Monday, December 16, 2013

Will of John Blake, Gentleman, Ford Farm, Milford, Wiltshire - The National Archives PROB 11/2095/378, probated 24 Jul 1849

John Blake of Milford, Ford Farm on the London Road, is the testator. He can be found on the 1841 census Book 18, Folio 14 Page 21, John Blake, 31, Yeoman, born in Wiltshire with his wife Mary Blake, 31,, born in Wiltshire (and two servants).

This gives a year of birth approximately (these years were rounded to the zero mostly although 31 seems somewhat accurate) of 1810. He names his brothers Thomas and William and his sisters as Eliza, Susan, Jane and Sarah. His brother Thomas is a Miller at Ford Mill, Laverstock. A rather interesting piece of information given the last will where Thomas is the son of the Testator.

Looking at the Laverstock and Ford 1841 Census,

At Idmiston, Charles Blake, 52, Farmer, born in Wiltshire\
Ann Blake, 48, , born in Wiltshire
Ann Blake, 20, , born in Wiltshire
Emma Blake, 19, , born in Wiltshire
Richard Blake, 17, , born in Wiltshire
Fred Blake, 6, , born in Wiltshire

At Ford Mill, Thomas Blake, 25, Miller, born in Wiltshire
Jane Blake, 25, , born in Wiltshire

At Winterbourne Earls, Elizabeth Smith, 60, schoolmistress has several pupils with her namely Samuel Blake, 10, born in Wiltshire Henry Blake, 8, born in Wiltshire; James Cusse, 10, born in Wiltshire.

At Winterbourne Gunner, Jane Blake, 57, independent, born in Wiltshire
Susan Blake, 20, , born in Wiltshire
William Blake, 22, , Journeyman in Tea and grocery, born in Wiltshire
Sarah Blake, 18, , born in Wiltshire

The 1851 Census for Charles Blake at Idmiston, Amesbury  is most rewarding

Charles Blake, head, married, 62 years, Farmer 1000 ac employing 19, born at Ford, Wiltshire
Richard Blake, son, unmarried, 27 years, farmer’s son, born at Idmiston, Wiltshire
Edward Blake, son, unmarried, 24 years, farmer’s son, born at Idmiston, Wiltshire
Elizabeth Blake, daughter, unmarried, 21 years, farmer’s daughter, born at Idmiston, Wiltshire

Is Charles the youngest son of John Blake who left his will in 1818? Charles was his youngest child by the ordering in the will. He would have been born circa 1789 which would have made him 3 when the will was written and 29 when it was probated. Reasonable assumption I rather think.

At Winterbourne Earls on the 1851 Census

Jane Blake, head, widow, 66, annuitant, born at Durnford, Wiltshire
Sarah Blake, daughter, unmarried, 28, , born at Winterbourne Gunner, Wiltshire
John Blake, grandson, unmarried, 7, farmer’s son, born at Laverstock, Wiltshire

No sign of Thomas Blake who had been a miller at Ford Mill. He was still alive at the probating of the will below in 1849. No sign of William on the 1851 census.

More work needed on this family but will wait until I do the will of Thomas Blake probated in 1850 and at a quick glance he was of Laverstock.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 15 Dec 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/2095/378
Testator: John Blake, Gentleman
Place: Ford Farm, Milford, Wiltshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 8 Jun 1841, probated 24 Jul 1849
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: John
[Margin]: Blake
[Margin]: 11

1    I John Blake of Ford Farm in the Parish of Milford
2    in the County of Wilts Gentleman do hereby revoke all former Wills and
3    testamentary disposition by me at any time heretofore made and do declare
4    this to be my last Will and Testament and I do hereby make nominate
5    constitute and appoint George Brown the younger of the City of New
6    Sarum in the County of Wilts Tanner William French of Wilton in
7    the said County of Wilts Surgeon and my Brother Thomas Blake of
8    Ford Mill in the Parish of Laverstock Miller joint Executors and
9    Trustees of this my Will I give and bequeath unto the said George
10    Brown William French and Thomas Blake and the survivor of them
11    his executors or administrators all and singular my farming stock and
12    implements in husbandry of every description monies and securities for
13    money debts due and owing to me household goods and furniture plate
14    linen Woollen China glass and other articles of household together also
15    with all other my Estate property and effects whatsoever and
16    of what nature of kind soever and wheresoever situate and being that I
17    shall or may be possessed of interested in or entitled unto or over which
18    I shall have a disposing power at the time of my decease Upon Trust
19    that they my said trustees or the survivor of them do and shall as soon
20    as in their discretion shall be thought proper after my decease sell and
21    dispose of the whole of my stock and implements in husbandry in public
22    auction (unless any coming in tenant of Ford Farm at my decease
23    shall take the same at a fair valuation to the satisfaction of my said
24    trustees) and also do and shall get in all monies due and owing to me
25    and convert all other my estate and effects (except my household goods and
26    furniture plate linen woolen china glass and articles of household into
27    one sum of money and when to done to pay thereout all my just debts
28    funeral and testamentary expences and the costs and expences of proving
29    this my Will Also I give and bequeath unto my executors the sum of
    [Page 2]
30    twenty pounds Legacy and from and after payment and satisfaction of the
31    said funeral and testamentary expences debts and legacies aforesaid In
32    Trust that they ______ or the survivor of them do and shall
33    invest the surplus or remainder of such monies at interest in Government
34    or real security ___  to cause to pay the annual dividends or
35    interest there of unto my dear wife Mary Blake for and during the term
36    of her natural life provided she shall continue my widow and not marry
37    again and also it is my Will that she shall have the use of all my house
38    hold goods and furniture plate linen woolen china glass and other
39    articles of household for her accommodation during her life in case she
40    shall continue my Widow and from and after her decease or future
41    marriage which shall first happen I do direct my said trustees or the
42    survivor of them his executors or administrators to sell and dispose of
43    said household goods and furniture plate linen woolen china glass and
44    other articles of household and to add the  monies to arise and be made by sale
45    thereof to the principal monies by me directed to be invested at interest as
46    aforesaid _____ for in part thereof and in case there shall be any child
47    of my said wife born in due time after my decease I give and bequeath the
48    whole of such principal monies unto such child whether a Son or a
49    daughter payable on his or her arrival to the age of twenty one years and
50    the dividends or interest from time to time to accrue due during her or her
51    minority to be applied by my said trustees for and towards the education
52    and maintenance of such child as in their discretion shall be thought
53    proper and in case there shall be no such child born in due time after my
54    decease Then after the decease or future marriage of my said wife as
55    aforesaid and subject to the payment of the several legacies as hereafter
56    mentioned I do give and bequeath the whole of such principal moneys
57    act in in also all the rest residue and remainder of my estate and effects not
58    herein by me otherwise disposed of unto and equally between my two
59    brothers the said Thomas Blake and William Blake to be equally divided
60    between them share and share alike But subject nevertheless and I do hereby
61    charge the same moneys and other estate and effects and every part thereof
62    with and to the payment of the five following legacies namely I give and
63    bequeath unto my four Sisters Eliza Blake, Susan Blake, Jane Blake
64    and Sarah Blake the sum of five hundred pounds each Also I give and
65    bequeath unto Thomas Brown son of my said executor George Brown
66    the sum of one hundred pounds all which said five legacies I do hereby
67    will and direct shall be paid by my said two brothers the said Thomas
68    Blake and William Blake that executors or administrators within six
69    months after they my said brothers shall become entitled to such monies and
70    residue of my estate and effects hereinbefore by me bequeathed to them In
71    Witness whereof I the said Testator John Blake have to this my last Will
72    and Testament contained in two sheets of paper to each sheet thereof set my
73    hand this eighth day of June one thousand eight hundred and forty one
74    John Blake Signed and acknowledged by the said John
75    Blake the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence
76    of us who were both present at the same time and who have subscribed
77    our Names as witnesses hereto in the presence of the said Testator
78    Tho: Lawrence Sol[icito]r Salisbury Elizabeath Harriet
79    Sampard
80    Proved at London 24th July 1849 before The Judge by the oaths of
81    George Brown the younger William John (in the Will written William
82    French) and Thomas Blake the Brother the Executors to whom
83    Admon was granted having been first sworn by Common duly to adr

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