Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Will of Martha Blake, Widow, Yealmpton, Devon - The National Archives PROB 11/288/221, probated 11 Feb 1659

Martha Blake the testator is the mother of Ferdinando, Samuel, Martha, Grace and Ann and wife of Ferdinando Blake the elder who will was probated 21 May 1646 and blogged by me earlier:


Her maiden name was Berrie and they were married 21 Feb 1613 at Plympton Saint Mary. She also mentions her grandchildren John, Ferdinando, Mary, Honor, Ruth, Ann.

Probably there is only one wife Martha for Ferdinando with them having children from 1613/14 to 1642. Although it seems like a long spread of years a young marriage for both of them could see them in their late teens and by 1642 they would be in their late 40s. Given then Martha lived another 17 years beyond that it is quite plausible that all of the children mentioned are their children. Just to correct that thought of the earlier blog.

The grandchildren mentioned in this will include: John, Ferdinando, Mary, Honor, Ruth and Ann. Mentioned in the earlier blog was information on her grandson Ferdinando that he was born in 1651 and graduated from Oxford in 1669 and was the son of the testator’s son Ferdinando. It could be that Ferdinando the son married twice as his marriage to Ruth Bartlett was 28 Dec 1648 at Yealmpton. I do find a second marriage on Family Search for Fardinando Blake 17 Mar 1633 at Kingston Near Ivybridge, Devon to Agnes Barkley. There was one child at least born – Fordinando baptized 11 Jan 1634 at Modbury. However this is too early for the Ferdinando Blake son of Ferdinando Blake who graduated from Oxford in 1669.

Find My past does have the baptism of Martha’s husband Ferdinando Blake 15 Aug 1591 at Plymstock and the son of John Blake. This fits into the Visitation of Cornwall 1620 where Ferdinand was the second son of John Blake of Coombe married to Grace Cock. Coombe is 0.9 miles NW of Plymstock.

Always nice to have a will fit together with another one and this Blake line found in the Cornwall Visitation of 1620 with Ferdinand being mentioned as the 2nd son married to Martha Berry. John Blake was married to Grace Cock at the time but Ferdinand was the son of Mary Fortescue of Spurwaye. John was the son of John Blake of Comb and Stivolla Weeke daughter of John Weeke of Widicomb, Devon. This John was the son of John Blake of Comb and Elizabeth Lugar (daughter of Robert Lugar of Modbury). Determining the parents of this John would be most interesting. Time wise we know that Ferdinand was born around 1591 so his father John would have been mid 20s perhaps as Ferdinand was his second son and second marriage as he was first married to Elizabeth Slannig of Ley by whom he had at least two children. He could have been 30 years of age and that would put his date of birth circa 1560 with his father (he was the eldest son) being born perhaps around 1535 and then back another generation as again John was the eldest son taking us back to around 1510 which is, of course, prior to Parish Registers.

I have discussed the Blake families in Devon in the Parish Registers that I have but Coomb is in the south of Devon and my parish registers are for Northern Devon. This is prior to the Somerset Blake family at Plymouth. It is quite a mystery these Blake families and why is Blake in the Visitation of the County of Cornwall and not in Devon also produced in 1620?

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 30 Jul 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/288/221
Testator: Martha Blake, Widow
Place: Yealmpton, Devon, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 21 Mar 1657, probated 11 Feb 1659
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Martha Blake

1    In the name of God Amen I Martha Blake of
2    the parish of Yealmpton in the County of Devon widdowe being
3    sicke of body but of Sound and perfect memory thankes be unto
4    Almighty God doe make and ordeyne this my last will and
5    testament in manner and forme following First I bequeath
6    my soule into the hands of Allmighty God my Creator who gave
7    it me through whose infinite mercy in and through the merits
8    of Jesus Christ my onely redeemer I hope to be saved And my
9    body I commit to the earth from whence it was taken there to
10    be laid in Christian burial Item I give devise and bequeath
11    unto Grace Blake my daughter all that one howse with the
12    appurten[an]cs lyeing and being such in the parish of St Trinitie in
13    Trinity Lane London in the ward of Queenehith London sometimes
14    nowe in the possession of John Rows deceased and now or late in the
15    possession of Thomas Morris his assignee or assignes, To have
16    and to hold all that the said howse with the appurten[an]cs and
o    every part and parcel thereof unto the said Grace Blake her
18    executors admin[istra]tors and assignes immediately from and after
19    my death and decease for and dureing the full tyme and terme of
20    fowerscore and nyneteene yeares from thence next following
21    fully to be complete and ended if she the said Grace Blake
22    Ann Blake and Martha Blake my daughters or any or either of
23    them
    [Page 2]
24    them doe or shall happen soe long to live Yeilding and paying
25    then therefore yearely unto the heires and assignes of me the said
26    Martha Blake Fower pence of lawfull money of England at the
27    fower most usuall dayes or tymes of payment in the yeare, that is
28    to say the Five and twentieth daie of March, the fowre and twentieth
29    day of June the nyne and twentieth day of September, and the five
30    and twentieth day of December by even and equall por[t]ions dureing
31    the said terme the first payment thereof to be made at the first daie
32    of the dayes aforesaid that shall first happen after my death and
33    decease Item I give devise and bequeath unto Ann Blake my
34    daughter all that my part purpertie and portion of all and every
35    those two howses two orchards and balse an Acre of ground belong-
36    ing thereunto and every parte and parcel thereof with the appur-
37    ten[an]cs lyeing and being in Wandsworth in the County of Surrey
38    sometimes in the occupa[t]ion of William Gerd and Marks Shrimpton
39    To have and to hold the same and every part and parcel thereof with
40    the appurten[an]cs unto the said Ann Blake her exe[cu]tors admin[istr]ators
41    and assignes immediately from and after my death and decease for
42    and dureing the full tyme and terme of fowerscore and nyneteene
43    yeares from thence next following fully to be complete and
44    ended if she the said Ann Blake Grace Blake and Martha Blake
45    my daughters or any or either of them doe or shall happen soe long
46    to live Yeilding and paying then therefore yearely unto the heires and
47    assignes of me the said Martha Blake Fower pence of lawfull money
48    of England at the fower most usuall dayes or tymes of payment in the
49    yeare, that is to say the five and twentieth day of March the fower and
50    twentieth daie of June, the nyne and twentieth day of September and
51    the five and twentieth day of December by even and equall por[t]ions dureing
52    the said terme the first payment thereof to be made at the next day of
53    the dayes aforesaid that shall first happen after my death and decease
54    Item I give devise and bequeath unto Martha Blake my daughter all
55    that one howse with the appurten[an]cs lyeing and being within the
56    parish of St Trinitie aforesaid sometimes in the occupa[t]ion of Edm[un]d
57    Herses and now or late in the occupa[t]ion of Hugh Holloway To have
58    and to hold all that the said howse with the appurten[an]cs unto the said
59    Martha Blake her executors admin[istr]ators and assignes immediately from
60    and after my death and decease, for and dureing the full tyme and terme
61    of fowerscore and nyneteene yeares from thence next following
62    fully to be complete and ended, if the said Martha Blake, Grace Blake
63    and Ann Blake my daughters or any or either of them doe or shall happen
64    soe long to live, Yeilding and paying then therefore yearely unto the
65    heires and assignes of me the said Martha Blake Fower pence of
66    lawfull money of England at the fower most usuall dayes or tymes
67    of payment in the yeare that is to say the five and twentieth day of
68    March the fowre and twentieth day of June, the nyne and twentieth
69    daie of September and the five and twentieth day of December by
70    equall por[t]ions dureing the said terme The first paym[en]t thereof to
71    be made at the next day of the dayes of payment aforesaid that shall
72    first happen after my death and decease, Item I give and bequeath
73    unto Ferdinando Blake my sonne Twenty shillings to be paid unto
74    him within six months next after my decease, Item I give and
75    bequeath unto Samuell Blake my sonne one bedsteed and featherbed
76    Performed
    [Page 3]
77    Performed now being in the Hall Chamber whereon the
78    said Samuell Blake to lye Item I give unto the said Samuell
79    my pound with all the tymber vessells that are in in the howse
80    thereunto belonging Item I give unto the said Samuell Blake all the tymber worke and vessels in the newehowse Item I give and bequeath unto John
81    Blake my Grandchild ten shillings Item I give unto Ferdinando
82    Blake my Grandchild Tenn shillings Item I give unto Mary Blake
83    my Grandchild Tenn shillings Item I give unto Honor Blake
84    my grandchild ten shillings Item I give unto Ruth Blake my
85    grandchild five shillings Item I give and bequeath unto Ann
86    Blake my grandchild five shillings Item I give unto Grace Blake
87    my daughter ten pounds Item I give unto Ann Blake my
88    daughter Tenn pounds the rest and residue of all my goods and
89    and Chattells not before given and disposed of I doe give and bequeath
90    unto Grace Blake, Ann Blake and Martha Blake my daughters
91    whom I doe make and ordeyne to be Executors of this my last will
92    and testament desireing them to performe as are orders to my intent
93    and true meaning herein as I trust they will doe, In Witness that
94    this is my last will and testament I have hereunto putt my hand
95    and seale the one and twentieth daie of March in the yeare of our Lord
96    God one thousand six hundred fiftie seaven the signe of the said
97    Martha Blake Sealed Signed and published by the said Martha
98    Blake to be her last will in the presence of us John Avent Thomas
99    Avent, the signe of Thomasine Rowse
100    This will was proved at London the Eleaventh daie
101    of February in the yeare One thowsand six hundred fifty eight
102    English Stile before the Judges for probate of wills and by the oaths
103    of Grace Blake, Ann Blake and Martha Blake the daughters
104    and Executors named in this will. To whom was Committed
104    administra[t]ion so They being first sworne by Commission truely to
106    administer of the said will being pronounced for by a definitive
107    sentence in that behalf read and promulgated

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