Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Will of Richardus Blayke of Enham written in 1522

The good news is that I have found both Robert and Nicholas mentioned as the sons of Richard Blake of Enham. I do not think he has named his wife but continue working on the latin text. Also good news I have words in everyone of the 18 lines! I actually have eleven lines mostly complete. However the remainder continues to elude me but will keep working away at it.

This means that Richard is the father of Robert, NIcholas and Elizabeth (married to Mr. Mylne) and Richard is married to Jone (maiden surname unknown at this date). By Jone's will I am left to wonder if this is Jone's second marriage as she remembers in a linking fashion a Thomas Jefra of Foxcott and later my Blake lines does live at Foxcott. John Batte[y] is a witness for both of the wills which is rather interesting.

Now I wonder who is Richard Blake? How does he fit into the Hampshire Blake lines. His is the earliest Hampshire Blake line will thus far and the earliest held at the Hampshire Record Office in Winchester. I always end up thinking about the Manor Papers and I do that once again. I need to read the Manor Papers for Andover and the areas around Andover to learn more about my Blake family in all likelihood.

I hope to finish this will of Richard Blake tomorrow and time will tell. My eyes keep falling asleep after our early morning on CBC Radio 1.

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