Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Will of Martha Blake, Widow, Exon, Devon - The National Archives PROB 11/1017/267, probated 21 Mar 1776

Martha Blake the testator mentions her sister Elizabeth Stabback and an Elizabeth Stabback spinster was  mentioned in the will of Elizabeth Blake widow of Exeter blogged earlier but dated 1789:

Was Martha’s maiden name Stabback or was her sister married to a Stabback? In this case the Reverend John Stabback was implied as trustee in this testamentary schedule since it does not name executors and is undated. 

In the earlier will I hypothesized that Elizabeth, the then testator, was the wife of a Thomas Blake. The witnesses to her will were John Stabback and William Stabback. Elizabeth Stabback (spinster) provided testimony to prove the signature of the codicil.

It is perhaps just a coincidence that both of these wills signed by Blake widows mention the Stabback family.

There is a marriage in 1738 between Nicholas Blake and Martha Hickman 1738 at St Leonard Exeter. There is also a marriage between William Staback and Elizabeth Hickman in 1713 at St Mary Arches Exeter. This does seem quite a spread in years between the two sisters marrying (25 years) but Martha doesn’t mention any children so was perhaps a late marriage for her.

There is the possibility that Elizabeth Blake (testator in the earlier will mentioning the Stabback family) and married to Thomas Blake likely and Martha Blake (present testator) was married to the brother of Thomas named Nicholas and he would have been 52 years of age when he married Martha in 1738. Both Thomas and Nicholas were the sons of Reverend Thomas Blake mentioned in the earlier will. But this particular tree found online is speculative but it is interesting to discover this link between the two wills.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 31 Jul 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1017/267
Testator: Martha Blake, Widow
Place: Exon, Devon, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: undated, probated 21 Mar 1776
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Martha Blake

1    In the name of God Amen
2    I Martha Blake of the City of Exon Widow do make and ordain
3    This my last Will and Testament in the manner following first I
4    Recommend my Soul to the mercy of God hoping for the pardon and
5    Remission of all my Sins through the merits of Jesus Christ my
6    Saviour I give and bequeath unto my Sister Elizabeth Stabback
7    Five hundred pounds I give and bequeath unto my Nephew John
8    Stabback the presentation that I bought of Mr Courtise for him and

9    As much Money as will make it up five hundred pounds I give and
10    Bequeath unto my Niece Elizabeth Sturton five hundred pounds I
11    Give and bequeath unto my Niece Juliana Pasley five hundred pounds
12    I give and bequeath unto my Niece Bridgett Rocke five hundred
13    Pounds and I give and bequeath unto Sarah Edwards one hundred
14   Pounds to be paid to her in ten pounds a year to begin to be paid
15    At the time of my death Item I give and bequeath unto my Nephew
16    John Stabback the sum of fifty pounds upon trust and to the Intent
17    That he doth pay the same to the Treasurer or Treasurers for the
18   Time being of a Society who now call themselves the Governors of
19    The Devon and Exeter hospital at Exeter which said sum of fifty
20    Pounds I desire may be applied towards the carrying on the
21    Charitable designs of the said Society Item I give and bequeath
22    Unto my Nephew John Stabback one hundred pounds upon trust
23    And the intent that he doth pay the same to the Treasurer or
24    Treasurers for the time being of the Charity Schools now in this
25    City for the better carrying on the charity Schools In Witness whereof
26   I have hereunto set my hand
27    But if she should not live till the time of my death I give it to
28    Her Child or Children if Children to be devied be anno
29    In the name of God Amen I Martha Blake of the City of Exon
30    Widow do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in the
31    Manner following first I recommend my Soul to the mercy of God hoping for the
32    Pardon and remission of all my Sins through the merits of Jesus
33    Christ my Saviour I give and bequeath unto my Sister Elizabeth
34    Stabback five hundred pound I give and bequeath unto my Nephew
35   John Stabback five hundred pound I give unto my Niece Elizabeth
36    Sturton five hundred pound I give and bequeath unto my Niece
37    Juliana Pasley five hundred pound I give and bequeath unto
38    Mrs Bridgett Rocke five hundred pound
39    On the twenty first day of March in the Year of our Lord
40    One thousand seven hundred and seventy six administration (with
41    The Will or two Testamentary Schedules annexed) of all and singular
42    The Goods Chattels and Credits of Martha Blake late of the City of
43    Exeter Widow deceased was granted to the Revere[n]d John Stabback
44    Clerk
    [Page 2]
45    Clerk the Nephew Juliana Pasley Widow and a
46    Jane Ulayut Widow the nieces and only next of kin of the said
47    Deceased (Executor or Residuary Legatee being named in the said Will
48    They having been first Sworn duly to Administer

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