Sunday, December 29, 2013

Blake family at Burbage, Wiltshire, England - a set of documents from The National Archives

I am making a separate blog of these documents from The National Archives and will summarize them in the blog concerning the Will of Thomas Blake of Burbage, probated  29 Nov 1799.

Burbach was an earlier name for Burbage. However in the Domesday Book the following information for Burbage:

Buberge/Burbed/Burbetc(e): King's land with Vitalis the priest holding the church; Blackman from Humphrey de L'Isle; William from Richard Sturmy; Ralph of Hauville. Church.

[no title]  9/6/27  Easter and Trinity Terms 1352

Left hand indenture of final concord, made in the King's Court in Westminster the Quindene of Easter, 26 Edward III, and afterwards in the Octave of St. John the Baptist in the same year.
(1) Robert Blake and Joan his wife, plaintiffs, (2) Robert de Bilkenor, Kt., and Anastasia, his wife, deforciants.

Four messuages, 1 carcucate and 3 virgates of land in Burbach.

Robert de Bilkenor and Anastasia have granted to Robert Blake and Joan, 2 messuages and 2½ virgates of land of the said premises, and have given them back to them in the same Court, to hold for their lives, rendering annually 1 rose. And also Robert de Bilkenor and Anastasia have granted that one messuage and the said carucate of land which Richard Spryngehose and Margaret his wife held for their lives, and also one messuage and half a virgate which John Hobbecok' held for his life, and which, after the death of the said Richard, Margaret and John, should revert to Robert de Bilkenor and Anastasia, shall all remain with Robert Blake and Joan for the term of their lives. And after the death of said Robert and Joan all the above premises shall return to said Robert and Anastasia. Consideration 100 marks.

[no title]  9/6/28  29 September 1422

Lease for 5 lives (1) Robert Blake (2) Thomas Underwode, Margery his wife, John Bailly, Katherine his wife and Thomas the son of said John and Katherine.

Lands, tenements, meadows, etc., in Burbache. To hold to said leases for the term of their lives and of that of the longest liver of them. Rent: 5 marks. Witnesses: Robert Solma', William Fynamour, John Fynamour, William Wychampton', John Justyse.

Given at Calne on Michaelmas Day, 1 Henry VI. Round, red seal, device with legend.

[no title]  9/6/5  6 May 1599

Practically all seal has been lost.

Feoffment (1) William, Lord Sandys, (2) Edward, Earl of Hertford.
Wood or coppice called Mottesfounte Coppice (22 a.) in the parish of Burbage between the fence of the said Earl's park calles Brimslade Park on the east, the Earl's land called Lyehill on the north, closes of pasture and arable land called Mottesfountes lately belonging to the said Lord Sandys on the east, and a close of meadow of the Earl's called Iwoodes Meadow on the south.
Attorneys for livery of seisin: Edmund Pyke, gent., and Edmund Blake.
Endorsed with livery of seisin.

[no title]  9/6/444  9 May 1698

Related information: No. 9/6/439 WSRO

Renewal of lease to James Blake of Westcott, Burbage, husbandman.
Consideration, surrender of a lease to Francis Barber of Grafton, dated 22 June 1672, and £8.
Rent, 5s.

[no title]  9/6/449  9 September 1702

Related information: No. 9/6/444 WSRO

Bond for peaceful possession (1) James Blake the younger of Westcott in Burbage, husbandman, (2) John Blake of the same husbandman. (2) to hold Cheeseman's garden (2r.), part of lease No. 9/6/444 WSRO of (1) for remainder of term, paying him 1s. rent.

[no title]  9/6/135  11 July 1716

Counterpart of lease for 10 years, (1) Rebecca Horner of Marlborough, widow, (2) James Blake of Burbage, yeoman.
Two enclosed grounds lying in the Lower Sands in Burbage, together with the ancient and accustomed way to them.
Rent: £8.4s.

[no title]  9/6/467  29 March 1722

Related information: as in 9/6/466 WSRO

(2) John Blake of Burbage, yeoman.
10a. of land part of the Lower Heath

[no title]  9/6/140  11 July 1724

Counterpart of lease for 13 years (1) Rebecca Horner of Marlborough, widow (2) James Blake of Burbage, yeoman.
Two enclosed grounds lying in a place called the Lower Sands, in Burbage, with the ancient and accustomed way to them. Rent: £8.4s.

[no title]  9/6/213  13 May 1731

Feoffment (1) Richard Grinfield of Manningford Bohun, gent., (2) John Blake of Westcott in Burbage, yeoman.
Enclosed meadow-ground called Flexfield in Westcott (1a.); enclosed arable ground called Westcott Severall, in Westcott (2a.); parcel of arable land in Rudmead (1a.1r.).
Consideration: £200.

[no title]  9/6/482  8 May 1732

Related information: See Nos. 9/6/444, 9/6/449 WSRO

(2) James Blake of Westcott in Burbage, yeoman.
3½a. of land in Bowdens.
Rent, 3s.

[no title]  9/6/484  8 May 1732

Related information: See 9/6/449 WSRO

(2) John Blake of Burbage, yeoman.
House, barn and buildings built on ground called Cheesman's Garden (½a.) formerly part of Bowdens.

[no title]  9/6/490  20 September 1737

Related information: No. 9/6/473 WSRO

Assignment of part of lease (1) William Hilliard of Burbage, yeoman, (2) Ann Blake of Salisbury, widow, (3) James Wilkins of Burbage, clerk.
Two houses, outhouses, orchard, garden, four closes (4a.) and a woman's seat in Burbage Church.
Consideration, £220 for premises freed from equity of redemption. Remainder of leasehold to bear mortgage of £300. Also (1) leases to (3) the rectorial tithes of Burbage for 5 years.

[no title]  9/6/491  24 November 1739

Related information: No. 9/6/473 WSRO

Assignment of another part of lease (1) William Hilliard, (2) Ann Blake, (3) Thomas Webb of Salisbury, innholder.
Piece of land in Hasell Ditch (15a.3r.15p.) and a piece in South Clay (23a.1r.37p.)
Consideration, £210 to (2), and £40 to (1).
Rest of leasehold to bear mortgage sum remaining.

[no title]  9/6/494  11 September 1741

Related information: No. 9/6/482 WSRO

Renewal of lease to John Blake of Westcott in Burbage, yeoman.
Fine, £35. Rent, 3s.

[no title]  9/6/496  30 June 1742

Related information: No. 9/6/473 WSRO

Assignment of the remaining part of lease (1) Ann Garrard of Salisbury, widow, daughter and administratrix of Ann Blake, (2) William Hilliard of Burbage, yeoman, (3) James Rolfe of Durley, gent.
Two closes of arable land in Frith Hays
(9a.3r.) and a close of arable in Rudmead
Consideration, £123.7s. to (1) and £23.13s. to (2), for premises freed from equity of redemption.

[no title]  9/6/392  20 May 1754

Counterpart of lease for 8 years, (1) Amor Smith of Upper Everley, cordwainer, (2) John Blake of West Court, in Burbage, yeoman.
Dwelling-house, out-houses, garden and two closes of arable called Harepath (3a.) and one close called East Sands (1a.35p.) all being in Burbage.
Rent: £8.

[no title]  9/6/214  14 February 1758

Probate of will (dated 25 May 1754) of John Blake of Bowden, in Burbage, yeoman.
Copyhold lands in Burbage. Also freehold tenement, barn, stable, backside and three arable grounds (4a.) in West Court, in Burbage.
Proved before the surrogate of the prebendary of the prebend of Husborne and Burbage, in Hants and Wilts, and sealed with the seal of the prebend.

[no title]  9/6/726  1763

Lease of land in Burbage, (described), to Frances Blake.

[no title]  9/6/215  27-28 December 1769

Lease and release to make a tenant to the precipe for suffering a recovery (1) John Blake of Westcott in Burbage, yeoman (2) George Evans of Grays Inn, Middlesex, gent., (3) Thomas Brine of Easton, yeoman.
Tenement, barn, stable, backside and garden and enclosed meadow-ground called Flexfield (1a.) and enclosed arable ground called Westcot Several (2a.) and parcel of arable land called Rudmead (1a. 1r.), all in Westcott, in Burbage.

[no title]  9/6/216  Hilary Term 1770

Exemplification of a common recovery, Thomas Brine, demandant; George Evans, gent., tenant; John Blake, vouchee to warranty; Thomas Francis Martin, common vouchee.
Messuage, garden, four acres of land and an acre of meadow in Westcot, Burbage.
Seal of Court of Common Pleas.

[no title]  9/6/592  5 April 1770

(2) John Blake of Burbage, yeoman.
Three closes of arable land called the West Severall, in West Court, in the manor of Burbage Darrells.

[no title]  9/6/217  5 April 1770

Lease for 99 years or three lives, (1) Thomas, Lord Bruce, (2) John Blake of Burbage, yeoman.
Three closes of arable land called the West Severall (6½a.), West Court, in the manor of Burbage Dorrells, formerly granted by copy of court roll dated 29 April 1728.
Consideration: £30. Rent: 4s.6d.

[no title]  9/6/218  19 September 1770

Mortgage for £400, by lease for 1,000 years, and assignment of lease for 99 years, (1) John Blake of Westcott in Burbage, yeoman, (son of John Blake, late of Westcott, yeoman, deceased, and grandson of John Blake, late of Bowden, in Burbage, yeoman, deceased).
Tenement, barn, stable, backside and garden, with enclosed meadow-ground called Flexfield (1a.) also enclosed arable ground called West Several (2a.) and parcel of arable land called Rudmead (1a.1r.) all in Burbage. These premises demised for 1,000 years.
Also three closes of arable land called the West Several (6½a.) situate in West Court in the manor of Burbage Dorrells; these premises leased for 99 years, 5 April 1770, and lease now assigned. Endorsed with further charges on said mortgage, dated 19 March 1776 and 19 December 1789. Also a Bond for payment of £400.

[no title]  9/6/610  24 June 1774

(2) John Blake of Burbage, yeoman.
Pieces of land in the manor of Burbage Esturmy.

[no title]  9/6/219  20 July 1774

Licence from Thomas, Lord Bruce, to John Blake of Burbage, yeoman, to assign to William Gale of Durley in Burbage, farmer, premises parcel of the manor of Burbage Esturmy held by lease 24 June 1774.

[no title]  9/6/617  10 October 1776

(2) John Blake of Burbage, yeoman.
Pieces of land in the manor of Burbage Esturmy.

[no title]  9/6/220  10 October 1776

Lease for 99 years or three lives, (1) Thomas, Earl of Ailesbury, (2) John Blake of Burbage, yeoman. Pieces of land in the manor of Burbage Esturmy - two half-acres in Rudmead, two acres of arable land called the West Several, three closes of arable land adjoining each other (3a.) and 1a.2r.28p. of land allowed on a former enclosure in the Marsh in lieu of two cow leazes.
Consideration: surrender of a former lease and £40.

[no title]  9/6/621  5 February 1780

Related information: No. 9/6/617 WSRO

Draft assignment of lease (1) John Blake, (2) Thomas Bright Gale of Burbage, farmer. Consideration, £135.

[no title]  9/6/221  5 February 1780

Mortgage for £135 by assignment of lease of 99 years (1) John Blake of Burbage, yeoman, (2) Thomas Bright Gale of Durley, in Burbage, farmer.
Pieces of land in the manor of Burbage Esturmy - two half-acres in Rudmead, two acres called the West Several and three closes adjoining each other (3a.); also 1a.2r.28p. of land allowed on a former enclosure in the Marsh. These had been leased to (1), 10 October 1776.

[no title]  9/6/222  27 April 1793

Agreement for conveyance, free of incumbrance, of freehold and leasehold premises, John Blake of Burbage, yeoman, and John Ward of Marlborough, gent., on behalf of the Earl of Ailesbury.
Freehold messuage in Burbage, with lands belonging; also leasehold estate in Burbage.

[no title]  9/6/223  10 October 1793

Conditions of access: lease for a year missing

Release in fee and assignment of term of 1000 years in trust to attend fee, and assignment of two terms of 99 years in trust (1) John Blake of Westcott, in Burbage, yeoman, and Mary, his wife, (2) John Moody, late of Milton Lilbourne, shop-keeper but now of Draycot FitzPayne, near Milton, (3) Thomas Bright Gale of Durley, in Burbage, farmer, (4) Thomas, Earl of Ailesbury, (5) John Ward of Marlborough, gent.
Tenement with barn, stable, backside and garden, and meadow called Flexfield (1a.), arable ground called West Several (2a.) and another called Rudmead (1a.1r.); all in Westcott, Burbage. These had been mortgaged, by demise for 1000 years, Blake to Moody, 19 September 1770, and by same mortgage three closes called West Several (6½ a.) in West Court, manor of Burbage Dorrells, had been assigned for residue of term of 99 years. £488.17s.6d. now due on said mortgage. The following pieces of land in the manor of Burbage Esturmy: two half-acres in Rudmead, two acres called the West Several and three closes adjoining each other (3a.), also 1a.2r.28p. of land allowed on a former enclosure in the Marsh. These had been mortgages, 5 February 1780, Blake and Gale, by assignment of lease for 99 years. £210.6s. now owing on this mortgage.
Now first-mentioned premises, in Westcott, are released in fee by (1) to (4) and demise for 1000 years assigned to (5) in trust for (4) and to attend the inheritance. Premises in Burbage Dorrells are assigned by (2) and premises in Burbage Esturmy assigned by (3), to (5) for residue of terms of 99 years, in trust for (4).
Consideration: £700 paid by (4) of which £88.17s.6d. is paid to (2), £210.6s. to (3) and 16s.6d. to (1). Endorsed with similar conveyance, dated 13 October 1802, made by John Blake and Mary Blake, son and widow of within-mentioned John Blake, the Earl of Ailesbury and John Ward, since John Blake, the father had died before within-mentioned conveyance had been put into execution.
There is also (separate) the lease for a year, dated 12 October 1802, for this endorsement; it is endorsed 'Thomas' Blake and '12 May 1801', but has been corrected inside.

[no title]  9/6/300  15-16 July 1751

Lease and release in fee (1) John Pike of Westcott in Burbage, cordwainer, (eldest son and heir of William Pike of the same place, cordwainer, deceased) and Elizabeth Pike of the same place (widow of said William Pike) (2) Thomas Blake of the same place, yeoman.
Dwelling-house with out-houses, garden and orchard, with three closes of meadow, meadows called Debbles and Fore Furlong, and grounds in Ley Furlong, Eastsands, the Marsh and the Great Lye; all in Westcott, in Burbage.
Consideration: £85 (which, together with a sum of £465 mentioned in indentures of assignment of even date with this release, together making up the sum of £550, is the full consideration money for absolute purchase of premises).

[no title]  9/6/301  16 July 1751

Assignment of term of 500 years, in trust to attend the fee (1) Joseph Maton of Stratford-under-the-Castle of Old Sarum, gent., (2) John Pike of Westcott in Burbage, cordwainer, (eldest son and heir of William Pike, late of the same place, cordwainer, deceased) (3) John Neale of Burbage, farrier (4) Thomas Blake of Westcott, yeoman.
Dwelling-house with cut-houses, garden and orchard, three closes of meadow, closes called Debbles and Fore Furlong and grounds in Ley Furlong, Eastsands, the Marsh and the Great Lye; all in Westcott, in Burbage.
These premises had been mortgaged by (2) by demise for 500 years, 26 September 1741; and the mortgage had since passed to (1). Now (1) assigns to (3) in trust for (4).
Consideration: £465 paid by (4) to (1) being the amount due on mortgage.

[no title]  9/6/302  14 February 1758

Probate of the will (23 December 1757) of Thomas Blake of Burbage, yeoman.
Freehold estate at Westcott in Burbage, and leasehold estates (unspecified).
Proved, 14 February 1758 before the prebendary of the prebend of Husband and Burbage.

[no title]  9/6/303  29 November 1799

Probate of the will (20 February 1799) of Thomas Blake of Burbage, yeoman.
Leasehold estate at Easton and freehold and leasehold estates at Burbage. Also household and farming goods and chattels.
Proved P.C.C. 29 November 1799.

[no title]  9/6/304  8 January 1810

Mortgage for £1,000 by demise for 500 years (1) John Blake of Burbage, yeoman (devisee in fee of the premises below mentioned under the will of his father, Thomas Blake, deceased) (2) Thomas Pearce of the same place, gent.
Dwelling-house with out-houses, garden and orchard, three closes of meadow, closes called Debbles and Fore Furlong and grounds in Ley Furlong, East Sands, the Marsh and the Great Lye; all in Westcott in Burbage.
Also, Bond for £2,000, same date and parties, conditioned for payment of said sum of £1,000.

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