Friday, August 9, 2013

Will of Peter Blake, yeoman, Maker, Devon - The National Archives PROB 11/195/466, probated 17 Jan 1624/25

Peter Blake of Devon is the testator and he lived at Maker, Devon near the border with Cornwall. An interesting item from the National Archives:

1 Sir Richard Champernoune, Modbury, Devon, Kt.
Peter Edgcumbe, Esq.
Ric. Carew, Antony, Esq.
Ric. Edgcumbe, son and heir of Peter John Speccot of Thornbury, Devon Esq.
2 Richard Trefusis, Lincolns Inn, Middlesex, Esq. Richard Waltham, Lincolns Inn, Esq.
(Ric. of deed for P & R Edgcumbe of 1 February 1598 (a) P. Edgcumbe (b) Ric Edgcumbe, (c) Richard Champernoune, Esq. Ric. Carew, John Speccott, Nicholas Tregodek (a) - (b). Manor of East Stonehouse, Devon, Park of Mount Edgcumbe, alias West Stonehouse in Devon and Cornwall.
Also messuages, houses, cellars at or near Cremyll. Passage in Maker, Devon, with the passage of Cremyll, held by Peter Blake and Joseph Grubbs, Cap. mess. and barton of Cotehele and Comfort in Calstock and two grist mills called Morden alias Cotehele mills in Calstock occ. by Walter Lampen. Two tenements Calstock held by Richard Cleer, and John Wante. Mess and fulling mill held by Thos. Ordam. To hold to Sir Richard Champernoune, Kt. to uses expressed in deed, proviso if (a) (b) and (c) declared above recited deed to be void, then P. Edgcumbe could re-enter premises after determination of demise).
Declaration of deed of recital as void by 1 with uses.
Sealed and delivered to Robert Rydbye to use of Richard Trefusis and Richard Waltham, witd. James Bysse, Hieron Walter, Tristram Barry, Robert Rydbye.

I blogged the will of Nicholas Blake who names as his executor his father Aquila Blake of Cremble Passage and Cremble Passage is located in the Parish of Maker. The date of the will of Nicholas was 16 Nov 1673.

And of course the document held at the National Archives mentions that Peter Blake holds property at or near Cremyll Passage in Maker, Devon and that the Passage itself is held by Peter Blake. Interesting as always to link wills together.

Peter in his will mentions his wife Joane and his children: Peter, Henry, John, Aquila, Nicholas his sons and Joane Herring, Richoard, and Margerett his daughters. He also mentions his grandchildren John and Peter Blake, Henry and Margeret Blake, James and Maria Herring.

Searching on Find My Past and Family Search did not lead to any new information on this family.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 7 Aug 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/195/466
Testator: Peter Blake, Yeoman
Place: Maker, Devon, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 9 Jun 1624, probated 17 Jan 1624/25
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T[estament]
[Margin]: Petri Blake

1    In the name of God Amen I Peter Blake of
2    the p[ar]ishe of Maker in the County of Devon yeoman being sick in body but sound and
3    p[er]fect of sence and memory praised be God doe make this my last will and testament
4    in manner and forme following Impr[im]is I bequeath my soule into the hands of my Almightie
5    Creator that breathed it into me, and my boddy to the earth from whence it came to
6    be buried in xpian burial Item I give to the poore of the parish aforesaid twentie shillings
7    Item I give to the p[ar]ishe Church aforesaid Fyve shillings Item I give to my two sonnes
8    Peter Blake and Henry Blake yf they be lyvinge Fiftie shillings apiece Item I give
9    to my sonne John Blake Fyve pounds Item I give unto him one suite of Blewish medley
10    clothes and one gould ring with a Reddstone in itt Item I give unto my sonne Aquila
11    Blake twenty pounds beside his grandfather’s and frynds legacys Item I give him my
12    best suite of apparel and one gould ringe with a reddstone in itt Item I give unto my
13    sonne Nicholas Blake Fourty pounds to be payd him when he comes to twenty yeares
14    of age Item I give to my daughter Joane Herring twenty shillgs Item I give and bequeath
15    to my two daughters Richoard Blake and Margerett Blake if they marry w[i]th their
16    mother’s consent and liknese the some of One hundred pownds apiece to bee paid them
17    at the day of their marriage or els butt the some of threescore pownds apiece if they
18    marry against their mother’s liking shee being alive Item I give and bequeath to my grand-
19    child and godson John Blake twentie shillings Item I give and bequeath to my grandchild
20    and Godson Peter Blake twentie shillings Item I give and bequeath to Henry
21    Blake and Margerett Blake my grandchildren ten shillings apiece Item I give to James
22    Herring and Marie Herring my grandchildren a French Crowne apiece Item I give to
23    the rest of my godchildren twelve pence apiece Item I give to Elizabeth Govett
    [Page 2]
24    my maide servant ten shillings All the rest of my goods debts chattels moveables and unmoveables whatsoever
25    not already bequeathed I give and bequeath to Joane Blake my wiefe whome I doe make executrix
26    of this my last will and testament renounceing all former willes and testaments whatsoever by me
27    made And I do nominate and appointe Anthony J__srom and Edmund Herring to be Overseers of
28    this my last Will and Testament to whome I bequeath Five shillings a peece for their paines In testimony
29    whereof I have hereunto putt my hand and seale the Nynth day of June 1624 Peter Blake
30    Witnesses presence John Blake Aquilla Blake Teste Edw Johnson

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