Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Will of MIchaell Blake, husbandman, North Molton, Devon - The National Archives PROB 11/134/346, probated 13 Nov 1619

This testator is known to me and I have blogged on his family in the blog mentioned yesterday namely the Blake families in Devon – 1500s 0 1600s:

Michael Blake family
Blake    Mighell    married Squire    Agnes    1558    Dec    2  
Blake    Johane    daughter    Blake    Mychell    baptized    1560    Sep    1  
Blake    John    son    Blake    Mighell        baptized    1564    Dec    10 (buried  1565    Dec    6)
Blake    John    son    Blake    Mighell        baptized    1565    Dec    6  
Blake    Mote    daughter    Blake    Mighell    baptized    1565    Dec    6 (buried   1565    Dec  7)
Blake    Anne    daughter    Blake    Mighell    baptized    1568  May  16 (buried  1568    Jun  17)
Blake Michael will probated PCC 13 Nov 1619
Blake    Agnes        buried        1630    Feb    16

The earliest records at North Molton for the Blake family are a Thomas Blake buried 8 May 1542 and a John Blake buried 5 Dec 1546. Noting that Michael has named his son John might be a clue for the name of his father but no actual records exist that I have located in the Parish Registers to date.

However, the daughter Elizabeth married to Richard Beyre is not shown on the parish register at North Molton nor can I find the baptism for Thomasine their daughter. I have transcribed the North Molton parish registers from the beginning to the early 1700s. I am somewhat confused by all the John Blake mentions in the will. His son John would appear to be deceased leaving one child a daughter Gunnell. John Blake at Hole is mentioned but the John Blake his kinsman and Executor is possibly his brother or a cousin perhaps. The early records of the Blake family at North Molton are as shown on my blog page:

The impression thought that I do have from these early records is that the Blake family at North Molton in the mid 1500s daughtered out and that the Blake family found there in the 1600s is a line that has moved there from elsewhere but perhaps a collateral line to the one that daughtered out and the manor records might help with that.

Michaell though does not mention his wife Agnes so I think that the Agnes Blake that I have buried 16 Feb 1630 is not likely his wife so will move that line on my blog to the unknown burials for North Molton for the Blake family.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 6 Aug 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/134/346/
Testator: Michaell Blake, husbandman
Place: North Molton, Devon, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 6 Jan 1618, probated 13 Nov 1619
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T[estator] Michaelis
[Margin]: Blake

1    In the name of God Amen the sixt daye of Januarye in the
2    yere of oure Lord god one thowsand sixe hundred and Eighteene I Michaell Blake of
3    Northmolton in the Countie of Devon husbandman being in bodilie healthe and in
4    perfect remembrance (thanckes be unto almightie god) do make this my last will and
5    Testament in manner and forme following First I bequeathe my Soule unto Almightie
6    god my maker and Redemer and my bodie to be buryed in the Churche yarde of Northmolton
7    or elswhere yt shall please god Item I give unto the Reparations of the Church there
8    sixe shillings eight pence Item I give unto the poore mens boxe twoe shillings Item I give
9    unto every godchild twelve pence Item I give unto Elizabeth Beyre my daughter the
10    wife of Richard Beyre the somme of fortie shillings to be payed unto her within one yere
11    after my decease Item I give unto Thomazine Beyre the daughter of Richard Beyre my
12    kyneswoman the somme of tenne poundes of lawfull money of England to be payed unto her
13    within one yere after my decease and to be put to use for her by my Rulers and Overseers
14    until she be married or accomplishe the age of one and twentie yeres provided yf the
15    saide Thomasine Beyre do happen to dye before she accomplishe the age of one and twenty
16    yeres and be not marryed That then the said somme of tenne poundes to remayne to my
17    executor Item I give to my sonne John Blake the somme of tenne poundes of lawfull
18    money of England to be paid unto hym within one yere after my decease Item I give
19    unto my kyneswoman Gunnell Blake the daughter of John Blake my sonne deceased
20    the somme of Fyve poundes of lawfull money of England to be payed unto her within one
21    yere after my decease and to be put to use for her by my Rulers and Overseers until she
22    accomplishe the age of one and twentie yeres or be married provided allwayes that
23    yf she happen to dye before she accomplishe the age of one and twentie yeres and be not
24    marryed That then the said Fyve poundes shall remaine unto my Executor Item I
25    give towards the Reparation of the Churche of High Braye tenne shillings
26    Item I give unto Jackatt Badge of Stoke Rivers the somme of sixe shillings
27    eight pence Item I give unto Dorothie Scott the wife of John Scott one cowe
28    Item I give unto John Scotts twoe children twoe Ewe sheepe apiece Item I give unto
29    xpofer Gupwell tenne shillings and to his wife tenne shillings And to every one of
30    his children one Ewe sheepe apiece Item I give unto my servannte Richord Dalbyn
31    the somme of tenne poundes of lawfull money to be paied unto her when she shall accomplish
32    the age of one and twentie yeres All the Rest of my goods moveable or unmoveable
33    not given nor bequeathed I give and bequeathe unto John Blake my kynnesman whome
34    I make my whole and full executor of this my last will and testament Revokinge all other former wills and testam[en]ts (my debts paid
35    my Legaceys discharged and my bodie honestlie brought to the grave And I do
36    appoint my good Freindes Cristofer Gupwill John Blake of Hole and John Scott
37    to be my Rulers and Overseers to see thys my last will and testament to be performed
38    in witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale hereon the daye and yere
39    above written Signn Michaelis Blake Witnesses hereunto those whose names are
40    hereunder written
    [Page 2]
41    hereunder written John Pearse Signn Johannis Elsworthye teste Henry Sannder
42    Christofer Taylor Signn Johannis Scott teste

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