Friday, February 14, 2014

Olympics - Week 2

This first week past at the Olympics in Sochi Russia has been really exciting. Canada was for half of a day at the top of the medal count - a new first for us. Our athletes are making us proud doing their best and waving the flag in the best way possible. It was certainly a wonderful happening to see one of our athletes give up his spot in speed skating to his teammate. What comradeship he displayed and it was repaid to him a hundredfold by the silver medal which his team mate received.

I do not have a favourite sport in the Olympics I just like to see our athletes taking part. Twenty five countries have now won at least one medal and I hope that list doubles and triples before the end of the games so that more and more of us around the world can share the achievements of our young people and not so young on occasion.

Back to the Olympics once again. Although I must admit I have done a little will transcription but it will be at least another week before I post one of them. I am working on the Penton Mewsey wills and trying to sort my way through them. From Robert Blake's will (brother to Nicholas and I call him the Robert Blake founder line along with the Nicholas Blake founder line which appears to be mine because I still do not know for sure the forename of Jone Blake's husband). He is not the Robert Blake who left his will in 1522 but could he be the Richard Blake who also left his will in 1522? I hope to spend a little time cleaning up those two wills and publishing the one not yet published. I think the Manor Books of Penton Mewsey might be helpful but I do not have copies of those.

From British History Online


Penitone (xi cent.); Penintona (xii cent.); Penyton Meysi, Penitune Meysi (xiii cent.); Penyngton Meysy (xiv cent.); Pennyngton Mewsey (xvii cent.).

The total area of the parish of Penton Mewsey is 1,059 acres, of which 822 acres are arable, 175 acres permanent grass and 46 acres woods and plantations. (fn. 1) The soil is light, the subsoil chalk, and there are several chalk-pits. (fn. 2) The principal crops are wheat, barley, oats and turnips. The height of the parish above sea level averages about 250 ft., and rarely reaches more than 300 ft. The following description of the place is by the Rev. R. H. Clutterbuck, F.S.A., who was rector here from 1890 until his death in 1896, and made useful contributions to the history of the neighbourhood:—
'Penton Mewsey is built along the bottom of a little tongueshaped valley running nearly north and south, the slopes of which are much sharper when facing to the west than to the east. This valley is stopped at its southern end by the line of hill which projects into the basin of the Anton, which is best known from the fair held on its crest at Weyhill. At the foot of this line of hills lies the course of the little stream, a tributary of the Anton, which though now generally dry at Penton makes itself conspicuous at the "Perills" at Charlton and joins the other branch of the river in the water-meadows at Enham Knights. A small pond, never dry, but to which cling traditions of occasional disagreeable behaviour, marks the spring, and as a general rule keeps to itself the representative character, as if it personified the stream which doubtless attracted the Saxon landholders to its banks.' (fn. 3)

A road, known at various stages as Chalkcroft Lane, Harroway Lane and Short Lane, runs due north and south and forms the village street, crossing at right angles the road from Weyhill to Charlton, which skirts the south side of Penton Park, and meeting the high road from Andover to Devizes.

The following place-names in Penton Mewsey are mentioned in early documents: 'le Hangere' (xiv cent.) (fn. 4) ; 'Brokeslade,' 'le Hethhows,' 'Symone hostilers,' 'le Queenes tenement' (xv cent.) (fn. 5) ; 'Smaleherepathe,' 'Langelonde,' 'la Dene,' 'la Marliere.' (fn. 6)

The manor of PENTON MEWSEY, which before the Conquest had been held by Osmund as an alod of King Edward, was at the time of the Domesday Survey in the possession of Turald, who held of Roger de Montgomery Earl of Shrewsbury. (fn. 7) Like the estate in Houghton, afterwards known as Houghton Drayton, which in 1086 was held by the same Turald of the Earl of Shrewsbury, (fn. 8) Penton Mewsey subsequently formed parcel of the honour of Gloucester. Thus in the Testa de Nevill Robert de Meysey is entered as holding half a knight's fee there of that honour. (fn. 9) Again, after the death of Robert de Meysey his lands in Penton were at first taken into the hands of the king, (fn. 10) who was at that time custodian of the lands of Gilbert de Clare, late Earl of Gloucester, (fn. 11) but were in 1233 restored to his nephew and namesake Robert de Meysey, of whom he had held them. (fn. 12) The Assize Roll of 1280 confirms the evidence of the Testa de Nevill, (fn. 13) and at the death of Gilbert de Clare seventh Earl of Gloucester in 1295 Richard de Meysey held of him a fee in 'Peninton by Andever.' (fn. 14)

The overlordship continued with the Earls of Gloucester and Hertford and their descendants, the Earls of Stafford and the Dukes of Buckingham, until the latter part of the 15th century, when the right fell into abeyance. (fn. 15)

The fee was held by the Meyseys of the honour of Gloucester until the end of the 13th century, (fn. 16) when it passed to the baronial family of St. Maur, by reason, doubtless, of the marriage of Nicholas de St. Maur, who died in 1316, with Eve de Meysey, an heiress. (fn. 17) The manor was held of the heirs of this house at first as intermediate lords, and afterwards as overlords, as late as 1610. (fn. 18)

Subinfeudation appears to have taken place at an early date. The Robert who held Penton in 1167 (fn. 19) was perhaps a Meysey, and from the Close Roll of 1233 it appears that at that time Robert de Meysey was holding of his nephew and namesake. Who was his immediate successor is uncertain, but the estate appears split up among various owners shortly after this date.

In 1256 Roger de Leyston and Nichola his wife granted a virgate and 10 acres of land in Penton Mewsey to Henry de Harnhill and Joan his wife, (fn. 20) who may have been the Lady Joan of Harnhill whom Walter le Munck calles 'his lady' in an undated charter. (fn. 21) Three years later the same Roger and Nichola conveyed to Walter le Gras and Agnes the eighth part of a knight's fee in Penton Mewsey. To this transaction Robert de Meysey was a witness. (fn. 22) In 1274 Walter le Gras granted John Hundeshayward and Maud his wife a messuage and pasture land formerly held from Lady Maud de Seyntebeide. (fn. 23) The subsequent history of this estate has not been ascertained, nor is it clear who was Lady de Seyntebeide, though she may have been the wife of one of the Meyseys remarried. It seems probable, however, that this holding came into the possession of Robert de Harnhill, who was holding part of the vill in 1316. (fn. 24)

In 1278 Robert Durdant granted to Thomas le Rychet (le Riche) of Andover and Alice his wife the daughter of Robert certain lands and tenements with the advowson. (fn. 25) This was not the whole of the Durdants' holding in Penton Mewsey, for in 1293 Nicholas Durdant died seised of land there held of the fee of Robert de Meysey. (fn. 26) In 1316 a part of the vill was held by Alice, late the wife of Thomas le Riche, (fn. 27) and six years later Thomas le Riche granted his estate in Penton Mewsey to Henry de Harnhill tor life. (fn. 28) This must at some time have been made an absolute sale, for the Riches appear no more as holding land here and the Harnhills were evidently acquiring all the land held of the Meysey fee. (fn. 29) In 1323 Robert de Harnhill was returned as having died seised of a messuage, garden and curtilage in Penton Mewsey with the advowson, rents of assize and perquisites of court, (fn. 30) and twenty years later his son Henry de Harnhill by a fine with Geoffrey de Weston, parson of Harnhill, settled the manor and advowson on himself, with remainder to John de Wynton and Joan his wife, and the heirs of her body, with remainder in default to Sir John de Stonor and the heirs male of his body. (fn. 31) Sir John de Stonor was the son of Sir Richard de Stonor, who had married Margaret daughter and heir of Sir John de Harnhill. (fn. 32) Henry de Harnhill must have died very soon after making this settlement, for in 1346 John de Wynton was, with Richard Peverell, returned as holding Robert de Harnhill's half-fee. (fn. 33) Edmund de Stonor son of Sir John (fn. 34) was lord of the manor in 1373, (fn. 35) and his son John (fn. 36) died seised thereof in 1383, (fn. 37) being succeeded by his brother, Sir Ralph Stonor, who died seised in 1395. (fn. 38) Gilbert the son and heir of Sir Ralph apparently died young without issue and was succeeded by his brother Thomas, who enfeoffed Thomas Chaucer of Ewelme (co. Oxon.) and others of the manor, (fn. 39) and died in 1430. (fn. 40) This Thomas Chaucer, who held a quarter of a fee in Penton Mewsey in 1431, (fn. 41) in the following year with John Golafre, John Warefelde and Thomas Bardesley granted the manor to Alice widow of Thomas Stonor. (fn. 42) The Stonors appear to have made this the chief of their Hampshire manors, for in a grant of Shipton Bellinger, dated in 1504, the latter is said to be held of Thomas Stonor as of his manor of Penton Mewsey. (fn. 43) Sir William Stonor, grandson of Thomas, died seised of the manor in 1494. (fn. 44) His mother Joan died shortly afterwards. (fn. 45) The death, in his infancy and childless, of John Stonor, Sir William's son and heir, led to dissensions. The real heir was Anne Stonor, only daughter of Sir William and wife of Adrian Fortescue; but Thomas Stonor, brother of Sir William, claimed certain estates by virtue of an alleged settlement in tail male. In the statute by which the dispute was brought to a close (fn. 46) there is no mention of Penton Mewsey, but in an undated Chancery bill Sir Adrian Fortescue and his wife are found claiming evidences concerning the manor of Penton Mewsey and other premises which had been entrusted to Thomas Hobbes, warden of All Souls' College, by Sir William Stonor. (fn. 47) In 1536, however, all rights were quitclaimed to Sir Walter Stonor, son and heir of Thomas the disputant. (fn. 48) In 1559 Elizabeth widow of Sir Walter Stonor, together with Francis Stonor, heir of Sir Walter, sold the reversion of the manor and advowson of Penton Mewsey to Walter Loveden of Fyfield (co. Berks.), who died seised in 1580. (fn. 49) A year later his son, Walter Loveden, died so seised, leaving a brother and heir, John Loveden, aged seventeen, (fn. 50) and very shortly afterwards the premises passed to Francis Culpepper of Hollingbourne (co. Kent), who died seised thereof in 1590, leaving a son and heir John. (fn. 51) From the inquest held after the death of John Culpepper, who died in 1607, it appears that he held the manor in chief as of the inheritance of Thomas Seymour, and a messuage and carucate of land, later belonging to William Peverell, as of the honour of Gloucester. There was also a yearly rent-charge of £30 reserved to Francis Stonor and his heirs for ever. (fn. 52) In 1654 Thomas Allen of Ewelme (co. Oxon.) petitioned against the sequestration of this rent for the recusancy of the late William Stonor, having purchased the same for £400 of Thomas Stonor his son. (fn. 53) Sir Thomas Culpepper son of John (fn. 54) died seised of the manor in 1639, leaving a son and heir John, aged five. (fn. 55) Data for the immediate subsequent history of the manor are lacking, but it eventually became the property of the Pollens of Andover, who rose to prominence in the neighbourhood towards the end of the 17th century.

Disconnected references to the Peverells as holding land here for at least two centuries are found, but the statements as to how they held it are contradictory. In 1316 John Peverell was one of the three holders of the vill, (fn. 62) and eight years later his wood of Penton Mewsey in the forest of Chute and Finkley, taken into the king's hand for trespass of vert and venison, was ordered to be replevied to him. (fn. 63) In 1346 Richard Peverell appears as sharing Penton Mewsey with John de Wynton. (fn. 64) The name occurs no more in the 'Feudal Aids' in connexion with this place, but in 1362 Sir Henry Peverell died seised of a messuage and a carucate of land there which he held of the king in chief by service of 8s. and two quarters of salt, (fn. 65) and in 1505 Thomas Peverell son and heir of William Peverell died seised of the same premises, held of the king as of the Duchy of Lancaster. (fn. 66) He left an infant son and heir William, who apparently parted with the estate, for John Culpepper, who died lord of the manor in 1607, also possessed a carucate of land which had lately belonged to William Peverell, and was said to be held by knights' service of the king as of his honour of Gloucester. (fn. 67)

1     Statistics from Bd. of Agric. (1905).
2     V.C.H. Hants, i, Geological Map.
3     Clutterbuck, Notes on the Parishes of Fyfield, Kimpton, Penton Mewsey, Weyhill and Wherwell, 188.
4     Inq. p.m. 37 Edw. III, no. 15.
5     Ct. R. portf. 227, no. 103.
6     Anct. D. (P.R.O.), C 2296.
7     V.C.H. Hants, i, 477.
8     Ibid. iii, 415.
9     Testa de Nevill (Rec. Com.), 235b.
10     Excerpta e Rot. Fin. (Rec. Com.), i, 237.
11     Gilbert's son and heir Richard was at this date a minor in the king's ward (G.E.C. Complete Peerage, iv, 40).
12     Cal. Close, 1231–4, p. 199.
13     Assize R. 789, m. 14 d.
14     Inq. p.m. 24 Edw. I, no. 107a.
15     Ibid. 16 Ric. II, pt. i, no. 27; 22 Ric. II, no. 46; 38 & 39 Hen. VI, no. 59. Mr. Round points out that the whole holding of the Meyseys under the Earls of Gloucester was no less than eight fees, and that they similarly gave their name to Meysey Hampton (co. Glouc.), the head of their holding, which passed like Penton Mewsey to the St. Maurs.
16     In 1293 Nicholas de Durdant died seised of land at Penton held of Robert de Meysey's fee (Inq. p.m. 21 Edw. I, no. 21).
17     Dugdale, Baronage, ii, 89. Whose daughter she was does not appear and the Meysey pedigree is obscure.
18     Inq. p.m. 17 Edw. II, no. 28; 5 Ric. II, no. 53; 13 Ric. II, no. 48; 18 Ric. II, no. 39; 9 Hen. VI, no. 22; W. and L. Inq. p.m. xxxiv, 82.
19     Pipe R. 13 Hen. II (Pipe Roll Soc), 184.
20     Feet of F. Hants, Hil. 40 Hen. III.
21     Anct. D. (P.R.O.), C 2296.
22     Feet of F. Hants, East. 43 Hen. III.
23     Anct. D. (P.R.O.), C 2721.
24     Feud. Aids, ii, 312.
25     Anct. D. (P.R.O.), C 78; cf. Feet of F. Hants, Mich. 14 Edw. I.
26     Inq. p.m. 21 Edw. I, no. 21.
27     Feud. Aids, ii, 312.
28     Anct. D. (P.R.O.), C 3276.
29     For the Peverells vide infra.
30     Inq. p.m. 17 Edw. II, no. 28. He probably died before Thomas le Riche's grant to Henry de Harnhill in 1322.
31     Feet of F. Hants, Mich. 16 Edw. III.
32     Nash, Hist. of Worcs, i, 2.
33     Feud. Aids, ii, 325. This is probably erroneous. The Peverells' estate was quite distinct from the Harnhills'.
34     Inq. p.m. 35 Edw. III, pt. ii, no. 57.
35     Anct. D. (P.R.O.), C 3704. 'Demise by Edmund de Stonore lord of Penyton Meisy to Thomas Caunterbury, Alice his wife and Edward their son for their lives of a messuage, land and cottage, etc., in Penyton aforesaid, paying 8s. yearly, doing suit at the court of Penyton, and ploughing yearly the fourth part of an acre as "grasherthe," for each horse, ox or cow which they have pasturing within the lordship of the said town; they are also to keep the buildings in repair, and pay a heriot whenever due, &c. Stonore, 1 Oct. 47 Edw. III.' A little while before this a small estate which had not been acquired by the Harnhills came to the Stonors. In 1363 Robert Brous was found to have been seised of a tenement in Penton Mewsey called 'Le Hangere' (Inq. p.m. 37 Edw. III, no. 15). The next year John Mathew and his wife quitclaimed to John Cordray, clerk, a toft, land, meadow, wood and 12d. rent there (Feet of F. Hants, East. 38 Edw. III), and in 1367 Cordray granted to Edmund Stonor these premises together with the advowson and whatever lands and tenements had lately belonged to Walter Brous or John Mathew and Alice his wife (Anct. D. [P.R.O.], C 2208).
36     Edmund died in 1382 (Inq. p.m. 5 Ric. II, no. 53).
37     Ibid. 13 Ric. II, no. 48.
38     Ibid. 18 Ric. II, no. 39. According to an inquisition taken in 1430 or 1431 Sir Robert Belknap forfeited the manor and advowson of Penton Mewsey in 1388 (ibid. 9 Hen. VI, no. 61). Sir Ralph Stonor married Joan daughter of Sir Robert Belknap, who presumably had the premises in trust. In 1391 Ralph Stonor granted the manor and advowson to William Sutton and others (Close, 14 Ric. II, m. 38 d.).
39     Anct. D. (P.R.O.), C 3536. 'Demise by Thomas de Stonore, esquire, and Thomas Chaucer, with others, enfeoffed by the said Thomas de Stonore in the manor of Penyton Meysy to William Whythygg of Enam, of the said manor of Penyton Meysy, except the woods and the advowson of the church there, for seven years from Michaelmas next, paying £22 yearly; the grantee to keep the houses of the said manor in repair, except the hall, kitchen, bakehouse and a building called "le Knyght Chambre," now ruinous, which Thomas and his feoffees are to repair within the first year.'
40     Inq. p.m. 9 Hen. VI, no. 22.
41     Feud. Aids, ii, 370.
42     Anct. D. (P.R.O.), C 401.
43     Chan. Inq. p.m. (Ser. 2), xviii, 24.
44     Ibid. ix, 91.
45     Ibid. x, 52.
46     See Stat. of the Realm, 28 Hen. VIII, cap. 36.
47     Early Chan. Proc. bdle. 200, no. 35.
48     Feet of F. Hants, 28 Hen. VIII.
49     Chan. Inq. p.m. (Ser. 2), cxci, 102.
50     Ibid. cxcvi, 47.
51     Ibid. ccxxix, 125.
52     W. and L. Inq. p.m. xxxiv, 82; cf. Feet of F. Div. Co. Hil. 19 Jas. 1; Recov. R. East. 6 Chas. I, rot. 37; Hil. 1653, rot. 27.
53     Cal. Com. for Comp. 3070.
54     He had succeeded to the manor before 1630 (Recov. R. East. 6 Chas. I, rot. 37). His elder brother John evidently died without issue.
55     Chan. Inq. p.m. (Ser. 2), dlxxxiv, 78.
56     Inst. Bks. (P.R.O.).
57     Recov. R. Mich. 8 Geo. I, rot. 242.
58     Close, 9 Geo. I, pt. xii, no. 5.
59     Recov. R. East. 23 Geo. III, rot. 26.
60     Gent. Mag. lxii, 1218.
61     There was a proviso in Sir Sydney's will that his lands should never merge with the Kingston property which was inherited by his nephew, Charles Meadows (afterwards Pierrepont), created Earl Manvers in 1806.
62     Feud. Aids, ii, 312.
63     Cal. Close, 1323–7, p. 179.
64     Feud. Aids, ii, 325.
65     Inq. p.m. 36 Edw. III, pt. ii (1st nos.), no. 24.
66     Chan. Inq. p.m. (Ser. 2), xviii, 4.
67     W. and L. Inq. p.m. xxxiv, 82.

I can not really pick out anything in the writeup on Penton Mewsey that helps me in my quest but found myself also noting a couple of items about Knights Enham.  Penton Mewsey is 2 miles west of Knights Enham and both above Andover and both were farmed by the Blake family in this early time period and principally the Robert Blake line as I am prone to call the two brothers. The Nicholas Blake line does end up at Eastontown which is to the east of Andover.

From British History Online


Etham (xi cent.); Enham Knights, Enham militis (xiii cent.); Ennam militis (xiv cent.); Enam (xv cent.).

Knights Enham is a parish bounded on all sides by Andover. There are three detached portions, all lying eastwards of the main parish. The total area is 794 acres. The soil is chiefly light loam and gravel, the subsoil is chalk, (fn. 1) and there are several disused chalk-pits. Bilgrove Copse and Little Bilgrove Copse are the principal woodlands. The name occurs in the 14th century. (fn. 2) Nearly the whole of the land is arable. The chief crops produced are wheat, barley, oats, sainfoin and turnips.

Hungerford Lane, which follows closely the site of the Roman road from Cirencester to Winchester, cuts through the south-eastern extremity of the parish. This is crossed at right angles by the road from Andover to Newbury, which passes through the east of the parish and skirts Enham Park.

The highest part of the parish is in the north and stands about 335 ft. above ordnance datum, the southern part of the parish, where rises a tributary of the Anton, being low and swampy.


At the time of Domesday ENHAM was divided into two equal holdings, each assessed at a hide and a half and held respectively by Sariz and Alsi Berchenistre. (fn. 3) It is difficult to say whether both these entries should be assigned to KNIGHTS ENHAM or one to King's Enham in Andover, but it is probable that they both refer to Knights Enham, as two centuries after Domesday there were still two manorial holdings of equal value in the parish. At the beginning of the 13 th century the overlordship belonged to Avice de Columbers. (fn. 4) From her it descended to Matthew de Columbers, who died in 1273 seised of a knight's fee and a half in Enham and Crux Easton, held of the king in chief. (fn. 5) He was succeeded in his estates by his brother, Michael de Columbers, whose daughter and heir Nichola brought them by marriage to the Lisles of the Isle of Wight. (fn. 8) In 1315 the manor of Enham was held of John de Lisle by service of doing suit at Chute court, (fn. 7) and in 1346 of Bartholomew de Lisle. (fn. 8) At the end of the 15 th century it was said, like so many neighbouring manors, to be held of the freemen of Andover by fealty. (fn. 9)

In 1167 and again in 1168 Geoffrey the son of Morin paid half a mark into the treasury for Enham, (fn. 10) and he was probably at the time holding one of the two Domesday estates. Ralph Sansaver was one of the joint holders of the vill at the beginning of the 13th century, holding under Avice de Columbers, (fn. 11) and it is probable that he had obtained his estate by his marriage with the niece and heir of Richard Morin. (fn. 12) His fellow holder was William de Torney. (fn. 13) In the Assize Roll of 1280 Hugh Sansaver and Roger de Calstone, lord of Calstone (co. Wilts.), are named as holding half a fee in Enham of Matthew de Columbers. (fn. 14) In the same year Hugh Sansaver granted all his manor of Enham, with its appurtenances and his lands, tenements and rents in that manor and in the town of Andover, to Simon Torney, who was probably a descendant of the Testa de Nevill holder, at a rent of £10, (fn. 15) of which he was in receipt at his death in 1283. (fn. 16) Roger de Calstone died a few years later in receipt of rent for his manor from Robert Burnell, Bishop of Bath and Wells and Chancellor of England, who held it in fee. (fn. 17) At his death in 1292 the bishop was found to have held the manor of the heirs of Roger de Calstone, (fn. 18) but his nephew and heir Philip Burnell, who died a year later, was said to have held a moiety from Roger son of Roger de Calstone, and a moiety from Sir Ralph Sansaver, son of Hugh. (fn. 19) If this is a true finding the land of Simon de Torney must have passed by some means to the Burnells, who united the two parts into one manor. After this the manor was held directly of the chief lords, and no further mention is found of the Sansavers; but in 1335 Roger de Calstone quitclaimed a rent of £10 to John de Handlo, (fn. 20) then lord of the manor, who, a few years later, granted an equivalent rent to Queen's College, Oxford (see advowson). Edward son and heir of Philip Burnell died seised of the manor about 1315, (fn. 21) his heir being his sister Maud, widow of John Lovel second Lord Lovel of Titchmarsh. By 1316 she had become the wife of John de Handlo, who held Knights Enham on his wife's behalf. (fn. 22) Handlo had the manor during his life; and in 1322 a commission of oyer and terminer was granted on his complaint that certain persons had broken into it and driven away his horses, cattle and sheep. (fn. 23) He outlived his wife, and died in 1346, when the manor remained to her son John Lovel, third Lord Lovel. (fn. 24) He died in 1347, after demising the manor for life to his cousin Sir Ralph Lovel. (fn. 25) On the death of the latter in 1362 (fn. 26) the king granted the manor, at a yearly rent of £6, to Peter de Bridges, to hold during the minority of the heir John fifth Lord Lovel, (fn. 27) who came of age in the following year, and in 1389–90 granted the manor to Sir John Sandys and Joan his wife. (fn. 28) Walter Sandys is named in 1428 as holding the half-fee which had formerly belonged to John Lovel. (fn. 29) His grandson, Sir William Sandys, died seised of the manor jointly with his wife in 1496, before which date it had been entailed on them and their heirs. (fn. 30) His descendants, the Lords Sandys of the Vyne, continued to hold it until the middle of the 17th century. (fn. 31)

1     V.C.H. Hants, i, Geological Map.
2     Inq. p.m. 20 Edw. III (1st nos.), no. 51.
3     Alwin and Ulveva had held them as two alods of the Confessor. The monks of the old minster at Winchester had a mortgage of £12 'which a man now dead demised to them,' either on the second holding, or on both taken together (V.C.H. Hants, i, 506).
4     Testa de Nevill (Rec. Com.), 234. Enham is here erroneously written 'Cuh'm.'
5     Inq. p.m. 2 Edw. I, no. 57.
6     De Banc. R. 422, m. 319.
7     Inq. p.m. 9 Edw. II, no. 67.
8     Ibid. 20 Edw. III (1st nos.), no. 51.
9     Chan. Inq. p.m. (Ser. 2), xi, 110.
10     Pipe R. 13 Hen. II (Pipe R. Soc), 185; 14 Hen. II, 178.
11     Testa de Nevill (Rec. Com.), 234. See also Feet of F. Hants, Hil. 33 Hen. III.
12     Excerpta e Rot. Fin. (Rec. Com.), i, 190.
13     Testa de Nevill (Rec. Com.), 169.
14     Assize R. 789, m. 14 d.
15     Add. Chart. 7735.
16     Inq. p.m. 12 Edw. I, no. 18.
17     Ibid. 20 Edw. I, no. 14.
18     Ibid. 21 Edw. I, no. 50.
19     Ibid. 22 Edw. I, no. 45c.
20     Feet of F. Hants, Trin. 9 Edw. III.
21     Inq. p.m. 9 Edw. II, no. 67.
22     Feud. Aids, ii, 312.
23     Cal. Pat. 1321–4, pp. 163, 234.
24     Inq. p.m. 20 Edw. III (1st nos.), no. 51; Feud. Aids, ii, 325.
25     Vide De Banc. R. 357, m. 54.
26     Inq. p.m. 36 Edw. III, pt. i, no. 108.
27     Abbrev. Rot. Orig. (Rec. Com.), ii, 272. He was the second son of the third Lord Lovel. His elder brother, also called John, died unmarried and under age in 1361 (G.E.C. Complete Peerage, v, 164).
28     Close, 13 Ric. II, pt. i, m. 22 d.
29     Feud. Aids, ii, 347.
30     Chan. Inq. p.m. (Ser. 2), xi, 110.
31     Recov. R. Mich. 4 Edw. VI, rot. 535; Mich. 42 Eliz. rot. 172; Trin. 1649, rot. 42; Feet of F. Div. Co. Trin. 1649.

The two bolded and italic items within the text are known from the wills that were written in this time period. The first item mentions that the lands were held by the freemen of Andover by fealty. My Blake line does appear to be at Andover for most of the time.

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