68

George Blake the testator is the son of Humphrey Blake and Sara Williams who lived at Bridgwater, Somerset. George is a brother to Admiral Robert Blake. This line continues back to Robert Blake and Margaret Symonds also of Bridgwater and thence back to Humphrey Blake and Ann (unknown) who lived at Overstowey. The father of Humphrey is not known reliably but is suspected to be John Blake who is shown on the Blake Pedigree Chart held by the Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office. John was a son of William Blake and Margaret Browne. This William was then the son of David Blake and Joane Mallet. This David then being a son of John Blake/Blague and Margaret Dyncham (first wife). This John does not mention having a son by his first wife in his will of 1504.

If this can ever be proven to be correct (the lineage back) then the Somerset Blake family of Overstowey/Bridgwater would be descendant of the Blake family of Calne/Quemberford Wiltshire.

Always nice to be able to link a will to a known family line and George mentions his children George and Robert, and daughters Sarah, Elizabeth, Bridget and Jane (married to William Bickton) as well as his wife Jane.

To help link this George with the family at Bridgwater his brother William mentions “the children of my brother George Blake of Plymouth George, Robert, Sarah, Elisabeth and Bridget, deceased” in his will of 24th Oct 1667 so George has died by 24th October 1667 although his will is not probated until 19 Feb 1667/68. George the testator is mentioned in his brother Admiral Robert Blake’s will of 1655 (proved 1657).

There are a number of marriages in the right timeframe in the LDS but none to a Jane.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 26 Jun 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/326/267
Testator: George Blake, Gentleman
Place: Plymouth, Devon, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 3 Feb 1666, probated 19 Feb 1667/68
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T[esta]m[ent]
[Margin]: Georij
[Margin]: Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen  I George
2    Blake of the Borrough of Plimouth in the County of Devon Gentl being weake
3    and sicke of of Body but of a sound mind and perfect memory praised bee to God
4    for the same doe declare my last Will and Testament to bee in manner and forme as
5    hereafter followeth That is to say Imprimis I commend my Soule to God my Createur
6    who gave it mee hopeing and surely trusting that in and by the merits of my deare
7    Saviour Jesus Christ I shall enioy eternall rest and happiness with him in the highest
8    heavens And my Bodye to Christian Buriall handsomely and decently to bee interred And
9    for my Worldly Goods and Estate which it hath pleased God to bestowe upon mee I doe
10    give and bequeath in manner following I doe hereby give unto my two Sonnes George
11    and Robert All that Messuage Tenement and dwelling house Garden and Outhouses
12    and all and every the appurtenances wherein Doctor Roger Ashton now liveth and the
13    Two
    [Page 2]
14    Two Barnes adioyning thereunto Sictuate and being in the Borrough of Plimouth
15    equally to bee devided betwixt them To have and to hold the same to them their Executors
16    administrators and assignes dureing the full Tearme and Estate I have therein Item
17    I doe hereby give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah All that Messuage dwelling
18    house and Garden with its appurten[an]ces Sictuate in Plimouth and wherein one John
19    Dunbarre lately lived it being the Northerne Tenement of thesew three Tenements
20    or howses I lately erected in Plimouth and adioyning to the Garden Docteur Ashton
21    holdeth Item I doe give and bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth All that Messuage
22    dwelling house and Garden with the appurtenances in Plimouth wherein Katherine
23    Everdon now liveth being the Midle Tenement of the Three Tenements or houses I
24    erected as aforesaid Item I doe hereby give unto my Daughter Bridgett All that
25    Messuage Tenement and dwelling house and Garden with the appurten[an]ces wherein I now
26    live being the Southerne Tenement of the aforesaid Three Tenements The profits of all
27    the aforemencioned Tenements and Messuages with all and every of their appurtenances
28    soe given and bequeathed as aforesaid to come and bee unto my Wife Jane until my
29    children aforesaid shalbe married respectively Provided my wife mainteyne them
30    necessaries until their severall marriages they remaining with her And the Tenement
31    and house given to my daughter Bridgett as aforesaid to bee and remaine unto my Wife
32    after the marriage of the said Bridgett soe long as my Wife shall put unto her or her
33    assignes Six pounds every yeare for the same Item I doe hereby give and bequeath
34    unto my Wife Jane Blake, All that Messuage Tenement and dwelling house Garden
35    outhouses and all other the appurtenances Sictuate and being in Plymouth neere the
36    Middle hoe Lane and which one Docteur Thomas Spencer now holdeth and dwelleth
37    in To have and to hold the same with all and every the appurtenances unto my said Wife
38    and to her Assignes dureing the Tearme of her natural life And after the decease of my
39    said wife the one Moyety of the last mencioned Tenement I doe give unto my Sonne George
40    during the Remainder of the Lease I have in the last mencioned p[re]misses And the other Moiety
41    of this last mencioned Tenement wherein Docteur Thomas Spencer now liveth After my
42    wifes decease I give unto my Sonne in Law William Bickton during the remainder of
43    the said Lease and is in part of a marriage Porcion with my daughter Jane his now
44    wife And Lastly All the Remainder of my Goods and Chattells whatsoever I doe hereby
45    give and Bequeath unto my said Wife to bee given by her amongst my other Children as
46    shee shall thinke fit my Debts being paid and doe make my said Wife my Sole Executrix
47    of this my last Will and Testament In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand
48    and Seale This Third of February Anno dom[ini] 1666 George Blake Sealed and
49    Published in the p[re]sence of Tho: Spenser Rich: Rowe

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