Friday, January 31, 2014

Will of Jone Blake, widow, Upton, Hurstbourne Tarrant, Hampshire - The Hampshire Record Office 1696A-014, probated 13 May 1696

The testator is Joan Blake, widow of Upton, Hurstbourne Tarrant in Hampshire. In her will she only mentions the children of her daughters.This one also has an interesting inventory.

Names mentioned in the will:

Jone Blake, testator, Upton, Hurstbourne Tarrant
John Salmon, son in law
Dorothy Salmon, daughter
Elizabeth Salmon, grand daughter
John Salmon, grandson
Ann Salmon, grand daughter
John Woollridg, grandson
Francis Woollridg, daughter, executrix
Thomas Woollridge, witness
Thomas Nalder, witness
Francis Nalder, witness, accessor
John Blake, accessor

One of the descendants of Robert Blake (son of Nicholas who left his will in 1547 at Enham) and he was descended of John Blake the Elder and named John living at Upton as he died there before 25 Feb 1605 and his will is to come; he is mentioned by Charlou Dolan:

This John who left his will at Upton is traced down with his children named (by Charlou) as Agnes, Christian, Elizabeth and John.

There is a place called Blakes at Hurstbourne Tarrant and it is a Grade II building.

A list I found online listing Blake and a date (will check these out so am saving them to the blog):

BLAKE Elizabeth         20 Jul  1795                    HURSTBOURNE TARRANT
BLAKE John              15 Aug  1558                    HURSTBOURNE TARRANT
BLAKE John              27 Oct  1673                    HURSTBOURNE TARRANT
BLAKE John              12 May  1773                    HURSTBOURNE TARRANT
BLAKE John.Mr.          21 Jun  1664                    HURSTBOURNE TARRANT
BLAKE Mary              18 Nov  1775                    HURSTBOURNE TARRANT
BLAKE Mary              9 May  1785                     HURSTBOURNE TARRANT
BLAKE Mary              29 Apr  1811                    HURSTBOURNE TARRANT
BLAKE Mary              9 Apr  1780                     HURSTBOURNE PRIORS
BLAKE Peter             24 Jun  1677                    HURSTBOURNE TARRANT
BLAKE Sarah             14 Nov  1607                    HURSTBOURNE PRIORS
BLAKE Sarah             18 Jan  1787                    HURSTBOURNE PRIORS
BLAKE Thomas            19 Oct  1601                    HURSTBOURNE TARRANT
BLAKE Thomas            22 Dec  1806                    HURSTBOURNE TARRANT
BLAKE Thomas            12 May  1756                    HURSTBOURNE PRIORS
BLAKE Thomas            12 Jun  1780                    HURSTBOURNE PRIORS
BLAKE Thomas            29 May  1784                    HURSTBOURNE PRIORS
BLAKE William           9 May  1749                     HURSTBOURNE TARRANT
BLAKE William           19 Jul  1779                    HURSTBOURNE TARRANT

This is the Frewin/Frewen/Fruin/Fruen Website and is a collection of material for this family. I could not find the header page for the above information as I just discovered that you can not see the source code for a page in Firefox.

Checking Family Search, Find My Past and no sign of the Salmon family with Dorothy as mother. I will wait for more wills to be blogged in the Upton area.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 31 Jan 2014
Source: Hampshire Record Office, 1696A-014
Testator: Jone Blake
Place: Upton, Hurstbourne Tarrant, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 29 Jan 1690, probated 13 May 1696
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: 1696A-014

1    In the name of god Amen the nine and Twentith day of January
2    In The yeare of our lord god one Thousand Six hundred and
3    nintie I Jone Blake of Upton in the parish of Husborn Tarrant
4    in the County of South[ampto]n of sound and perfect memory thankes
5    to allmigty god for the same doe make and constitute this my
6    Last will and Testament in maner and forme following that is
7    To say First and principally I comitt my soul unto
8    Allmighty god my mercyfull Creator hopeing for for mercy
9    and pardon for my sines and eternall life through the merits of
10    Jesus Christ my Blessed Saviour and Redeemer and my Body to
11    The Earth from whenc it was Taken and to be buried in such A decent
12    and Christian like maner as to my executo[r]s hereafter named
13    Shall be thought fit and convenient And as for such wordly Estat
14    which the Lord in mercy have Lent me my will and meaning is this
15    Should be impleyed and bestowed as here in this my Last Will and
16    Testament is expressed Item I give unto John Salmon my
17    sonn in law one Shilling It[e]m I give unto John Salmon wife
18    That is my daughter Dorithy one Shilling Item I give unto
19    John Salmons daughter Elizabeth my grand Child
20    Five Shillings Item I give unto John Salmon and Ann Salmon my
21    grand Children one Shilling A peece It[e]m I give unto John
22    Woollridg my grand Child my Bigest Bras pot and one Flagon,
23    and all the Rest of my goodes and Chattells whatsoe ever I
24    give unto my daughter Francis Woollridg whom I make my
25    Sole Executrix of this my Last will and Testament
26    In witness where of I have hereunto sett my hand
27    and Seall The day and yeare Above written
28    Jone Blake
29    S
30    her mark
31    Thomas Woollridg
32    Francis Nalder  N his marke
33    Thomas Nalder
34    13 May 1696
35    Jurat Joh[ann]es Wooldridge
36    _____ Executricij
37    Coram ____ Tho: Claverbuck
    [Page 2]
38    A True and perfect Inventary of all ye goods
39    and Chattells Moveable and UnMoveable of Joan
40    Blake late dec[ease]d of Upton in ye parish of
41    Husburne Tarrant in the County of South[amp]ton
43    Widdow made ye Fifth day of Aprill anno domini
44    1696 as followeth
45    Imprimis    all her wearing apparel   
46        and p[re]sent Money                     01     10      00
47    Item    in ye deceased Chamber one bed   
48        bed stead and all other furniture    04     11         6
49        belonging w[i]th 3 coffers and 1 Box   
50    Item    in ye hall 1 Table Board 1 Cupboard   
51        3 Chairs 1 forme 1 Iron spit 2 andirons    00      14      06
52        1 Toasting iron w[i]th other Lumber   
53    Item    in ye Kitching is disher of Pewter   
54        1 Flaggon 2 potts 1 Kettle 1 Skillett    01        09     06
55        and a Furnace of Brass   
56    Item    in ye Chamber over ye Kitching   
57        one boil and low bedstead with all    01        10     00
58        furniture belonging to itt   
59    Item    in ye Buttery 2 Barrells 2 kivers    00          16   00
60        2 Table and other lumber   
61    Item    1 great Bible book w[i]th all other    00          03    06
62        odd lumber Whatsoever   
63        The Whole sum is                    10       15      00
65        Francis Nallder   
66        John Blake   

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