Sunday, December 22, 2013

Will of Nicholas Blake, Yeoman, Wootton Rivers, Wiltshire - The National Archives PROB 11/265/708, probated 21 Jul 1657

Nicholas Blake is the testator and he is known to me because he was mentioned in his kinsman’s will which was blogged earlier also of Wotton Rivers:

this was a will which was collected at Kew in 2012 because it was one of the oldest wills in Wiltshire having been probated in 1641.

Sixteen years later and the first will identifies this Nicholas Blake and his son Nicholas Blake so Nicholas Blake junior in the will is at least seventeen years of age since the will was written 31 Oct 1640.

The Nicholas Blake whose will was probated in 1641 is the Uncle of the present testator. So it is also known that the present testator has an Uncle Stephen as identified in the earlier will.

The present testator identifies his wife as Mary and his children as Nicholas, Mary, Elizabeth, Edward, Gertrude, Jane, and Thomas. The Stagg family is mentioned in both wills although not related to the testators.

Wootton Rivers is 4 miles south of Marlborough. In the area is Hungerford, Pewsey, Urchfont and the Collingborne villages. Interesting as it is not that far from Andover.

The Nicholas whose will was probated in 1641 is older as he mentions the son of his brother Stephen Edmond and that Edmond has sons Edmond and Stephen.  Noting that the first testator asked to be buried at Milton Lilbourne which is seven miles south of Marlborough or nearly 2 miles from Wotton Rivers and 3 miles from Burbage. Definitely this family grouping needs to be examined with respect to the Blake family at Burbage.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 21 Dec 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/265/708
Testator: Nicholas Blake, Yeoman
Place: Wootton Rivers, Wiltshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 2 Mar 1656/57, probated 21 Jul 1657
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Nicholas Blake

1    In the name of God Amen
2    I Nicholas Blake the Elder of Wotton Rivers in the County of
3    Wilts yeoman sicke of body but of a good sound p[er]fect and disposing
4    memory (Thankes be to God) doe make and ordeyne this my last
5    will and Testament in writeing The second day of March in the yeare
6    of our Lord God One Thousand six hundred fifty and Six in manner
7    and forme following first I bequeath my soule into the hands of my
8    most gracious and mercifull God who created it hopeing that by and
9    through the merits of his Sonne my blissed Saviour and Redeemer to
10    inharite eternall life and for my Worldly Goods and Estate which
11    my gracious God out of his great mercy towards mee hath beene pleased
12    to bestowe upon mee I give and devise of the same in manner and forme
13    following first I give and bequeath unto my six younger Children
14    namely Mary Blake, Elizabeth Blake, Edward Blake, Gertrude Blake,
15    Jane Blake, and Thomas Blake, The somme of Threescore, and Ten pounds
16    apiece to be paid unto them according to their Seniority beginning with the
17    eldest first as soon as the same can be raised in such manner as by this
18    my Will as appointed directed and declared and for the better and more
19    sure raising of the portions for the provision and future lyvelyhood of
20    my said younger Children and in consederation thereof I give and devise
21    unto my beloved brother in Lawes and friends George Stagg of
22    Hiushe in the said County of Wilts yeoman John Chandler of
23    Collingborne Brunton in the said County yeoman and John
24    Barthelmew of the same yeoman theire Executors, Administrators, and
25    Assignes and to the Survivor and Survivors of them All my Lands
26    Tenements with the appurtenances situate lyeing and beinge in
27    Collingborne Brunton aforesaid now in the possession of the said John
28    Bartholmew, Jeffery Pike, Elizabeth Arnold widow, and Joane
29    Mundy widow, and alsoe acquit rent of Twenty shillings from Francis
30    Andrewes for his farme in Collingborne Brunton aforesaid, for
31    the Terme of one and fourty yeares to recommence ymidiatily from
32    and after my decease, to the intent and purpose and upon special
33    trust and confidence, that they the said George Slagg, John Chandler,
34    and John Bartholmew, and the Survivors, and Survivor of them
35    and theire Executors and Assignes shall out of the rents and profits
36    of the said Lands both in possession, and reversion, or by sale thereof
37    or any part thereof as to my said friends and Trustees shall seeme
38    most fit, and convenient satisfy, and pay the said Legacies hereby
39    given unto my said younger children in manner aforesaid But
40    my will, and meaning is, That if eldest sonne, and heire
    [Page 2]
41    Nicholas Blake shall within two yeares next after my decease
42    eyther satisfy and pay unto my said younger Children his brothers and sisters
43    theire said severall Legacies hereby given or shall otherwise give sure good and
44    sufficient Security unto my said Trustees, and Overseers for payment thereof
45    within two yeares after my decease yf they shall lyve and approve of
46    That then, and from thenceforth the said Terme and bequest of my said
47    Lands of one and fourty years to cease determine and be void but yf default
48    thereof to remayne and continue in force And whereas Nicholas Blake
49    my Uncle, theretofore of Wootton Rivers aforesaid yeoman did by Will
50    give unto my said sonne Nicholas Blake the summe of fourty pounds which
51    I have since satisfied by purchasing and putting in of his life unto a
52    copyhold Tenement in the possession of my Aunt Elizabeth Blake
53    in the Parish of Wootton Rivers aforesaid My will, and meaneinge
54    is that if my said sonne Nicholas Blake when he shall attaine ys
55    age of one and Twenty yeares shall refuse to give a sufficient release
56    of the said Legacy, and of the interest due for the same unto my Exec[utri]x
57    hereinnamed That then my said Overseers shall hold and convey my
58    said Lands hereby to them devised until they can or shall raise the
59    same out of the rents and profits of the said Lands after the said Legacies
60    raised and payed as aforesaid, and my will and meaning is that if any
61    or eyther of my said younger child or children shall happen to dye
62    before the payment of share or eyther of theire s[ai]d Legacy or Legacies
63    that then the Legacy or Legacies of such Child or Children soe dyeing
64    shall come remain and be paid unto the Survivors of them equally to
65    be devided betweene them And my will, and meanenge alsoe is that if my
66    said sonne Nicholas Blake shall happen to dye without issue before
67    the payment of the said Legacy unto my said sonne Edward or securing
68    of the said Legacies as aforesaid that then this Legacy given unto
69    my said sonne Edward Blake shall come remayne and be paide unto
70    all or each of my said younger Children as shall be then living
71    equally to be devided betweene them And if both my said sonnes Nicholas
72    and Edward Blake shall dye without issue before the payment of the
73    s[ai]d Legacy hereby geven to my sonne Thomas Blake that then ye said
74    Legacy soe given unto him shall bee in lyke manner equally devided
75    by and between such of my said younger children as shall be then living
76    And whereas I have by deed stated ye sixteenth day of October In
77    the yeare of our Lord One thousand Six hundred fifty and five granted part of my
78    said Lands to my beloved Aunt Elizabeth Blake for foure yeares with intent
79    onely to secure her quiet incognisent of her Coppyhold Lands in Wotton afores[ai]d
80    dureing her life which she lately surrendrerd I doe hereby humbly pray and
81    intreate my said Aunt that as she renders the need of my said poor younger
82    Children that she will not by means thereof without just cause given her
83    impede or hinder or permit or suffer eyther of my said sonnes who shall
84    be my heire by rotor thereof to impede or hinder my said Trustees in
85    raising of the said portions or provisions of my younger Children And
86    lastly I make conjecture and ordayne Mary Blake my beloved wife sole
87    Executrix of this my last will and Testament and the said George Stagg
88    John Chandler and John Bartholmew Overseers desiring they took
89    aydinge and assisting  unto my said Executrix in the execution, and
90    p[er]formance of this my will and for their care and paines to be taken there
91    in I geve and bequeath unto them five shillings a piece In Witness
92    whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale The day and yeare
93    before mentioned Nicholas Blake Sealed Signed, and published
94    in the p[re[sence of Char: Kenway, the marke of Elizabeth Blake,
95    the marke of William Motterynae
96   This will was proved at London The Twenty first day of July, one
97    Thousand six hundred fifty seaven before the Judges for probate of
98    Wills and writings Administrations lawfully authorized by the oath of
99    Mary Blake the relict and sole Executrix named in the said will To
100    whom administration of all and Singular the goods, Chattells and
101    credits of the deceased was grantted she being first by Commission
102    sworn truly to Administer the same

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