Monday, December 23, 2013

Will of Peggy Blake, Spinster, Maddington, Wiltshire - The National Archives PROB 11/1521/471, probated 17 Apr 1811

This will again links a number of the New Sarum wills. Peggy, the testatrix, is the daughter of John and Margaret Blake whose wills were blogged:

and her niece Ann whose will was also blogged:

and her sister in law Margaret and brother John whose wills were blogged:

Peggy mentions her nieces Ann Blake, spinster, Mary [Margaret] Kitson and Henrietta Shuckburgh and her nephew Robert Blake (these four are siblings and the children of John Blake and Margaret Cartwright. Mary Rothwell is the testatrix’s sister. Susanna Sterne is also her sister and her executrix.

I have not yet explored the Wancbrough family or the Lucas family as to how they relate to Peggy Blake.

People mentioned in the will:

Peggy Blake, spinster, testatrix, Maddington, Wiltshire
Ann Blake, niece
Mary [Margaret] Kitson, niece
Henrietta Shuckburgh, niece
Mary Rothwell, sister
Mary Jacob
Harriet Jacob, daughter of Mary Lucas
Mary Jacob, daughter of Mary Lucas
Carolline Jacob, daughter of Mary Lucas
Mary Lucas
Robert Lucas
Henry Smith, cousin
Mr Miller
Elizabeth Blake
Martha Wancbrough, cousin
Charles Wancbrough
Martha Wancbrough, wife to Charles
John Wancbrough
Suz Wancbrough, wife to John
Susanna Sterne, sister
William Roles
James Roles
Susanna Moore, witness, deponent
Mary Miller, witness
Robert Blake, nephew
Elizabeth Neighbour, deponent
Thomas Neighbour, husband of Elizabeth, cooper
Edward Moore, Commissioner

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 22 Dec 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1521/471
Testator: Peggy Blake, Spinster
Place: Maddington, Wiltshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 11 Jun 1810, probated 17 Apr 1811
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Peggy
[Margin]: Blake
[Margin]: 6

1    Maddington in the County of Wilts 11 June 1810
2    I give to Ann Blake and Mary Kitson and Henrietta Shuckburgh each two
3    hundred Stock out of the five per con[so]ls and I give Mary Rothwell
4    one Thousand Stock out of the three percent Stock reduced and to
5    Mary Jacob two hundred pounds out of the same stock red[uc]ed I do give
6    to Harriet and to Mary and to Carolline the three youngest daughters of Mary
7    Lucas one hundred out of the three per Cent reduced Stock to each
8    one hundred and to Robert Lucas one hundred out of the same
9    Stock I do give to my Cousin Henry Smith ten Guineas I do give to Mr
10    Miller ten Guineas for ring I do give to my Cousin Elizabeth Blake
11    Twenty Guineas I do give to my Cousin Martha Wancbrough Five
12    Guineas for ring I do give to Charles Wancbrough and Martha his Wife five
13    Guineas to each for rings I do give to John and to Suz Wancbrough to each five
14    Guineas for rings and I do give to Susanna Sterne one hundred out of
15    the four per Cent Stock and I do give Twenty pounds to Twenty poor
16    housekeepers in St Thomas and St Martens Parishes ten shillings
17    and house if I die at Maddington I give the same to Twenty poor
18    housekeepers ten shillings and house and where I die I give the same
19    I do give to the servants of the house five Guineas each and I do give
20    to my Sister Susanna Sterne all the rest for her sole and separate use
21    that I have not gave away and make her my Executrix before Witnesses
22    my hand to William and James Roles five Guineas each for rings
23    Peggy Blake  Witness Susannah Moore X the mark of Mary
24    Miller I give to the children of Robert Blake 100 pounds each stock
25    Consols
26    Appeared personally Susanna Moore of the Close of New
27    Sarum in the County of Wilts Spinster and Elizabeth Neighbour wife
28    of Thomas Neighbour of the City of New Sarum in the County of
29    Wilts Cooper and made Oath that they know and were well acquainted
30    with Peggy Blake formerly of Salisbury but late of Maddington
31    in the County of Wilts Spinster deceased and also with her manner
32    and character of hand writing and subscription having seen her
33    write and write and subscribe her names and having with care and attention
34    viewed and perused the paper writing hereunto annexed purporting
35    to be a contain the last Will and Testament of the said Peggy Blake
36    Spinster deceased with a Codicil thereunto annexed in writing and
37    particularly the words “for her the rest” interlined between the fourth
38    and fifth lines from the top on the second side of such Will and also the
39    words “make her my executrix” interlined between the sixth and seventh
40    lines from the top on the same second side of such will as also the
41    words “I give to the children of Robert Blake 100 pounds each stock consols”
42    written at the foot or bottom of such Will and being the codicil to such
43    will Truly those appearers do say and in their consciences believe the
44    said words so interlined in such Will and the said recited Codicil to
45    be all of the proper hand writing of the said Peggy Blake
46    Spinster deceased Susanna Moore Eliz Neighbour
47    on the seventeenth day of April 1811 the said Susanna Moore and
48    Elizabeth Neighbour were sworn to the truth of the above written affidavit
49    before me Edward Moore Commissioner
50    Proved at London 2nd May 1811 before the Judge by the
51    Oath of Susannah Sterne Widow sole executrix to whom Admon
52    was granted having been first sworn by Commission duly to adm[inister]

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