Friday, January 31, 2014

Will of Robert Blake of Andover, Hampshire - The Hampshire Record Office 1678A-10, probated 24 Dec 1678

Robert Blake of Andover is the Testator. He was possibly buried at Andover although does ask to be buried at Knights Enham. The burial in the Andover Parish Register was 7 October 1678. He was buried in woolen and referred to as Mr Robert Blake. He mentions a son John but there wasn’t a John baptized to Robert Blake at Andover in this time frame. The only John is baptized by William Blake.

There are children baptized by a Mr Edward Blake (a brother Edward was mentioned in the will below) at Andover (and his wife was Margery with children John, Peter, Mary). Edward was buried 15 Mar 1653 (and he was of Charlton) and Robert speaks of his son as being under 21 at the time of writing of his will. Was this Robert Blake young (ie under 40)?

I have not done very much work on the Robert Blake line as most of it was prepared by Charlou Dolan and blogged by me earlier (I am still in the process of verifying dates with the Andover Register):

Names mentioned in the will

Robert Blake, gent, Andover, testator
Hester Blake, wife of Robert the testator
John Francis, land owner
John Blake, son of testator, under 21 years possibly as not 21 when will was written
James Blake, second son of testator’s brother Edward
Edward Blake, brother of testator, deceased
William Goodale, land owner
William Beare, land owner
Richard Dennett, land owner
John Linlay, land owner
Robert Blake, son of the testator’s brother Richard
Richard Blake, brother of testator
Joane Blake, niece, goddaughter of testator, sister of Robert (daughter of Richard)
Mary Blake, niece, sister of Robert (daughter of Richard)
Francis Lap
Mrs Abagail Blake, sister in law of testator
Mr John Taylor, brother in law of testator
Mrs Sara Taylor, wife of John Taylor
Mr Edward Pile, cousin of testatorm overseer
Mr John Taylor, father in law of testator, overseer
Samuel Spring, witness
Gabriell Hancocke, witness
George Potticary, witness
Peter Bankes, witness
Ann Holdway, witness
Thomas Feilder, accessor
Richard Butcher, accessor

Mr Edward Blake who was buried in 1653 lived at Foxcott (near Charlton and often Charlton is considered part of Foxcott and the testator mentions Charleton). I have three baptisms for Edward and Margery’s children at Andover: John baptized 19 Sep 1630, Peter baptized 25 Jun 1632 and Mary baptized 19 Mar 1633. The testator names brothers Edward and Richard. I need to do a little work on separating out the families at Andover in this time period but will read the other wills that I have for this time period first. Interestingly there is a baptism for John Blake son of Robert and Esther Blake 2 Jun 1668 at Devizes St Mary in Wiltshire.

That thought reminded me that I have been through this thinking pattern before and it is the will of Hester Blake, widow, living at Winchester who left her will which was probated 5 Oct 1689. She remembers family members in her will by the name of Taylor but does not mention her father John Taylor who is perhaps deceased but does mention her uncle William Taylor living at Eaton Wiltshire.

Hester’s will was blogged:

Thus John (son of the testator) has survived at least to 1689. I do not believe this is my ancestor who married by 1683 to Elizabeth (unknown) and I have not yet found their marriage. Their first son was John who died as an infant in 1683. In total they had eleven children but did not name even one Robert or one Hester. Although it is fascinating finding this will with an elusive John Blake who was in the right time frame I am confident that he is not my ancestor.

Would Robert and Hester have married at Devizes where there was a John baptized in 1668 (he would have been 21 when his mother died? Her aunt lived at Bromham which is just 3 miles from Devizes. Working on the other Blake wills at Andover may help to put this Robert Blake line together.

The inventory is very interesting and I have blogged it as well.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 30 Jan 2014
Source: Hampshire Record Office, 1678A-10
Testator: Robert Blake
Place: Andover, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 19 Sep 1678, probated 24 Dec 1678
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: 1678A-10

1    The Nineteenth day of Septemb[e]r in the yeere of o[u]r Lord One Thousand Sixe hundred Seventy and Eight
2    I Robert Blake of Andever in the County of South[amp]ton gent being sick and weake in body but of sound
3    and perfect mind and good memory (praised be my God) revoking all former Wills and Testam[ent]ts
4    doe make and ordine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following
5    First and before all World respects I com[m]end my Soule to God my heavenly father that gave
6    it Who of his free grace and exceeding riches of his love hath redeemed it by the blood of his onely
7    son my Saviour o[u]r Lord Jesus Christ and my body to be decently interred in the Church of
8    Knights Enham at the discretion of my executrix hereaft[e]r named to rest in assured hope to be partaker of the
9    resurrection of the Just And as concerning those goods and worldly estate w[hi]ch it hath pleased God
10    of his abundant goodness to blesse me w[i]thall I give and bestow the same in manner and forme
11    following Inprimis I give unto the poore of the Tithing of Charleton in the parish of Andover
12    aforesaid the som[m]e of Five pounds Twenty Shillings whereof to be distributed amongst them
13    at or shortly after the time of my Funerall and th[e]oth[e]r Foure pounds w[i]thin the space of One
14    yeere then next ensuing at Foure quarterly payments to be distributed amongst them at the
15    discretion of my executrix Item I give to the poore of the Borough of Andever Forty Shillings
16    to be distributed amongst them in bread at or neere the time of my Funerall at the discretion
17    of my executrix Item I give unto such preacher as shall preach my fun[er]all sermon Twenty
18    Shillings Item whereas I have formerly made a Conveyance and settlement of my lands
19    lying in Charleton aforesaid w[hi[ch] were heretyfore purchased of one John Francis unto div[er]se uses
20    herein conteined and expressed the Remainder thereof unto me my heires and assignes Now my
21    Will and meaning is that if John my onely child shall happen to decease before his age of Twenty
22    and One yeeres or marriage Then in such case I give devise and bequeath the same lands and
23    all my estate therein after my Wyves life unto James Blake (second son of my brother Edward
24    Blake deceased) his heires and assignes for ever Whereas I am seised of an estate of
25    inheritance in Fee simple of and in certeine lands lying in Charleton aforesaid being reputed to be
26    a yardlands lying in Charleton aforesaid com[m]only called by the name of Crookebeggs being
27    heretofore the lands of the Lord Sandys and also of and in certain other lands lying in Charlton
28    aforesaid w[hi]ch I have lately purchased of William Goodale William Beare Richard Dennett and John
29    Linelay I give devise and bequeath the same lands unto my son John To have and to Hold unto him
30    and to the heires of his body lawfully to be begotten But in case my son John shall happen to
31    decease before his age of Twenty and one yeeres or marriage Then in such case I give and
32    bequeath the same lands unto Hester my welbeloved wife for and during soe long time as she shall
33    live sole and unmarried And after her marriage or decease I give and devise the same unto
34    Robert Blake (son of my broth[e]r Richard Blake) his heires and assignes for ever Provided allwayes and my
35    Will and meaning is that in case the same lands shall happen to come unto the said Robert Blake
36    That then he the said Robert Blake shall w[i]thin the space of Sixe yeeres then next ensuing paye
37    unto Joane Blake my Goddaughter and sist[e]r of him the said Robert the som[m]e of One hundred pounds
38    in case she shalbe then living And in case she shalbe then dead Then my Will is that the same One
39    hundred pounds be paid unto Mary another sist[e]r of the said Robert in case she be then living And
40    my Will is that my said lands shalbe chargable and liable to the payment thereof unto them as it
41    shall happen Item I give and bequeath unto the said Joane Blake Five pounds to be paid unto
43    her at her age of Twenty and One yeeres or day of marriage w[hi]ch shall first happen the same to
44    be paid of out of such moneys as her father oweth unto me in case the same shalbe received by my
45    executrix or my son John from him the said Richard Blake her father and not otherwise to be
46    paid unto her Item I give and bequeath unto my Wife Hester the som[m]e of Two hundred pounds
47    All the rest and residuye of moneys and debts whatsoever due and owing unto me on Mortgage
48    Bonds Bills penalties or by Booke Contract or otherwise howsoever together w[i]th the whole advantange
49    benefit to be made of them or any of them for or by reason of any forfeiture or forfeitures of
    [signed with Robert Blake’s signature at the bottom of first page] Robert Blake
    [Page 2]
50    them or any of them in land or money or elsewise howsoever [obliterated]
51    chamber in Lincolnes Inne w[hi]ch I purchased of and from Francis Lap Esq[uie]r (my debts legacies
52    and funeral expencs out of the same being deducted dischardged paid) I give and bequeath
53    the same unto my son John To have and to hold unto him his heires executo[r]s administrato[r]s and
54    assignes for ever Whom I charge as the Words of a tender and loving father that as he may
55    expect the blessing of God on him and his to be obedient and dutifull unto his mother and
56    to hearken as well unto her Counsell admonition and advice as also of my Overseers
57    hereinafter named Provided all ways and my Will and meaning is that my Wife shall have the disposal
58    ordering and management in trust of all my estate aswell reall as personal herein
59    before by me given and bequeathed unto my son until such time as he shall accomplish
60    his age of Twenty and One yeeres in case she shall live soe long sole and unmarried
61    But in case she shall happen to marry Then my Will is that my son shall have the benefit
62    and the management and disposal thereof and my Wife and such second husband not to have
63    any intermeddling therew[i]th And my Will and meaning is that in eyther case my Wife
64    shalbe accomptable unto my son of such profit benefit and advantage as she shall make
65    receive and have during such her ordering disposal and management thereof she being
66    allowed and deducting and defalking out of the same all such reasonable charges expences
67    and disbursements w[hi]ch she shalbe putt onto aswell in and about the maintenance education
68    and bringing up of my son (whom I would have to be brought up in learning and in such manner
69    as my Wife shalbe thereonto advised by my Overseers hereaft[e]r named) as also in and about the
70    execution of my Trust in her reposed as aforesaid And in case my son shall happen to decease
71    before his age of Twenty and One yeeres or marriage Then all my debts personal estate and
72    benyfitt of my Mortgage herein before bequeathed unto him shall remayne unto my executrix I make
73    and ordeine my Wife to be the sole executrix of this my last Will and Testament And my Will is
74    that mourning rings shalbe given by her unto Mrs Abigail Blake my sist[e]r in law Mr John Taylor arm and unto
75    his wife Mr Richard Blake my brother and Mrs Sara Taylor my sist[e]r in law And I intreat my loving Cousin
76    Mr Edward Pile and my loving father in law Mr John Taylor theld[e]r to be Overseers of this my last
77    Will and Testament intreating them to be ayding and assisting unto my executrix in the performance of the same
78    And I give unto each of them as alsoe unto the Wife of my said Cousin Pile a mourning ring to weare in
79    remembrance of me In Wittnes Whereof I have to this my Will conteyning Two sheets of paper
80    subscribed my name to the first sheete and to the last sheete sett my hand and seale and declared the
81    same to be my last Will and Testament the day and yeere abovewritten
82    Robert Blake
83    Signed sealed and declared in the p[re]sence of Samuel Spring Gabriell Hancocke George Potticary Peter Bankes Ann (the marke of) X Holdway
84    Vicesimo quarto die mensis Decembris Anno d[omi]ni 1678
85    Probatum fuit humoi testamentum in commisa forma coram
86    venti viro Waltera Darell Sacre Theologie Professore Archi[diaco]no
87    Archinatus Winton[iensis] Comissa adue Executrici in humoi Testament
88    nominat etc de bene etc deg solvenda debita et legata etc
    Jurat p[er]sonata juxta etc Salvo ___ __________
    [Page 3]
89    A true and perfect Inventory
90    of all and Singuler the goods and Chattalls
91    of Robert Blake late of Andover in the
92    County of South[amp]ton gent deceased
93    taken and appraised the thirtieth
94    day of October in the yeere of o[u] Lord
95    1678 by us Thomas Feilder and Richard
96    Butcher whose names are under
97    written as followeth
98    I                                                                                          £      s       d
99    Impris    His Wearing appareill his Watch and Goldring    x      0       0
100        In the Kitchin   
101    Item    One long Table board and Frame   
102        One little Table board and Frame   
103        One Bacon Rack One trancher   
104        Rack Five Joynd Stooles Foure   
105        Wooden Chaires One   
106        Cupboard and Iron Jack one   
107        Iron bonk one paire of greate                    xi       xv   __
108        Andirons one paire of little   
109        Andirons one paire of Tongs   
110        One Fire pan One Fender   
111        Three Broaches Two dripping   
112        pans One paire of Bellowes   
113        One Screene and other small utensills   
114        In the Studdy   
115    Item    One deskbord and Bookes and Shelves          v       0      0
116        In the parlour   
117    Item    One Table board and Frame one   
118        little Table board and Frame one   
119        dozen of Red leather chaires   
120        One paire of Brasse Andirons                  iiij     iiij   __
121        One Fire pan and tongs One little   
122        paire of brasse Andirons Two   
123        Red Courpotts and two red Window   
124        Curtaines   
125        In the pantrey   
126    Item    One Safe one little Table board   
127        One Meals Tubb and Flower                   0        x      0
128        Tubb One little chaire one little   
129        Stoole and Frying pan and other   
130        Small utensills   
    [Page 4]
131        In the Celler   
132    Item    Seaven Barrells One   
133        powdering Tubb Three   
134        Tubbs one Silt Two kivers                   j     vj     viij
135        one Meshingvate one Tin   
136        boile Four Woodden Horses   
137        and other Small utensills   
138        In the Great Chamb[e]r   
139    Item    One Standing Bedsteed with   
140        Cord and Matt one Feather bed   
141        one Feather Bolster Two   
142        downe pillows one white   
143        Rugge One Counter paine   
144        and paire of Blancketts with   
145        curtaines and veileants Sixe                 xxvj   viiij     ij
146        Wrought Chaires Two   
147        Wrought Stooles One Couch   
148        Two little side Table boards   
149        One paire of Brasse Andirons   
150        One Brasse Fire pan one   
151        paire of Brasse Tongs Two   
152        looking Glasses One Frame   
153        with escutcheons and Armes   
154        wrought in needleworke   
155        In the Little Chamber next to the greate Chamber   
156    Item    One Standing Bedsteed with   
157        Cord and Matt one Feather bed   
158        One Feather Bolster Two   
159        Feather Pillowes One rugge   
160        One paire of Blancketts One                v     xiiij    iiij
161        Joynd Presse and One paire of   
162        Curteines and Veilants   
163        In the Chamber over the Parlour and in the Maides Chamber   
164    Item    One Standing Bedsteed with   
165        Cord and Matt Curtaines   
166        veilants rods and one Feather Bed and   
167        Bolster Two Feather Pillowes   
168        and rugge Two Blanketts One   
169        Chest of drawers Three   
170        Trunkes One wicker Chaire and three        xij      vij     __
171        other chaires and one looking Glasse   
172        One low Bedsteed Two Feather Beds   
173        Two Feather Bolsters Two Feather   
174        Pillowes Two ruggs Two paire of   
175        Blancketts and other small utensills   
    [Page 5]
176    Item    In plate                               xij        0       0
177    Item    In Linnen                              x          0        0
178    Item    In Pewter                              vij        x        0
179    Item    In Brasse                             ij          x        0
180    Item    One Horse with Saddle and Bridle     ij          x        0
181        In the Backside   
182    Item    In Wood                                       x         0        0
183    Item    In Hay                                     iij          0        0
184    Item    Corne in the Barne                    iij          0        0
185    Item    Two Stockes of Bees                     0          xij       0
186    Item    A Bedsteed and Bedding at his   
187        Chamb[e]r in Lincolns Inne            ij            x       0
188    Item    In Spereits debts and upon   
189        Bonds Bills Mortgages and other              d          0        0
190        Specilties   
191        The somme of this Inventory comes to     dcxxi   xvij     v
192        In desperate debts                     cl          0        0
193    Item    for things forgotten                   iij          0         0
194        Thomas Feilder   
195        Richard Butcher   
196        Sum total                             775        18      8

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