Monday, December 30, 2013

Will of Thomas Blake, Gentleman, Wishford, Wiltshire - The National Archives PROB 11/1477/316, probated 30 Apr 1808

Although I am coming close to finishing Wiltshire, this will of Thomas Blake at 615 lines has slowed me down somewhat. There are still three wills to complete so will likely finish very early in January. I need to work on the Blake Newsletter as well today and tomorrow.

Determining the ancestry of this Thomas Blake is somewhat of a puzzle. This Thomas is mentioned with respect to other wills in the New Sarum area. Namely he was the deponent giving witness to the handwriting and subscription of Margaret Blake:

her husband, John Blake, and his will was blogged:

But John does not mention Thomas Blake in his will.

Thomas does not mention any Blake relatives in his will except for his sister Mary married to William Dredge and their children - Mary, John, William, Ann, Thomas and Solomon. I did not yet determine if Francis Gregory was married to Ann. Mary at the time of writing the will is unmarried, John and William both have children, Thomas is mentioned just one time and Solomon is not mentioned although one of the children of William is also named Solomon.

From the British History online website:

A small estate in Steeple Langford later called KINGSTON'S was possibly that in 1242–3 assessed as 1/10 knight's fee and held by John de Campeny. (fn. 103) John of Kingston held it in 1291. (fn. 104) It passed to Nicholas Kingston (d. c. 1323), who left a wife Anstice and as heir a brother John. John forfeited his lands as a contrariant but on the return to England of Queen Isabella in 1326 he re-entered by force. (fn. 105) The estate passed with Little Corsley manor in Corsley to his son Thomas and to Thomas's son Sir John (fl. 1383), and perhaps with that manor in the Kingston family until the death of Mary Kingston, wife of Thomas Lisle, in 1539. (fn. 106) It belonged to John Brimsden in 1560 (fn. 107) and probably to Thomas Brimsden of Steeple Langford in 1587. Thomas Brimsden of East Stowell in Wilcot held it in 1599 (fn. 108) and 1632, (fn. 109) and in 1652 his son Thomas (d. 1685) settled it on himself and his wife Anne (d. 1711). (fn. 110) Thomas's son Thomas married Eleanor Blagden (fn. 111) and Kingston's passed to a spinster Eleanor Brimsden, presumably the youngest Thomas's daughter and heir. In 1713 and 1717 Eleanor held it jointly with Edward Blagden (fn. 112) (d. 1730) of Keevil, (fn. 113) who was evidently her heir or assign. By 1733 it had passed to Edward's relict Anne Blagden (d. 1769) (fn. 114) and in 1770 was sold by her daughters Anne and Eleanor Blagden to Thomas Blake (fn. 115) (d. 1808). Blake devised Kingston's, 62 a. and pasture rights, to his niece Mary Dredge (d. 1816), wife of George Smith, for life, and to his grandnephew John Dredge (d. 1812), whose son Solomon Dredge held it from 1816 (fn. 116) to his death in 1856. Dredge's heirs were his sister Anne (d. 1858), wife of William Blake, and nephew J. J. Marshall. (fn. 117) Francis, Lord Ashburton, bought the estate, a moiety from Marshall in 1867 and a moiety from Anne Blake's trustees in 1868, (fn. 118) and added it to Steeple Langford manor.

From the National Archives website:

Wiltshire and Swindon Archives

Wishford Manor Farm

Reference     1785
Covering dates     1803-1820
Held by     Wiltshire and Swindon Archives
Extent     1 file
Source of acquisition     E. Keady, Esq
Creators     Wishford Manor Farm, Wiltshire

Farm Account Book
[no title]  1785/1  1803-1820

Farm account book for Wishford Manor Farm, giving details of farm management, tenancies, sheep, stock and harvest accounts, with notes on the weather, crop practices, songs, poems and extracts from the wills of Thomas Blake and Solomon Dredge.

The contents of this catalogue are the copyright of Wiltshire and Swindon Archives
Rights in the Access to Archives database are the property of the Crown, © 2001-2013
The records described on this page are held by Wiltshire and Swindon Archives

Thomas identifies his sister as Mary Blake married to William Dredge and baptisms for this couple at Great Wishford (C15228-1):

John baptized 10 Oct 1739
William baptized 1743
Ann baptized 18 Jan 1744
Thomas baptized 5 Jan 1747
Solomen baptized 22 Mar 1751

William Dredge (bachelor, cheeseclothmaker, 27 years of Wishford) married Elizabeth Snow (spinster, 30 years, of Wishford) with William Fricker Clothier Salisbury bondsman, 28 Nov 1770.

Names mentioned in the will:

Thomas Blake, testator, gentleman, Wishford
John Dredge, nephew
John Dredge, grand nephew (son of John Dredge)
John Rowden, friend, trustee
Solomon Dredge, nephew, executor, trustee
William Dredge, grand nephew (son of William Dredge)
William Dredge, nephew
James Willis, tenant, South Newton
Jane Blake, tenant, South Newton
John Thomas, tenant, South Newton
Rebecca Matthews, grand niece (daughter of John Dredge)
Elizabeth Down, grand niece (daughter of John Dredge)
Mary Dredge, niece
Harry Dredge, grand nephew (son of William Dredge)
Elizabeth Waldron late Elizabeth Gregory
William Waldron, husband of Elizabeth Waldron
Richard Down, occupier
Francis Gregory
William Gregory (son of Francis Gregory)
Rebecca Gregory (daughter of Francis Gregory)
Frances Dredge, grand niece (daughter of John Dredge)
Thomas Moody, land owner, deceased
Louisa Dredge, great grand niece (daughter of Frances Dredge)
Mary Dredge, great grand niece (daughter of Frances Dredge)
John Newton, land owner
Sarah Gregory, (daughter of Francis Gregory)
Richard Sweetman, servant
Mary Woodland
George Woodland, husband of Mary Woodland
Richard Dawkins, Close of Salisbury, Gardener
Mary Batten, servant
Ann Gregory (daughter of Francis Gregory)
Jno Swayne, witness
J B Pearse, witness
W Lowdry, witness
William Dredge, father of nephews John, William and niece Mary
Mary Dredge, wife of William Dredge and likely Mary Blake
Robert Dawkins, Netton
Polly Gregory (grand daughter of Francis Gregory)
Eliz: Gregory (daughter of Francis Gregory and mother of Polly)
Sarah Dredge
Thomas Dredge (husband of Sarah Dredge)
Richard Munday, land owner
George Down (husband of Elizabeth Down)
George Rowden, appearer, Great Wishford, yeoman
John Eve, appearer, Great Wishford, yeoman
Peter Harrison, Commissioner
William Doucher, notary public

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 29 Dec 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1477/316
Testator: Thomas Blake, Gentleman
Place: Wishford, Wiltshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 23 Dec 1802, probated 30 Apr 1808
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Thomas
[Margin]: Blake

1    This is the Last Will
2    and Testament of me Thomas Blake of Wishford in
3    the County of Wilts Gentleman First I will and direct
4    that all my just debts Legacies Funeral and
5    Testamentary Expences be fully paid and satisfied
6    by my Executor hereinafter named I give and devise
7    to my Nephew John Dredge all and every and every
8    my Freehold Messuages or Tenements Lands and
9    hereditaments with the appurtenances situate and
10    being in the Borough of Wilton in the said County
11    of Wilts to hold the same unto the said John
12    Dredge and and assigns for and during the Terme of
13    his natural life and from and immediately after
14    his decease I give and devise the said Messuages or
15    Tenements Lands and heredit[ament]s to John Dredge Son
16    of my said Nephew John Dredge and his heirs
17    for and during the Term of his natural life without
18    Impeachment of Waste and after the determination
19    of that Estate then I give and devise the said
20    Freehold premises to my Friend John Rowden and
21    Nephew Solomon Dredge and their heirs during
22    the life of the said John Dredge the Son upon trust
23    to support and preserve the Contingent Estates
24    hereinafter limited from being defeated and for
25    that purpose to make entries as there shall be
26    occasion and from and immediately after the decease
27    of the said John Dredge the Son then I give and
28    devise the said Messuages or Tenements Lands and
29    heredits to the heirs of the Body of the said John
30    Dredge the Son lawfully to be begotten and in
31    default of such heirs then I give and devise all
32    and Singular the said Freehold premises unto
33    William Dredge Son of my said Nephew William
34    Dredge and to his heirs and assigns for ever I
35    also give to my said Nephew John Dredge my two
36    Leasehold dwelling houses with the Gardens and
37    Appurt[enance]s thereunto belonging situate and being in
38    the parish of South Newton in the said County
39    of Wilts now in the occupation of my Tenants
40    James Willis and Jane Blake and also my Leasehold
41    orchard in South Newton aforesaid now in the
43    occupation of my Tenant John Thomas which
44    said dwelling houses Gardens and Orchard are
45    part of my Estate called Lawes hereinafter mentioned
46    to hold the same unto my said Nephew John
47    Dredge and his assigns for so many years of my
48    Term therein as shall run out and expire during
49    his natural life and from and after his decease
50    I give the said dwelling houses Gardens and
51    orchard with the appurt[enance]s unto my said Nephew
52    Solomon Dredge his Executors Adm[inistrat]ors and Assigns
    [Page 2]
53    Assigns for all the remainder of my Term and
54    Estate therein then to come and I give and bequeath
55    my Estate called Lawes situate at South Newton
56    and Stowford (except such part and parts thereof as
57    are hereinbefore given to my said Nephew John Dredge
58    for his life as aforesaid) unto my said Nephew Solomon
59    Dredge his Executors Adm[inistrat]ors and Assigns for all
60    the remainder of my Term Estate and Interest therein
61    subject nevertheless to and charged and chargeable
62    with the payment of the several and respective
63    annuities yearly Rents or Sums next hereinafter
64    mentioned and I give and bequeath to my said
65    Nephew John Dredge and his assigns for and during
66    the Term of his natural life one annuity clear yearly
67    Rent or Sum of Ten pounds unto his daughter
68    Rebecca Matthews and her assigns during her life
69    one annuity clear yearly Rent or Sum of Ten pounds
70    and to his daughter Elizabeth Down and her assigns
71    during her life one annuity clear yearly Rent or
72    Sum of Ten pounds which said several life annuities
73    yearly Rents or Sums I will and direct shall be
74    Issuing and payable out of that part of my said
75    Estate called Lawes’s as is hereinbefore given to my
76    said Nephew Solomon Dredge and to be paid and
77    payable unto the said annuitants respectively
78    quarterly on the four most usual times of payment
79    in the year that is to say Michaelmas Christmas
80    Lady day and Midsummer the first payment of the
81    same respectively to be made on such of the said
82    days of payment as shall next happen after my
83    decease and I do hereby charge and subject the said part of my
84    said Estate called Lawes’s so given to my said
85    Nephew Solomon Dredge as aforesaid with and to
86    the payment of the said several annuities yearly
87    Rents or Sums accordingly and my will is that in
88    case the said annuities yearly Rents or Sums any or
89    either of them or any part thereof shall be behind
90    or unpaid by the space of Twenty days
91    next over or after either of the aforesaid Feast
92    wherein the same is hereinbefore directed to be paid
93    as aforesaid then and so often it shall and may be
94    lawful for my said Nephew John Dredge and the
95    said Rebecca Mathews and Elizabeth Down or such
96    of them to whom any arrears shall be due and
97    their respective assigns to enter upon all and every or
98    any part of the said premises charged with the said
99    several and respective annuities as aforesaid and distrain
100    for the same or for so much thereof as shall
101    be so in arrear and all Costs and Charges occasioned
102    by nonpayment thereof I give and devise my Freehold
103    Messuages or Tenements Farm Lands and hereditaments
104    with the appurtenances situate and being at Steeple
105    Langford
    [Page 3]
106    Langford in the said County of Wilts unto the said
107    John Rowden and to my Nephew William Dredge
108    and their heirs for and during the natural life
109    of my Niece Mary Dredge upon Trust and to the
110    Intent and purpose that they the said Trustees or
111    the Survivor of them or the heirs of such
112    Survivor do and shall receive and take the Rents
113    Issues and profits thereof and pay the same as
114    the same shall from time to time become due
115    and be paid unto my said Niece Mary Dredge to
116    and for her own proper use and benefit and not
117    to be subject to the debts Controul or Intermeddling
118    of any husband she may take and her own receipt
119    and receipts notwithstanding Coverture and which
120    sole or covert to be from time to time good and
121    Sufficient discharge and discharges to the person
122    paying the same and from and after the
123    determination of that Estate I give and devise the
124    said Messuages or Tenements Farm Lands and
125    heredit[ament]s at Steeple Langford aforesaid to the said
126    John Rowden and Solomon Dredge and their
127    heirs during the life of my said Niece Mary
128    Dredge upon Trust to support and preserve the
129    Contingent Estates hereinafter limited from being
130    defeated and for that purpose to make entries
131    if there shall be occasion and from and
132    immediately after the decease of the said Mary
133    Dredge then I give and devise the said Messuages
134    or Tenements Farm Lands and heredit[ament]s to the heirs
135    of the Body of my said Niece Mary Dredge
136    lawfully to be begotten and in default of such
137    heirs then I give and devise the said last mentioned
138    hereditaments and premises unto John Dredge Son
139    of my said Nephew John Dredge and his heirs
140    for and during the Term of his natural life
141    without Impeachment of waste and after the
142    determination of that Estate then I give and
143    devise the said heredit[ament]s and premises last mentioned
144    to the said John Rowden and Solomon Dredge and
145    their heirs during the life of the said John Dredge
146    the Son upon Trust to support and preserve the
147    Contingent Estates hereinafter limited from being
148    defeated and for that purpose to make entries
149    as there shall be occasion and from and immediately
150    after the decease of the said John Dredge the Son then
151    I give and devise the said heredits and premises
152    to the heirs of the Body of the said John Dredge
153    the Son lawfully to be begotten and in default
154    of such heirs then I give and devise the said
155    heredits and premises unto William Dredge Son of
156    my said Nephew William Dredge and to his heirs
157    and assigns for ever I give to my said Nephew
158    William
    [Page 4]
159    William Dredge all that my Leasehold Estate
160    called Austins’s situate at Newton aforesaid with its
161    rights members and appurt[enance]s to hold the same
162    unto my said Nephew William Dredge his Executors
163    Adm[inistrat]ors and assigns for all such Term Interest and
164    Estate as I may have to come therein to come at
165    the time of my decease I give to Harry Dredge Son
166    of the said William Dredge my several Leasehold
167    Estates situate at Stapleford in the said County of
168    Wilts to hold the same unto the said Harry
169    Dredge and his Assigns for so many years of
170    my Term Terms Estate Estates and Interests as I
171    shall have to come therein respectively at the
172    time of my decease as shall run out and expire
173    during his natural life and from and after his
174    decease I give the said several Leasehold Estates
175    for all the remainder of my Term Terms Estate
176    Estates and Interests therein respectively unto and
177    amongst all and every his Children equally share
178    and share alike if more than one as Tenants in
179    Common but if only one such Child shall be
180    living at the time of his decease then I give the
181    said last mentioned premises to such only Child
182    his or her Executors Adm[inistrat]ors and Assigns for all
183    the remainder of my Term Terms Estate Estates
184    and Interests therein respectively and in case the
185    said Harry Dredge shall happen to die without
186    leaving any Child of his Body lawfully begotten
187    then I give the said Leasehold Estate situate at
188    Stapleford aforesaid unto William Dredge another
189    Son of my said Nephew William Dredge his
190    Executors Adm[inistrat]ors and Assigns for all the remainder
191    of my Term Terms Estate Estates and Interests
192    therein respectively and I give to the said William
193    Dredge Son of my said Nephew William Dredge
194    my Leasehold Estate called Caffels situate at
195    Wishford aforesaid in a certain place there called
196    Lotmore and also my three Leasehold Tenements
197    adjoining or near adjoining to the houses and
198    Buildings belonging to the said Estate called
199    Caffels to hold the same unto the said William
200    Dredge the Son his Executors Adm[inistrat]ors and Assigns
201    for all the remainder of such Term Terms and
202    Estates as I shall have therein at the time of
203    my decease I give the Leasehold Messuage or
204    Tenement called Soodders situate at the said place
205    called Lotmore with the Garden and Appurt[enance]s as
206    now in the occupation of William Waldron unto
207    Elizabeth the Wife of the said William
208    Waldron late Elizabeth Gregory and her assigns for
209    the Term of her natural life if my Term and
210    Estate shall so long continue therein and after her
211    decease
    [Page 5]
212    decease to my Nephew Solomon Dredge his
213    Executors Adm[inistrat]ors and Assigns for all the remainder
214    of my term therein then to come and I give the
215    Messuage or Tenement at Lotmore aforesaid with
216    the Garden and appurt[enance]s as now in the occupation
217    Richard Down also called Sooders unto William
218    Gregory son of Francis Gregory and his Assigns
219    for the Term of his natural life if my Term
220    and Estate shall so long continue therein and
221    from and after his decease I give the same to my
222    said Nephew Solomon Dredge his Executors
223    Adm[inistrat]ors and Assigns for all the remainder of my
224    Term Estate and Interest therein I give one of
225    the two dwelling houses belonging to my Leasehold
226    Estate at Wishford aforesaid called Brown’s late
227    Moodys situate at a place called Townsend (that
228    is to say) the house called the upper Tenement
229    with the Garden and appurt[enance]s thereto belonging
230    unto Rebecca Gregory daughter of Francis Gregory
231    to hold the same to the said Rebecca Gregory her
232    Executors Adm[inistrat]ors and Assigns for all the remainder
233    of my Term therein and I give the other
234    dwelling house with the Lands and appurt[enance]s
235    belonging to the said Estate called Brown’s
236    (late Moody’s) unto the said Francis Gregory to
237    hold the same unto the said Francis Gregory and
238    his Assigns for the Term of his natural life if
239    my Estate and Interest therein shall so long continue
240    and from and after his decease I give the said
241    last mentioned house and Lands belonging to the
242    said Estate called Brown’s late Moodys with the
243    Rights members and appurt[enance]s thereto belonging to his
244    daughter the said Rebecca Gregory her Executors
245    Adm[inistrat]ors and Assigns for all the remainder of my
246    Term therein then to come I give to Frances Dredge
247    daughter of my said Nephew John Dredge all that
248    my Leasehold Messuage or Tenement Estate and Land
249    situate at Wishford aforesaid near the said place
250    called Lotmore and which I lately purchased of the
251    personal Representatives of Thomas Moody deceased
252    to hold the same unto the said Frances
253    Dredge and her Assigns for and during the Term of
254    her natural life if my Term and Estate therein shall
255    so long continue and from and after her decease I
256    give the said last mentioned Leasehold Messuage or
257    Tenement Estate and Lands unto Louisa Dredge
258    daughter of the said Frances Dredge for the Term of
259    her natural life and provided she dies leaving Issue
260    of her Body lawfully to be begotten then I give
261    and bequeath the said Leasehold Messuage or
262    Tenement Estate and Lands from and after her
263    decease unto her Executors Adm[inistrat]ors and Assigns
264    for
    [Page 6]
265    for all the remainder of my Term therein to
266    come and in case the said Louisa Dredge shall
267    happen to die without leaving any Child or Children
268    as aforesaid then I give the said Leasehold Messuage
269    or Tenement Estate and Lands last mentioned unto
270    Mary Dredge the other daughter of the said Frances
271    Dredge her Executors Adm[inistrat]ors and Assigns for all the
272    remainder of my Term Interest and Estate therein
273    then to come I give and devise all those my two
274    Freehold Estates situate at South Newton aforesaid
275    called Butts and Randalls with the houses orchards
276    Lands and heredit[ament]s thereunto belonging unto the
277    said John Dredge Son of my said Nephew John
278    Dredge for and during the Term of his natural life
279    without Impeachment of waste and after the
280    determination of that Estate then I give and devise
281    the said Freehold Estates called Butts and Randalls
282    with the house orchard Lands and heredit[ament]s thereunto
283    belonging belonging unto the said John Rowden and
284    Solomon Dredge and their heirs during the life of
285    the said John Dredge the Son upon Trust to support
286    and preserve the Contingent Estate hereinafter
287    limited from being defeated and for that purpose to
288    make entries as there shall be occasion and from
289    and immediately after the decease of the said John
290    Dredge the Son then I give and devise the said
291    Freehold Estates called Butts and Randalls to the
292    heirs of the Body of the said John Dredge the Son
293    lawfully to be begotten and in default of such heirs
294    then to the said William Dredge Son of my said
295    Nephew William Dredge and to his heirs and
296    Assigns for ever also I give to the said John Dredge
297    Son of my said Nephew John Dredge and his
298    Assigns for and during the natural life of his
299    Father John Dredge one annuity clear yearly Rent
300    or Sum of Ten pounds to be Issuing and payable
301    out of my Leasehold Estate called Waglands
302    hereinafter mentioned by equal half yearly
303    payments that is to say at Lady Day and
304    Michaelmas Day the first payment thereof to
305    begin and be made on such of the said days as
306    shall happen next after my decease and I do
307    hereby charge and subject the said Leasehold called
308    Waglands with and to the payment of the said
309    annuity yearly Rent or Sum accordingly and my will
310    is that in case the said annuity yearly Rent or
311    Sum or any part thereof shall be behind or
312    unpaid by the space of Twenty days days next
313    over or after either of the aforesaid days wherein
314    the same is hereinbefore directed to be paid as
315    aforesaid then and so often it shall and may
316    be lawful for the said John Dredge the Son
317    and
    [Page 7]
318    and his Assigns to enter upon all of any part of
319    the said premises charged with the said annuity as
320    aforesaid and distrain for the sum or for so
321    much thereof as shall be so in arrear and
322    all Costs and Charges occasioned by Nonpayment
323    thereof and I give and bequeath my said
324    Leasehold Estate called Waglands situate at
325    Wishford aforesaid the Rights Members and Appurt[enance]s
326    thereto belonging unto my Nephew Solomon Dredge
327    to hold the same unto the said Solomon Dredge
328    his Executors Adm[inistrator]s and Assigns for all the
329    remainder of such Term Interest and Estate as I
330    shall have to come therein at the time of my
331    decease subject nevertheless to and charged and
332    chargeable with the payment of the said annuity
333    yearly Rent or Sum of Ten pounds unto the said
334    John Dredge the Son and his Assigns during the
335    life of his said Father John Dredge as aforesaid and
336    not longer I give to the said Solomon Dredge all
337    that my Leasehold Estate late John Newtons situate
338    at a certain place in Wishford aforesaid called Cobbs
339    Mile with its rights members and appurt[enance]s except
340    the dwelling house Garden and appurt[enance]s thereunto
341    belonging to hold the same unto the said Solomon
342    Dredge his Executors Adm[inistrat]ors and Assigns for all
343    the remainder of my Term Interest and Estate
344    therein and I give the said excepted dwelling house
345    Garden and appurt[enance]s to Sarah Gregory daughter of
346    the aforesaid Frances Gregory and her Assigns for
347    the Term of her natural life if my Term and
348    Interest shall so long continue therein and from and
349    after her decease I give the said last mentioned
350    dwelling house Garden and apurt[enance]s unto the said
351    Solomon Dredge his Executors Adm[inistrat]ors and Assigns
352    for all the remainder of my Term Interest and
353    Estate therein then to come Also I give unto the
354    said Solomon Dredge all that my Leasehold Estate
355    situate at Wishford aforesaid called Munday with
356    its rights members and appurt[enance]s except the
357    dwelling house Gardens and appurt[enance]s thereto
358    belonging now in the occupation of my Servant
359    Richard Sweetman To hold the same unto the
360    said Solomon Dredge his Executors Adm[inistrat]ors and
361    Assigns for all the remainder of the Term
362    Interest and Estate which I shall have to come
363    therein and I give the said excepted dwelling
364    house and Garden last mentioned with the appurt[enance]s to Mary
365    Woodland Wife of George Woodland and her Assigns
366    for and during the Term of her natural life if
367    my Term and Interest shall so long continue
368    therein and from and after her decease I give
369    and bequeath the same unto the said Solomon
370    Dredge
    [Page 8]
371    Dredge his Executors Adm[inistrat]ors and Assigns for all
372    the remainder of my Term Interest and Estate
373    therein then to come also I give to the said Solomon
374    Dredge all that my Leasehold Messuage Tenement
375    or dwelling house wherein I now reside at Wishford
376    aforesaid with the Lands and apurt[enance]s thereunto
377    belonging called the Scone living to hold the
378    same unto the said Solomon Dredge and his
379    Assigns for and during the Term of his natural life
380    if my Estate and Interest shall so long continue therein
381    and from and after his decease then I give and
382    bequeath the said Messuage Tenement or dwelling
383    house with the Lands and appurt[enance]s thereunto belonging
384    called the Scone living unto such one or more of
385    his Children as he the said Solomon Dredge shall
386    in and by his last Will and Testament give limit
387    and appoint the same and in default of such Will
388    Gift limitation and appointment then unto the
389    Eldest Son of the said Solomon Dredge lawfully to
390    be begotten as shall be living at the time of his
391    decease and to his Executors Adm[inistrat]ors and Assigns for
392    all the remainder of my Term therein then to come
393    and if no such Son then to the Eldest daughter
394    of the said Solomon Dredge lawfully to be begotten
395    as shall be living at the time of his decease
396    and to her Executors Adm[inistrat]ors and Assigns for all
397    the remainder of my Term therein then to
398    come and in case my said Nephew Solomon Dredge
399    shall happen to die without leaving any Son or
400    daughter lawfuly to be begotten then I give the
401    said last mentioned Messuage or Tenement or
402    dwelling house with the Lands and appurt[enance]s
403    unto the said Louisa Dredge daughter of the said
404    Frances Dredge her Executors Adm[inistrat]ors and Assigns
405    for all the remainder of my Term therein then
406    to come I give and bequeath to the said John
407    Rowden William Dredge and Solomon Dredge Seven
408    hundred pounds Eighteen Shillings and Nine pence
409    Capital Stock now standing in my Name in the
410    three per Centum Consolidated Bank Annuities with
411    the Interest and dividends due and growing due for the
412    same at the time of my decease upon Trust and to
413    the Intent and purpose that they the said John Rowden
414    William Dredge and Solomon Dredge or the Survivors
415    or Survivor of them their or his Executors or Adm[inistrat]ors to
416    and shall stand possessed of the said Stock and
417    receive and pay the Interest and dividends as shall
418    from time to time arise and be made thereof unto
419    the said Louisa Dredge and her Assigns for and
420    during the Term of her natural life to and for
421    her own proper use and benefit and not to be
422    subject to the debts Controul or Intermeddling of any
423    husband
    [Page 9]
424    husband she may take and her own receipt and
425    receipts notwithstanding Coverture and whether sole
426    or Covert to be from time to time good and
427    Sufficient discharge and discharges for the same
428    and provided the said Louisa Dredge shall die
429    leaving Issue of her Body lawfully to be begotten
430    then from and after her decease I give and bequeath
431    the said Capital Stock and the Interest and dividends
432    then due and growing due for the same unto her
433    Executors and Adm[inistrat]ors and in case the said Louisa
434    Dredge shall happen to die without leaving any
435    Child or Children as aforesaid then I give the said Seven
436    hundred pounds Eighteen Shillings and Nine pence
437    Capital Stock three per Centum Consolidated Bank
438    Annuities with the Interest and dividends due and
439    growing due for the same at the time of her
440    decease unto the said Frances Dredge Mother of the
441    said Louisa Dredge if she shall be then living
442    to and for her own proper use but if she shall
443    be then dead then to her daughter the said
444    Mary Dredge her Executors Adm[inistrat]ors and Assigns I give
445    and bequeath to Richard Dawkins of the Close of
446    Salisbury in the said County of Wilts Gardener the
447    Sum of Two hundred pounds To my Servant Mary
448    Batten if she shall be living with me at the time
449    of my decease the Sum of one hundred and fifty pounds
450    and to Ann Gregory daughter of Frances Gregory if
451    she shall be also living with me at the time of
452    my decease the Sum of one hundred pounds which
453    said several Legacies I hereby Will and direct shall
454    be paid by my Executor hereinafter named within
455    twelve Months next after my decease and as
456    for and concerning all the rest residue and
457    remainder of my Monies Securities for Monies Stock
458    in husbandry and all and Singular other my
459    Estate whatsoever and wheresoever both real and
460    personal I give devise and bequeath the same
461    unto my said Nephew Solomon Dredge to hold
462    the same unto the said Solomon Dredge his
463    heirs Executors Adm[inistrat]ors and Assigns for ever or
464    for and during all such Term Terms Estate Estates
465    and Interests as I shall have therein respectively
466    at the time of my decease and I make Nominate
467    Constitute and appoint the said Solomon Dredge whole
468    and sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament
469    hereby revoking all former and other Wills by me
470    at any time heretofore made In Witness whereof I
471    the said Thomas Blake the Testator have to this
472    my last Will and Testament contained in this and
473    the Seven other Sheets of paper hereunto annexed
474    to the first Seven Sheets thereof set my hand and
475    my hand and Seal to this eighth and last Sheet
476    this
    [Page 10]
477    this Sheet this Twenty third day of December
478    in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred
479    and two Thos Blake Signed Sealed published
480    and declared by the said Thomas Blake the
481    Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in
482    the presence of us who have hereunto Subscribed
483    our Names as Witnesses thereto in the presence of
484    the said Testator and of each other Jno Swayne
485    J B Pearse  W Lowdry
486    Whereas I have gave all my Freehold
487    Estate at Steeple Langford to my Executors In Trust
488    for Mary Dredge of Wishford daughter of
489    William and Mary Dredge my Will is that
490    they do pay her but six pounds every quarter
491    of a year and if she do Marry then the whole
492    of the Estate to go to my Executor during Mary
493    Dredges life Thos Blake July 25 1805
494    Whereas I have gave to Harry Dredge
495    on my Will all my two Leasehold Estates at
496    Sureton in the parish of Stapleford my will is
497    that my Executor Solomon Dredge shall have
498    the Estate paying Harry Dredge twelve pounds
499    a year half yearly as long as my Interest shall
500    so long continue in the Estate Thos Blake Decr 26
501    1805 if he sells his right in the Estate it is
502    to be paid no longer
503    I give to Richard Dawkins Son of Richard
504    Dawkins of Salisbury Fifty pounds I give to all
505    the Children of Robert Dawkins of Netton that
506    be living at my decease Twenty pound each to
507    be paid in twelve Months after I give to Francis
508    Gregory all the three houses at End late Newtons
509    for his life and the Land after his decease I give
510    the Dower House to his Grand docter Polly
511    Gregory dafter of his dafter Eliz Gregory for
512    her life I give to Sarah Dredge Wife of Thos
513    Dredge the house late Richard Mundays for
514    her life if she do not mary Thos Blake Jan
515    21 1807
516    Whereas I have on my will gave to
517    Eliz: Down wife of George Down of Newton
518    Ten pounds a year for her life in an Estate
519    late at Newton if my Interest shall so long
520    continue my will is she shall have but five
521    pounds
    [Page 11]
522    pounds a year and Rebeckah Mathews to have
523    the other five pound a year the other five pound
524    a year paid her during my Interest on the
525    Estate to be paid half yearly June 26 1807 Thos Blake
526    Appeared Personally
527    John Rowden of Great Wishford in the County of
528    Wils Gentleman George Rowden of Great
529    Wishford in the said County of Wilts Yeoman
530    and John Eve of Great Wishford in the said
531    County of Wilts Yeoman and made oath that
532    they know and were well acquainted with
533    Thomas Blake late of Wishford in the County of
534    wilts Gentleman deceased and also with his
535    manner and Character of handwriting and
536    Subscription having seen him write and write and
537    Subscribe his Name and having with care and
538    attention viewed and observed the paper writing
539    hereunto annexed bearing date the Twenty fifth day
540    of July One thousand Eight hundred and five and
541    purporting to be a Codicil to the last Will and
542    Testament of the said deceased bearing date the
543    Twenty third day of December one thousand Eight
544    hundred and two and which said Codicil begins
545    thus “whereas I have gave all my Freehold Estate”
546    ends thus “during Mary Dredges life” and thus
547    Subscribed Thos Blake July 25 1805 they these
548    appearers do say that they verily and in their
549    Consciences believe the whole series and contents
550    of such Codicil beginning ending and Subscribed
551    as aforesaid to be all the handwriting and
552    Subscription of the said Thomas Blake deceased
553    John Rowden George Rowden John Eve on the
554    Twenty third day of April in the year of our
555    Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Eight the
556    said John Rowden George Rowden and John Eve
557    were sworn to the Truth of the above affidavit
558    before me Peter Harrison Commissioner in the
559    presence of Will: Doucher Not. Pub.
560    Appeared Personally
561    George Rowden of Wishford in the County of Wilts
562    Yeoman and John Eve of Wishford in the said
563    County of Wilts Yeoman and made oath that they
564    know and were well acquainted with acquainted
565    with Thomas Blake late of Wishford in the County
566    of Wilts Gentleman deceased and also with his
567    manner and Character of handwriting and Subscription
568    having seen him write and write and Subscribe his
569    name and having with care and attention viewed
570    and
    [Page 12]
571    and observed three several Codicils to the
572    last Will and Testament of the said deceased
573    bearing date the Twenty third day of December
574    in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight
575    hundred and two and which said three several
576    Codicils bear date the Twenty sixth day of
577    December one thousand Eight hundred and five
578    the Thirty first day of January One thousand
579    Eight hundred and Seven and the Twenty sixth
580    day of June one thousand Eight hundred and
581    Seven the first of which said Codicils begins
583    thus “whereas I have gave to Harry Dredge” ends
583    thus “it is to be paid no longer” and is thus
584    Subscribed Thos Blake Decr 26 1805 the second
585    begins thus “I give to Richard Dawkins “ ends
586    thus “if she does not Marry” and is thus Subscribed
587    Thos Blake Jany 31 1807 the Third begins thus
588    “whereas I have on my will” ends thus “to be
589    paid half yearly” and is thus subscribed June
590    26 1807 Thos Blake They these appearers do
591    say that they verily and in their Consciences
592    believe the whole series and Contents of the
593    said recited Codicils beginning ending and
594    Subscribed as aforesaid to be all of the proper
595    handwriting and Subscription of the said Thomas
596    Blake deceased George Rowden John Eve
597    on the Twenty third day of April in the
598    Year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred
599    and Eight the said George Rowden and John
600    Eve were sworn to the truth of the above
601    affidavit before me Peter Harrisson Commissioner
602    in the presence of Willm Doucher Not Pub.
603    This Will was proved at
604    London with four Codicils the Thirtieth day of
605    April in the year of our Lord one thousand
606    Eight hundred and Eight hundred and Eight
607    before the Right honorable Sir William Wynne
608    Knight doctor of Laws Master or Commissary of
609    the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully
610    Constituted by the Oath of Solomon Dredge the
611    sole Executor named in the said Will to whom
612    Administration was granted of all and Singular
613    the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said
614    deceased he having been first sworn by
615    Commission duly to administer

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